Dans le cadre des Rencontres de l'ISM, nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir le mardi 9 juillet 2024 Dr. Jutta Toscano, de l'Université de Bâle.

Manoeuvring chemical reactions one degree of freedom at a time
The combined use of electric fields, magnetic fields and laser light affords us an ever-increasing level of control over the properties of atoms and molecules, enabling reactivity to be probed as a function of their various degrees of freedom1. Here, we discuss how electrostatic deflection2 can be employed to disentangle the reactivity of molecules in different rotational states3, or with different spatial orientation of their constituent atoms4. We demonstrate for the first time the sympathetic cooling of different conformational isomers within a Coulomb crystal5, setting the scene for fully conformationally selected ion–molecule reaction studies. Finally, we present our plans to investigate rotational-state-selected carbon astrochemical reactions with the aim of establishing whether state-selected reactivity should be included in the astrochemical models of interstellar clouds6.
1J. Toscano et al., PCCP 22, 9180 (2020)
2Y.-P. Chang et al., Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 34, 557 (2015)
3A. Kilaj et al., Nat. Commun. 9, 2096 (2018)
4A. Kilaj et al., Nat. Commun. 12, 6047 (2021)
5L. Xu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 083001 (2024)
6J. Toscano, Chimia 78, 40 (2024)
À noter :
Cette présentation sera précédée d'une communication orale de Dr. Raúl Bombín, postdoctorant du groupe THEO, intitulée "Droplet formation and supersolidity in ultracold dipolar systems."
Date de l'évènement : mardi 9 juillet
Heure : 10h30 - 12h10
Lieu : salle de conférences de l'ISM (3e étage)
Contacts : Astrid BERGEAT & Conférences ISM
Fichier Abstract Jutta Toscano
Fichier Abstract Raul Bombin