Mme GOSSE Isabelle

Téléphone 05 40 00 62 85
Groupe de recherche Catalysis, Synthesis and Health
Statut Permanent
Poste Enseignant-chercheur
Batiment A12
Etage 1° Ouest


Fantozzi, N., Pétuya, R., Insuasty, A., Vallverdu, G.S., Genin, E., Bégué, D., Martinez, A., Pinet, S., Gosse, I. (). Selective Detection of Choline in Pseudophysiological Medium with a Fluorescent Cage Receptor. In Organic Letters (Vol. 25, Issue 14, p. 2444-2449).
Fantozzi, N., Pétuya, R., Insuasty, A., Long, A., Lefevre, S., Schmitt, A., Robert, V., Dutasta, J.P., Baraille, I., Guy, L., Genin, E., Bégué, D., Martinez, A., Pinet, S., Gosse, I. (). A new fluorescent hemicryptophane for acetylcholine recognition with an unusual recognition mode. In New Journal of Chemistry (Vol. 44, Issue 27, p. 11853-11860).
Long, A., Antonetti, E., Insuasty, A., Pinet, S., Gosse, I., Robert, V., Dutasta, J.P., Martinez, A. (). Hemicryptophanes with Improved Fluorescent Properties for the Selective Recognition of Acetylcholine over Choline. In Journal of Organic Chemistry (Vol. 85, Issue 10, p. 6400-6407).
Long, A., Fantozzi, N., Pinet, S., Genin, E., Pétuya, R., Bégué, D., Robert, V., Dutasta, J.P., Gosse, I., Martinez, A. (). Selective recognition of acetylcholine over choline by a fluorescent cage. In Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry (Vol. 17, Issue 21, p. 5253-5257).
Berni, E., Le Henaff, L., Jarrige, L., Girard, E., Jonusauskas, G., Gosse, I., Pinet, S. (). Functionalized Ruthenium Complexes: Selective “Turn-on” Detection of Biologically Relevant Anionic Species. In European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Vol. 2017, Issue 25, p. 3620-3630).
Gosse, I., Robeyns, K., Bougault, C., Martinez, A., Tinant, B., Dutasta, J.P. (). Synthesis and Structural Studies of Gallium(III) and Iron(III) Hemicryptophane Complexes. In Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 55, Issue 3, p. 1011-1013).
Pinaud, F., Millereux, R., Vialar-Trarieux, P., Catargi, B., Pinet, S., Gosse, I., Sojic, N., Ravaine, V. (). Differential Photoluminescent and Electrochemiluminescent Behavior for Resonance Energy Transfer Processes in Thermoresponsive Microgels. In Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Vol. 119, Issue 40, p. 12954-12961).
Erieau-Peyrard, L., Coiffier, C., Bordat, P., Bégué, D., Chierici, S., Pinet, S., Gosse, I., Baraille, I., Brown, R. (). Selective, direct detection of acetylcholine in PBS solution, with self-assembled fluorescent nano-particles: Experiment and modelling. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 17, Issue 6, p. 4168-4174).
Genin, E., Gao, Z., Varela, J.A., Daniel, J., Bsaibess, T., Gosse, I., Groc, L., Cognet, L., Blanchard-Desce, M. (). "hyper-bright" near-infrared emitting fluorescent organic nanoparticles for single particle tracking. In Advanced Materials (Vol. 26, Issue 14, p. 2258-2261).
Pinaud, F., Russo, L., Pinet, S., Gosse, I., Ravaine, V., Sojic, N. (). Enhanced electrogenerated chemiluminescence in thermoresponsive microgels. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 135, Issue 15, p. 5517-5520).
Bouffier, L., Gosse, I., Demeunynck, M., Mailley, P. (). Electrochemistry and bioactivity relationship of 6-substituted-4H-Pyrido[4,3,2-kl]acridin-4-one antitumor drug candidates. In Bioelectrochemistry (Vol. 88, p. 103-109).
