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Groupe de recherche Chimie Moléculaire et Matériaux
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Batiment A12
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Kosovari, M., Buffeteau, T., Thomas, L., Guay Bégin, A.A., Vellutini, L., McGettrick, J.D., Laroche, G., Durrieu, M.C. (). Silanization Strategies for Tailoring Peptide Functionalization on Silicon Surfaces: Implications for Enhancing Stem Cell Adhesion. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 16, Issue 23, p. 29770-29782).
Dellai, A., Courdurié, C., Dubuis, S., Kaka, K.S., Champagne, B., Vellutini, L., Genin, E., Rodriguez, V., Castet, F. (). Second harmonic responses of clickable azobenzenes in solution: Comparative Hyper-Rayleigh scattering and density functional theory studies. In Dyes and Pigments (Vol. 220, p. 111744).
Dubuis, S., Dellai, A., Courdurié, C., Owona, J., Kalafatis, A., Vellutini, L., Genin, E., Rodriguez, V., Castet, F. (). Nonlinear Optical Responses of Photoswitchable Donor-Acceptor Stenhouse Adducts. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 145, Issue 19, p. 10861-10871).
Rouvière, L., Hachin, A., Shinkaruk, S., Hunel, J., Aupetit, C., Buffeteau, T., Genin, E., Vellutini, L. (). Self-assembly of amino-terminated monolayers depending on the chemical structure. In New Journal of Chemistry (Vol. 47, Issue 20, p. 9661-9668).
Rouvière, L., Al-Hajj, N., Hunel, J., Aupetit, C., Buffeteau, T., Vellutini, L., Genin, E. (). Silane-Based SAMs Deposited by Spin Coating as a Versatile Alternative Process to Solution Immersion. In Langmuir (Vol. 38, Issue 20, p. 6464-6471).
Alvarado, R., Al-Hajj, N., Chazot, M., Buffeteau, T., Vellutini, L., Dussauze, M. (). Strategies for the surface biofunctionalization of sulfur-based chalcogenide infrared optical glasses. In Applied Surface Science (Vol. 573, p. 151589).
Kravchenko, S., Boltovets, P., Manoilov, E., Poix-Shinkaruk, S., Vellutini, L., Snopok, B. (). Success and Failure in Antibody Recognition by Surface-Type Sensors: Essential Prerequisites †. In Engineering Proceedings (Vol. 27, Issue 1, p. 9).
Strutynski, C., Meza, R.A., Teulé-Gay, L., El-Dib, G., Poulon-Quintin, A., Salvetat, J.P., Vellutini, L., Dussauze, M., Cardinal, T., Danto, S. (). Stack-and-Draw Applied to the Engineering of Multi-Material Fibers with Non-Cylindrical Profiles. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 31, Issue 22, p. 2011063).
Szymanski, R., Henry, R., Stuard, S., Vongsaysy, U., Courtel, S., Vellutini, L., Bertrand, M., Ade, H., Chambon, S., Wantz, G. (). Balanced Charge Transport Optimizes Industry-Relevant Ternary Polymer Solar Cells. In Solar RRL (Vol. 4, Issue 11, p. 2000538).
Alvarado, R., Karam, L., Dahmani, R., Lepicard, A., Calzavara, F., Piarristeguy, A., Pradel, A., Cardinal, T., Adamietz, F., Fargin, E., Chazot, M., Richardson, K., Vellutini, L., Dussauze, M. (). Patterning of the Surface Electrical Potential on Chalcogenide Glasses by a Thermoelectrical Imprinting Process. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 124, Issue 42, p. 23150-23157).
Al-Hajj, N., Mousli, Y., Miche, A., Humblot, V., Hunel, J., Heuzé, K., Buffeteau, T., Genin, E., Vellutini, L. (). Influence of the grafting process on the orientation and the reactivity of azide-terminated monolayers onto silica surface. In Applied Surface Science (Vol. 527, p. 146778).
Wintzheimer, S., Genin, E., Vellutini, L., Le Bourdon, G., Kessler, M., Hackenberg, S., Dembski, S., Heuzé, K. (). Functionalisation of TiO2 nanoparticles with a fluorescent organosilane: A synergy enabling their visualisation in biological cells and an enhanced photocatalytic activity. In Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (Vol. 181, p. 1019-1025).
