Mme BUI Ngoc Anh Thy

Téléphone +33540002435
Statut Permanent
Poste Chercheur
Batiment A12
Etage 3° Ouest
Current research activities
Research grants
Postdocs, PhD, students
Current collaborations
Other scientific societies & institutional activities


I am Anh Thy BUI (firstname: "Anh Thy"). I am a CNRS researcher in physical chemistry. In October 2024, I joined the LAGON team in the PMCI group.

My research interests encompass various fields related to photochemistry and photophysics, with an experimental and synthetic approach to diverse topics related to excited-state engineering. More specifically, my work is focused at using organic and coordination chemistry to build objects with intriguing properties that are then investigated with different spectroscopy techniques, from steady-state luminescence spectroscopy to nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy.

My researcher ID:
ORCID: 0000-0002-3718-7652

And for less formal contents, here is my Bluesky handle:


Current research activities

Fluorescent BODIPY dye in a flask


Some topics currently under investigations in the group are aimed at:

Exploiting singlet fission and triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion
Pushing the limits of luminescence sensitization in lanthanide complexes
Designing nanoprobes based on fluorescent molecular rotors for microviscosity mapping


Research grants

PEPR LUMA Moonshot "SUNRISE" (coordinators: D. Bassani, N. Destouches; 7 partner laboratories)
CNRS MITI grant "MOONRISE" (coordinator; with Y. Medina-Gonzalez, P. Lidon, J.-B. Manneville, C. Grazon)
Starting grant from the department of Materials & Light Sciences (Univ. Bordeaux) "EPICEA" (coordinator)


Postdocs, PhD, students

Charles Ciambrone (1st year PhD student, advisor: A. Del Guerzo)
Kaoutar Benjelloun (LUMOMAT M2 student)


Current collaborations

Local collaborations:
André del Guerzo, Dario Bassani – ISM (NEO)
Chloé Grazon – ISM (PMCI / LAGON)
Guillaume Longatte – ISM (NSysA)
Pierre Lidon, Yaocihuatl Medina-Gonzalez – LOF

(Under construction)


Other scientific societies & institutional activities

Communication of CenTRA (association for research on f-elements)
Member of the ISM Communication Committee
Founding member of the ISM Gender Equality Committee



I am very involved in science outreach activities with different types of audiences. Do not hesitate to contact me for requests related to the interactions between light and chemistry!



