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Groupe de recherche
Collisions Moléculaires en Milieux Extrêmes
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Near-Threshold and Resonance Effects in Rotationally Inelastic Scattering of D2 O with Normal-H2 . In Molecules (Vol. 27, Issue 21, p. 7535).
Probing Low-Energy Resonances in Water-Hydrogen Inelastic Collisions. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 125, Issue 14, p. 143402).
Low-Energy Water-Hydrogen Inelastic Collisions. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 124, Issue 2, p. 259-264).
Correction to: Probing nonadiabatic effects in low-energy C(3 Pj ) + H2 collisions (Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018) 9:22 (6496-6501) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b03025). In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 10, Issue 12, p. 3408-3409).
Quantum behavior of spin-orbit inelastic scattering of C-atoms by D 2 at low energy. In Frontiers in Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue MAR, p. 164).
Magnetic control of a reaction path. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 10, Issue 12, p. 1177-1179).
Probing Nonadiabatic Effects in Low-Energy C(3 Pj ) + H2 Collisions. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 9, Issue 22, p. 6496-6501).
Understanding the quantum nature of low-energy C(3P j ) + He inelastic collisions. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 10, Issue 5, p. 519-522).
CHAPTER 3: Low-energy Scattering in Crossed Molecular Beams. In RSC Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series (Vol. 2018-January, Issue 11, p. 92-149).
Comparative experimental and theoretical study of the rotational excitation of CO by collision with ortho- And para-D2 molecules. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 19, Issue 1, p. 189-195).
S(1D) + ortho-D2 Reaction Dynamics at Low Collision Energies: Complementary Crossed Molecular Beam Experiments and Theoretical Investigations. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 120, Issue 27, p. 5274-5281).
Observation of quantum dynamical resonances in near cold inelastic collisions of astrophysical molecules. In Chemical Science (Vol. 7, Issue 4, p. 2462-2469).
Experimental and theoretical analysis of low-energy CO + H2 inelastic collisions. In Astrophysical Journal Letters (Vol. 799, Issue 1, p. L9).
Quantum dynamical resonances in low-energy CO(j =0) + He inelastic collisions. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue 4, p. 349-353).
Experimental search for scattering resonances in near cold molecular collisions. In International Reviews in Physical Chemistry (Vol. 33, Issue 4, p. 427-446).
Collisional excitation of O2 by H2 : The validity of LTE models in interpreting O2 observations. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 567, p. A22).
Studies of reactions relevant to astrochemistry. In Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry - Section C (Vol. 109, p. 189-210).
Observation of partial wave resonances in low-energy O2 -H 2 inelastic collisions. In Science (Vol. 341, Issue 6150, p. 1094-1096).
Dynamics of the S(D21)+HD(j=0) reaction at collision energies approaching the cold regime: A stringent test for theory. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 109, Issue 13, p. 133201).
Appearance of low energy resonances in CO-Para-H 2 inelastic collisions. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 109, Issue 2, p. 023201).
Observation of partial wave structures in the integral cross section of the S(1D2 ) + H2 (j = 0) reaction. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 13, Issue 18, p. 8127-8130).
Kinetics and dynamics of the S(D2/1)+H2→SH+H reaction at very low temperatures and collision energies. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 105, Issue 20, p. 203201).
Integral and differential cross sections of reactions relevant to astrochemistry. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 12, Issue 32, p. 9154-9164).
Dynamics of the reactions of C(3PJ ) Atoms with ethylene, allene, and methylacetylene at low energy revealed by Doppler-Fizeau spectroscopy. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 113, Issue 52, p. 14447-14457).
Non-threshold, threshold, and nonadiabatic behavior of the key interstellar C + C2 H2 reaction. In Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 703, Issue 2, p. 1179-1187).
Erratum: Crossed-beam studies on the dynamics of the C + C 2 H2 interstellar reaction leading to linear, cyclic C 3 h + H, C3 + H2 (Faraday Discussion (2006) 133, DOI: 10.1039/b518300f). In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 133, p. 465-466).
Crossed-beam studies on the dynamics of the C + C2 H2 interstellar reaction leading to linear and cyclic C3 H + H and C 3 + H2 . In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 133, p. 157-176).
Rate coefficients and integral cross-sections for the reaction of B(2PJ ) atoms with acetylene. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (p. 566-571).
Combined crossed-beam studies of C(3PJ )+C2 H4 →C3 H 3 +H reaction dynamics between 0.49 and 30.8 kJ mol-1. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 119, Issue 20, p. 10607-10617).
Integral cross-section of the C(3PJ ) + O2 (X3∑g -) → CO(X1∑+) + O(1D2 ) reaction between 0.41 and 12.0 kJ/mol. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 364, Issue 1-2, p. 121-126).
C + C2 H2 : A key reaction in interstellar chemistry. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 106, Issue 23, p. 5541-5552).
Dynamics of the C+C2 H2 reaction from differential and integral cross-section measurements in crossed-beam experiments. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 116, Issue 13, p. 5603-5611).
Crossed-beam study of the C(3PJ )+C2 D2 (X 1Σg +) → C3 D+D(2S1/2 ) reaction between 4 and 240 meV relative translational energy. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 333, Issue 1-2, p. 51-56).