Mousli, Y., Rouvière, L., Traboulsi, I., Hunel, J., Buffeteau, T., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Genin, E. (). Hydrosilylation of Azide-Containing Olefins as a Convenient Access to Azidoorganotrialkoxysilanes for Self-Assembled Monolayer Elaboration onto Silica by Spin Coating. In ChemistrySelect (Vol. 3, Issue 25, p. 7333-7339).
Awada, H., Mattana, G., Tournebize, A., Rodriguez, L., Flahaut, D., Vellutini, L., Lartigau-Dagron, C., Billon, L., Bousquet, A., Chambon, S. (). Surface engineering of ITO electrode with a functional polymer for PEDOT:PSS-free organic solar cells. In Organic Electronics (Vol. 57, p. 186-193).
Meillan, M., Buffeteau, T., Le Bourdon, G., Thomas, L., Degueil, M., Heuzé, K., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers with Internal Urea Group on Silica Surface. In ChemistrySelect (Vol. 2, Issue 35, p. 11868-11874).
Boltovets, P., Shinkaruk, S., Vellutini, L., Snopok, B. (). Self-tuning interfacial architecture for Estradiol detection by surface plasmon resonance biosensor. In Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Vol. 90, p. 91-95).
Godon, C., Teulon, J.M., Odorico, M., Basset, C., Meillan, M., Vellutini, L., Chen, S.w.W., Pellequer, J.L. (). Conditions to minimize soft single biomolecule deformation when imaging with atomic force microscopy. In Journal of Structural Biology (Vol. 197, Issue 3, p. 322-329).
Mitcova, L., Buffeteau, T., Le Bourdon, G., Babot, O., Vellutini, L., Heuzé, K. (). Positive Dendritic Effect on Maleimide Surface Modification of Core-Shell (γ-Fe2O3/Polymer) Nanoparticles for Bio-Immobilization. In ChemistrySelect (Vol. 1, Issue 14, p. 4350-4356).
Siurdyban, E., Brotin, T., Talaga, D., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Buffeteau, T. (). Immobilization of Cryptophane Derivatives onto γ-Fe2O3 Core-Shell Magnetic Nanoparticles. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 120, Issue 12, p. 6583-6590).
Martínez-Olid, F., Andrés, R., De Jesús, E., Flores, J.C., Gómez-Sal, P., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L. (). Magnetically recoverable catalysts based on mono- or bis-(NHC) complexes of palladium for the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction in aqueous media: Two NHC-Pd linkages are better than one. In Dalton Transactions (Vol. 45, Issue 29, p. 11633-11638).
Ramin, M.A., Le Bourdon, G., Heuzé, K., Degueil, M., Buffeteau, T., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Epoxy-terminated self-assembled monolayers containing internal urea or amide groups. In Langmuir (Vol. 31, Issue 9, p. 2783-2789).
Mitcova, L., Rahma, H., Buffeteau, T., Clérac, R., Vellutini, L., Heuzé, K. (). Dendritic maleimide functionalization of core-shell (γ-Fe2O3/polymer) nanoparticles for efficient bio-immobilization. In RSC Advances (Vol. 5, Issue 108, p. 88574-88577).
Siurdyban, E., Brotin, T., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Buffeteau, T. (). Immobilization of cryptophane derivatives onto SiO2/Au and Au substrates. In Langmuir (Vol. 30, Issue 49, p. 14859-14867).
Meillan, M., Ramin, M.A., Buffeteau, T., Marsaudon, S., Odorico, M., Chen, S.W.W., Pellequer, J.L., Degueil, M., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Bennetau, B. (). Self-assembled monolayer for AFM measurements of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) at the atomic level. In RSC Advances (Vol. 4, Issue 23, p. 11927-11930).
Chen, S.W.W., Odorico, M., Meillan, M., Vellutini, L., Teulon, J.M., Parot, P., Bennetau, B., Pellequer, J.L. (). Nanoscale structural features determined by AFM for single virus particles. In Nanoscale (Vol. 5, Issue 22, p. 10877-10886).
Rahma, H., Buffeteau, T., Belin, C., Le Bourdon, G., Degueil, M., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L., Heuzé, K. (). Resolving the chemical nature of nanodesigned silica surface obtained via a bottom-up approach. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 5, Issue 15, p. 6843-6849).
Ramin, M.A., Le Bourdon, G., Heuzé, K., Degueil, M., Belin, C., Buffeteau, T., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Functionalized hydrogen-bonding self-assembled monolayers grafted onto SiO2 substrates. In Langmuir (Vol. 28, Issue 51, p. 17672-17680).
