Rencontres de l'ISM : bannière

Dr. Gabriel LOGET


Dr. Gabriel LOGET a rejoint l'équipe NSysA de l'ISM. Bienvenue à lui ! Nous l'invitons à présenter ses travaux aux Rencontres de l'ISM, le mardi 12 mars.

Dr. Gabriel LOGET


"Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) Photoelectrodes: From Energy to Luminescence "

Photoelectrochemistry at semiconductor electrodes is a wide field of research that combines photon absorption and electrochemical charge transfer. The simultaneous occurrence of both these stimuli at the solid/liquid interface allows for triggering electrochemical reactions with a considerably lowered energy input. So far, this phenomenon has been proven very promising for solar-to-fuel conversion applications (e.g., water splitting or CO2 reduction).[1] In this presentation, I will present the recent progress of our group in the understanding of Si-based metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) photoanodes for solar-to-fuel conversion.[2] On the other hand, electrochemiluminescence (ECL) is a light-emitting process and a powerful tool in analytical chemistry. This phenomenon is induced by the excited state of a luminophore, which is generated by an electrochemical reaction at an electrode surface.[3] Thus, photoelectrochemistry at semiconductors is a process where an electrode absorbs light, as opposed to ECL, where the electrode can be considered an emitter. We have been recently exploring the combination of these two concepts, which will be presented in the second part of this contribution.[4]

[1] B. Fabre et al,
[2] a) G. Loget et al,; b) J. Dabboussi et al,
[3] Y. Zhao et al,
[4] a) Y. Zhao et al,; b) J. Descamps et al,


Date de l'évènement : mardi 12 mars

Heure : 11h - 12h00

Lieu : salle de conférences de l'ISM (3e étage)

Pour plus d'informations sur Gabriel LOGET : voir sa page sur le site de NSysA

Contacts : Gabriel LOGET & Conférences ISM

Page des Rencontres de l'ISM