Rate coefficients and cross-sections for the reactions of C (3PJ ) atoms with methylacetylene and allene. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 331, Issue 2-4, p. 170-176).
Comparison of the cross-sections and thermal rate constants for the reactions of C(3P(J)) atoms with O2 and NO. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 2, Issue 13, p. 2873-2881).
Oxidation reactions of Ti(a 3F(J), a 5F(J)) atoms with O2 , NO and N2 O by crossed beams. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 2, Issue 4, p. 643-649).
Crossed-beam study of the Al( 2P1/2, 3/2 )+O2 ( X 3Σ-g ) → AlO( X 2Σ+ )+O( 3PJ ) reaction at low and very low kinetic energies. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 310, Issue 3-4, p. 231-239).
State-to-state cross sections for the C(3Pj ) + O2 (X3∑-g ) → CO(X1∑+) + O(1D2 ) reaction at kinetic energies between 4.4 and 90 meV. In Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series IIc: Chemistry (Vol. 1, Issue 12, p. 771-775).
The dissociation energy of TiO determined from a crossed-beam study of the Ti + NO → TiO + N reaction. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 266, Issue 3-4, p. 335-341).
Measurement of the Radiative Lifetime of the CrO(B5ΠΩ , υ = 0) State. In Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (Vol. 184, Issue 2, p. 462-463).
Crossed molecular beam study of the Cr(a7S3 ) + O2 (X 3Σ-g ) → CrO(X 5ΠΩ ) + O(3PJ ) reaction. In Chemical Physics (Vol. 207, Issue 2-3 SPEC. ISS., p. 379-387).
Pulsed, Crossed, Supersonic Molecular Beam Studies of Refractory Atom Reactions. In Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Vol. 42, Issue 2, p. 215-219).
Excitation function of the Al + O2 → AlO + O reaction. A comparison with kinetics. In Journal of Physical Chemistry (Vol. 98, Issue 22, p. 5593-5596).
Translational energy dependence of the reactive cross-section of the C + NO → CN + O reaction studied in pulsed, crossed, supersonic molecular beams. In Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions (Vol. 89, Issue 10, p. 1501-1504).
The dissociation energy of the SiN radical determined from a crossed molecular beam study of the Si+N2 O→SiN+NO reaction. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 202, Issue 5, p. 452-458).
The C (3PJ ) + NO(X 2Πr )→ CN (X 2Σ+) + O (3PJ ) reaction dynamics studied at 0.06 and 0.23 eV relative translational energy in pulsed crossed supersonic molecular beams. In Chemical Physics (Vol. 153, Issue 3, p. 519-530).
Measurements of the radiative lifetimes of MgO(B 1Σ+, d 3Δ, D 1Δ) states. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 178, Issue 2-3, p. 325-329).
Translational energy thresholds of the Mg(1S0 ) + N2 O(X1Σ+) → MgO(X1Σ+,a3Π) + N2 (X1Σg +) reaction. In Journal of Physical Chemistry (Vol. 95, Issue 21, p. 8244-8247).
Faraday communications. A pulsed crossed supersonic molecular beam study of the reaction C(3P) + OCS(X1 Σ+) → CS(a 3Πr , X1 Σ+) + CO(X1 σ+). In Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions (Vol. 86, Issue 5, p. 887-888).
A pulsed crossed supersonic molecular beam apparatus to study the dynamics of refractory atom reactions. In Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments (Vol. 22, Issue 12, p. 1017-1023).
C2 Radicals in a supersonic molecular beam. Radiative lifetime of the d 3Πg state measured by laser-induced fluorescence. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 143, Issue 5, p. 496-500).
General discussion. In Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society (Vol. 84, p. 87-126).
Dynamics of the reactions of aluminium atoms studied with pulsed crossed supersonic molecular beams. In Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society (Vol. 84, p. 75-86).
Einstein coefficient of the CN B 2Σ+ - A 2Πi (0,0) band. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 113, Issue 6, p. 569-572).
Reactive scattering using pulsed crossed supersonic molecular beams. Example of the C+NO→CN+O and C+N2 O→CN+NO reactions. In The Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 83, Issue 6, p. 3171-3172).
Laser isotopic photochemistry of chlorine monofluoride. Raman analysis in cryogenic solutions. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 85, Issue 5-6, p. 508-512).
Vibrational spectra of the chlorine monofluoride CIF in cryogenic solutions. In The Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 76, Issue 7, p. 3371-3377).
Photochemistry of the chlorine monofluoride, CIF. Thermal and photochemical reactions with sulfur tetrafluoride SF4 . In The Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 72, Issue 3, p. 2155-2158).
Synthesis and Characterization of Uranium(V) Fluoride Fluorosulfates and Uranium(V) Oxyfluorosulfate: UF3 (SO3 F)2 , UF(SO3 F)4 and UO(SO3 F)3 . In Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 17, Issue 7, p. 1858-1861).
Synthesis and Characterization of the Difluorotris(fluorosulfate) of Uranium(V): UF2 (SO3 F)3 . In Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 16, Issue 9, p. 2252-2257).
Phase transition in the dioxygenyl salt O2 +AsF 6 -. In The Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 64, Issue 10, p. 4155-4158).
Calcul de la forme des pics de calorimetrie lors d'une transition cristalline. In Journal of Fluorine Chemistry (Vol. 8, Issue 5, p. 429-435).