Fournel, F., Baco, E., Mamani-Matsuda, M., Degueil, M., Bennetau, B., Moynet, D., Mossalayi, D., Vellutini, L., Pillot, J.P., Dejous, C., Rebière, D. (). Love wave biosensor for real-time detection of okadaic acid as DSP phycotoxin. In Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (Vol. 170, p. 122-128).
Rosario-Amorin, D., Gaboyard, M., Clérac, R., Vellutini, L., Nlate, S., Heuzé, K. (). Metallodendritic grafted core-shell γ-Fe 2O 3 nanoparticles used as recoverable catalysts in Suzuki C-C coupling reactions. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 18, Issue 11, p. 3305-3315).
Devynck, M., Tardy, P., Wantz, G., Nicolas, Y., Vellutini, L., Labrugère, C., Hirsch, L. (). Cumulative effects of electrode and dielectric surface modifications on pentacene-based transistors. In Applied Physics Letters (Vol. 100, Issue 5, p. 053308).
Massé, P., Vellutini, L., Bennetau, B., Ramin, M.A., Fournel, F., Blanc, L., Dejous, C., Rebière, D., Weisbecker, P., Pillot, J.P. (). Chimie douce route to novel acoustic waveguides based on biphenylene-bridged silsesquioxanes. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 21, Issue 38, p. 14581-14586).
Ramin, M.A., Le Bourdon, G., Daugey, N., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L., Buffeteau, T. (). PM-IRRAS investigation of self-assembled monolayers grafted onto SiO 2/Au substrates. In Langmuir (Vol. 27, Issue 10, p. 6076-6084).
Baco, E., Vellutini, L., Pillot, J.P., Felpin, F.X., Schmitter, J.M., Bennetau, B., Degueil, M. (). Erratum: Synthesis of novel haptens and conjugates for antibody production against kainoid family (Synlett (2010) (1943)). In Synlett (Issue 13).
Dinh, D.H., Pascal, E., Vellutini, L., Bennetau, B., Rebière, D., Dejous, C., Moynet, D., Belin, C., Pillot, J.P. (). Novel optimized biofunctional surfaces for Love mode surface acoustic wave based immunosensors. In Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (Vol. 146, Issue 1, p. 289-296).
Tarbague, H., Lachaud, J.L., Destor, S., Vellutini, L., Pillot, J.P., Bennetau, B., Pascal, E., Moynet, D., Mossalayi, D., Rebière, D., Dejous, C. (). PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) microfluidic chip molding for love wave biosensor. In Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems (Vol. 5, Issue 2, p. 125-133).
Baco, E., Vellutini, L., Pillot, J.P., Felpin, F.X., Schmitter, J.M., Bennetau, B., Degueil, M. (). Synthesis of novel haptens and conjugates for antibody production against kainoid family. In Synlett (Issue 13, p. 1943-1946).
Fournel, F., Baco, E., Mamani-Matsuda, M., Degueil, M., Bennetau, B., Moynet, D., Mossalayi, D., Vellutini, L., Pillot, J.P., Dejous, C., Rebiere, D. (). Love wave biosensor for real-time detection of okadaic acid as DSP phycotoxin. In Procedia Engineering (Vol. 5, p. 831-834).
Dinh, D.H., Vellutini, L., Bennetau, B., Dejous, C., Rebière, D., Pascal, E., Moynet, D., Belin, C., Desbat, B., Labrugere, C., Pillot, J.P. (). Route to smooth silica-based surfaces decorated with novel self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) containing glycidyl-terminated very long hydrocarbon chains. In Langmuir (Vol. 25, Issue 10, p. 5526-5535).
Dieudonné, P., Man, M.W.C., Pichón, B.P., Vellutini, L., Bantignies, J.L., Blanc, C., Creff, G., Finet, S., Sauvajol, J.L., Bied, C., Moreau, J.J.E. (). In situ X-ray measurements to probe a new solid-state polycondensation mechanism for the design of supramolecular organo-bridged silsesquioxanes. In Small (Vol. 5, Issue 4, p. 503-510).
Tarbague, H., Lachaud, J.L., Destor, S., Vellutini, L., Pillot, J.P., Bennetau, B., Moynet, D., Rebière, D., Pistre, J., Dejous, C. (). PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) microfluidic chip molding for love wave biosensor. In ECS Transactions (Vol. 23, Issue 1, p. 319-325).