Peyrard, L., Dumartin, M.L., Chierici, S., Pinet, S., Jonusauskas, G., Meyrand, P., Gosse, I. (). Development of functionalized cyclotriveratrylene analogues: Introduction of withdrawing and π-conjugated groups. In Journal of Organic Chemistry (Vol. 77, Issue 16, p. 7023-7027).
Couědelo, L., Vaysse, C., Vaique, E., Guy, A., Gosse, I., Durand, T., Pinet, S., Cansell, M., Combe, N. (). The fraction of α-linolenic acid present in the sn-2 position of structured triacylglycerols decreases in lymph chylomicrons and plasma triacylglycerols during the course of lipid absorption in rats. In Journal of Nutrition (Vol. 142, Issue 1, p. 70-75).
Peyrard, L., Chierici, S., Pinet, S., Batat, P., Jonusauskas, G., Pinaud, N., Meyrand, P., Gosse, I. (). C 3-triiodocyclotriveratrylene as a key intermediate to fluorescent probes: Application to selective choline recognition. In Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry (Vol. 9, Issue 24, p. 8489-8494).
Ancla, C., Lapeyre, V., Gosse, I., Catargi, B., Ravaine, V. (). Designed glucose-responsive microgels with selective shrinking behavior. In Langmuir (Vol. 27, Issue 20, p. 12693-12701).
Vaique, E., Guy, A., Couedelo, L., Gosse, I., Durand, T., Cansell, M., Pinet, S. (). Rapid access to structured triacylglycerols acylated with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for nutritional applications. In Tetrahedron (Vol. 66, Issue 46, p. 8872-8879).
Berni, E., Gosse, I., Badocco, D., Pastore, P., Sojic, N., Pinet, S. (). Differential photoluminescent and electrochemiluminescent detection of anions with a modified ruthenium(II)-bipyridyl complex. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 15, Issue 20, p. 5145-5152).
Dumartin, M.L., Givelet, C., Meyrand, P., Bibal, B., Gosse, I. (). A fluorescent cyclotriveratrylene: Synthesis, emission properties and acetylcholine recognition in water. In Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue 13, p. 2725-2728).
Lapeyre, V., Gosse, I., Chevreux, S., Ravaine, V. (). Monodispersed glucose-responsive microgels operating at physiological salinity. In Biomacromolecules (Vol. 7, Issue 12, p. 3356-3363).
Gosse, I., Chauvet, J.P., Dutasta, J.P. (). Synthesis and interfacial properties of amphiphatic cryptophanes. In New Journal of Chemistry (Vol. 29, Issue 12, p. 1549-1554).
Malval, J.P., Gosse, I., Morand, J.P., Lapouyade, R. (). Photoswitching of cation complexation with A monoaza-crown dithienylethene photochrome. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 124, Issue 6, p. 904-905).
Guillon, J., Sonnet, P., Malval, J.P., Massip, S., Gosse, I., Léger, J.M., Lapouyade, R., Rochette, J., Monti, J.P., Jarry, C. (). Synthesis and cesium binding affinity of new 25,27-bis(alkyloxy)calix[4]arene-crown-6 conformers in relation to the alkyl pendent moiety. In Supramolecular Chemistry (Vol. 14, Issue 5, p. 437-451).
Reynes, O., Maillard, F., Moutet, J.C., Royal, G., Saint-Aman, E., Stanciu, G., Dutasta, J.P., Gosse, I., Mulatier, J.C. (). Complexation and electrochemical sensing of anions by amide-substituted ferrocenyl ligands. In Journal of Organometallic Chemistry (Vol. 637-639, p. 356-363).
Dutasta, J.P., Bibal, B., Delangle, P., Gosse, I., Mulatier, J.C. (). Synthesis, host properties and structure of phosphorylated cavitands. In Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements (Vol. 144-146, p. 337-341).
Gosse, I., Dutasta, J.P., Perrin, M., Thozet, A. (). A thiophosphorylated hemicryptophane: Structure of the toluene inclusion complex. In New Journal of Chemistry (Vol. 23, Issue 5, p. 545-548).