Yao, C., Gole, B., Bui, A.T., Kauffmann, B., Huc, I., McClenaghan, N.D., Ferrand, Y. (). Photon-gated foldaxane assembly/disassembly. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 60, Issue 64, p. 8415-8418).
Sickinger, A., Grasser, M., Baguenard, B., Bensalah-Ledoux, A., Guy, L., Bui, A.T., Guyot, Y., Dorcet, V., Pointillart, F., Cador, O., Guy, S., Maury, O., Le Guennic, B., Riobé, F. (). Temperature-dependent NIR-CPL spectra of chiral Yb(iii) complexes. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 26, Issue 21, p. 15776-15783).
Vallan, L., Bui, A.T., Jonusauskas, G., McClenaghan, N.D., Istif, E., Mantione, D., Pavlopoulou, E., Brochon, C., Hadziioannou, G., Cloutet, E. (). Multicolor Photoluminescence from Nonconjugated Poly(3,4-dihydropyran) Nanoparticles. In Macromolecules (Vol. 56, Issue 12, p. 4541-4549).
Yuan, X., Wang, C., Vallan, L., Bui, A.T., Jonusauskas, G., McClenaghan, N.D., Grazon, C., Lacomme, S., Brochon, C., Remita, H., Hadziioannou, G., Cloutet, E. (). Organic Conjugated Trimers with Donor–Acceptor–Donor Structures for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation Application. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 33, Issue 15, p. 2211730).
Philippe, C., Bui, A.T., Beau, M., Bloux, H., Riobé, F., Mongin, O., Roisnel, T., Cordier, M., Paul, F., Lemiègre, L., Trolez, Y. (). Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of 1,1,4,4-Tetracyanobutadienes Derived from Ynamides Bearing Fluorophores**. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 28, Issue 23, p. e202200025).
Bui, A.T., Castellano, F.N. (). Phenanthroline ligands. In Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry III (Vol. 1-9, p. 78-89).
Philippe, C., Bui, A.T., Batsongo-Boulingui, S., Pokladek, Z., Matczyszyn, K., Mongin, O., Lemiegre, L., Paul, F., Hamlin, T.A., Trolez, Y. (). 1,1,4,4-Tetracyanobutadiene-Functionalized Anthracenes: Regioselectivity of Cycloadditions in the Synthesis of Small Near-IR Dyes. In Organic Letters (Vol. 23, Issue 6, p. 2007-2012).
Fayad, R., Bui, A.T., Shepard, S.G., Castellano, F.N. (). Photochemical Upconversion in Water Using Cu(I) MLCT Excited States: Role of Energy Shuttling at the Micellar/Water Interface. In ACS Applied Energy Materials (Vol. 3, Issue 12, p. 12557-12564).
Awwad, N., Bui, A.T., Danilov, E.O., Castellano, F.N. (). Visible-Light-Initiated Free-Radical Polymerization by Homomolecular Triplet-Triplet Annihilation. In Chem (Vol. 6, Issue 11, p. 3071-3085).
Bui, A.T., Philippe, C., Beau, M., Richy, N., Cordier, M., Roisnel, T., Lemiègre, L., Mongin, O., Paul, F., Trolez, Y. (). Synthesis, characterization and unusual near-infrared luminescence of 1,1,4,4-tetracyanobutadiene derivatives. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 56, Issue 24, p. 3571-3574).
Salehi, A., Dong, C., Shin, D.H., Zhu, L., Papa, C., Thy Bui, A., Castellano, F.N., So, F. (). Realization of high-efficiency fluorescent organic light-emitting diodes with low driving voltage. In Nature Communications (Vol. 10, Issue 1, p. 2305).
Bui, A.T., Grichine, A., Duperray, A., Lidon, P., Riobé, F., Andraud, C., Maury, O. (). Correction to: Terbium(iii) luminescent complexes as millisecond-scale viscosity probes for lifetime imaging (Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017) 139 (7693-7696) DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b02951). In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 140, Issue 25, p. 8048).
Bui, A.T., Roux, A., Grichine, A., Duperray, A., Andraud, C., Maury, O. (). Twisted Charge-Transfer Antennae for Ultra-Bright Terbium(III) and Dysprosium(III) Bioprobes. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 24, Issue 14, p. 3408-3412).
Garakyaraghi, S., McCusker, C.E., Khan, S., Koutnik, P., Bui, A.T., Castellano, F.N. (). Enhancing the Visible-Light Absorption and Excited-State Properties of Cu(I) MLCT Excited States. In Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 57, Issue 4, p. 2296-2307).
Bui, A.T., Grichine, A., Duperray, A., Lidon, P., Riobé, F., Andraud, C., Maury, O. (). Terbium(III) Luminescent Complexes as Millisecond-Scale Viscosity Probes for Lifetime Imaging. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 139, Issue 23, p. 7693-7696).
Bui, A.T., Beyler, M., Grichine, A., Duperray, A., Mulatier, J.C., Guyot, Y., Andraud, C., Tripier, R., Brasselet, S., Maury, O. (). Near infrared two photon imaging using a bright cationic Yb(III) bioprobe spontaneously internalized into live cells. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 53, Issue 44, p. 6005-6008).
Bui, A.T., Beyler, M., Liao, Y.Y., Grichine, A., Duperray, A., Mulatier, J.C., Guennic, B.L., Andraud, C., Maury, O., Tripier, R. (). Cationic Two-Photon Lanthanide Bioprobes Able to Accumulate in Live Cells. In Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 55, Issue 14, p. 7020-7025).
Bui, A.T., Grichine, A., Brasselet, S., Duperray, A., Andraud, C., Maury, O. (). Unexpected Efficiency of a Luminescent Samarium(III) Complex for Combined Visible and Near-Infrared Biphotonic Microscopy. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 21, Issue 49, p. 17757-17761).
Placide, V., Bui, A.T., Grichine, A., Duperray, A., Pitrat, D., Andraud, C., Maury, O. (). Two-photon multiplexing bio-imaging using a combination of Eu- and Tb-bioprobes. In Dalton Transactions (Vol. 44, Issue 11, p. 4918-4924).
Pallier, C., Leyssale, J.M., Truflandier, L.A., Bui, A.T., Weisbecker, P., Gervais, C., Fischer, H.E., Sirotti, F., Teyssandier, F., Chollon, G. (). Structure of an amorphous boron carbide film: An experimental and computational approach. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 25, Issue 13, p. 2618-2629).