Alves, W.A., Fiorito, P.A., Froyer, G., Haber, F.E., Vellutini, L., Torresi, R.M., De Torresi, S.I.C. (). Immobilization of catalysts of biological interest on porous oxidized silicon surfaces. In Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Vol. 8, Issue 7, p. 3570-3576).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Wong Chi Man, M., Bied, C. (). Silicon-Based Materials: Self-organized Bridged Silsesquioxanes. In Organosilicon Chemistry VI: From Molecules to Materials (p. 962-966).
Moll, N., Pascal, E., Dinh, D.H., Lachaud, J.L., Vellutini, L., Pillot, J.P., Rebière, D., Moynet, D., Pistré, J., Mossalayi, D., Mas, Y., Bennetau, B., Déjous, C. (). Multipurpose Love acoustic wave immunosensor for bacteria, virus or proteins detection. In IRBM (Vol. 29, Issue 2-3, p. 155-161).
Errien, N., Vellutini, L., Louarn, G., Froyer, G. (). Surface characterization of porous silicon after pore opening processes inducing chemical modifications. In Applied Surface Science (Vol. 253, Issue 17, p. 7265-7271).
Vellutini, L., Errien, N., Froyer, G., Lacoudre, N., Boileau, S., Tran-Van, F., Chevrot, C. (). Polymerization of supramolecular diacetylenic monomer embedded in porous silicon matrix. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 19, Issue 3, p. 497-502).
Bantignies, J.L., Vellutini, L., Maurin, D., Hermet, P., Dieudonné, P., Man, M.W.C., Bartlett, J.R., Bied, C., Sauvajol, J.L., Moreau, J.J.E. (). Insights into the self-directed structuring of hybrid organic - Inorganic silicas through infrared studies. In Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Vol. 110, Issue 32, p. 15797-15802).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Dieudonné, P., Wong Chi Man, M., Bantignies, J.L., Sauvajol, J.L., Bied, C. (). Structural ordering of self-assembled alkylene-bridged silsesquioxanes probed by X-ray diffraction experiments. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 15, Issue 46, p. 4943-4948).
Errien, N., Vellutini, L., Froyer, G., Louarn, G., Simos, C., Skarka, V., Haesaert, S., Joubert, P. (). Nanocomposites obtained by embedding of conjugated polymers in porous silicon and silica. In Physica Status Solidi C: Conferences (Vol. 2, Issue 9, p. 3218-3221).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Man, M.W.C., Bied, C., Dieudonné, P., Bantignies, J.L., Sauvajol, J.L. (). Lamellar bridged silsesquioxanes: Self-assembly through a combination of hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 11, Issue 5, p. 1527-1537).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Bied, C., Man, M.W.C. (). Lamellar organo-bridged silicones. In Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (Vol. 32, Issue 1-3, p. 63-67).
Bantignies, J.L., Vellutini, L., Sauvajol, J.L., Maurin, D., Man, M.W.C., Dieudonné, P., Moreau, J.J.E. (). Hydrogen bonding in self organized lamellar hybrid silica. In Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (Vol. 345-346, p. 605-609).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Bied, C., Man, M.W.C. (). New approach for the organisation and the shaping of organo-bridged silicas: An overview. In Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (Vol. 31, Issue 1-3 SPEC.ISS., p. 151-156).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Chi Man, M.W., Bied, C. (). Shape-controlled bridged silsesquioxanes: Hollow tubes and spheres. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 9, Issue 7, p. 1594-1599).
Bied, C., Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Wong Chi Man, M. (). Chirality transcription of molecular precursors to hybrid silicas. In Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (Vol. 26, Issue 1-3, p. 583-586).
Laza, C., Duñach, E., Serein-Spirau, F., Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L. (). Novel synthesis of arylboronic acids by electroreduction of aromatic halides in the presence of trialkyl borates. In New Journal of Chemistry (Vol. 26, Issue 4, p. 373-375).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Wong Chi Man, M., Bied, C., Bantignies, J.L., Dieudonné, P., Sauvajol, J.L. (). Self-organized hybrid solids. In Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings (Vol. 726, p. 235-242).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Man, M.W.C., Bied, C., Bantignies, J.L., Dieudonné, P., Sauvajol, J.L. (). Self-organized hybrid silica with long-range ordered lamellar structure. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 123, Issue 32, p. 7957-7958).
Moreau, J.J.E., Vellutini, L., Wong Chi Man, C., Bied, C. (). New hybrid organic-inorganic solids with helical morphology via H-bond mediated sol-gel hydrolysis of silyl derivatives of chiral (R,R)- or (S,S)-diureidocyclohexane [6]. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 123, Issue 7, p. 1509-1510).