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Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C. (). Kinetic Study of the Reactions of Ground State Atomic Carbon and Oxygen with Nitrogen Dioxide over the 50-296 K Temperature Range. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 128, Issue 49, p. 10598-10608). COMEX
Hrodmarsson, H.R., Garcia, G.A., Bourehil, L., Nahon, L., Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., Guillemin, J.C., Loison, J.C. (). The isomer distribution of C6H6 products from the propargyl radical gas-phase recombination investigated by threshold-photoelectron spectroscopy. In Communications Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue 1, p. 156). COMEX
Le, H.L., Chen, N.L., Jiang, M., Le Bris, C., Charriere, C., Boye-Peronne, S., Loison, J.C., Jacovella, U., Gans, B. (). Exploring photoionization of gas-phase free radicals with a widely tunable VUV laser at moderate spectral resolution. In Review of Scientific Instruments (Vol. 95, Issue 9, p. 093003). COMEX
Vitorino, J., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Congiu, E., Dulieu, F. (). Sulphur storage in cold molecular clouds: the case of the NH+4 SH salt on interstellar dust grains. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 533, Issue 1, p. 52-62). COMEX
Wakelam, V., Gratier, P., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Penguen, J., Mechineau, A. (). The 2024 KIDA network for interstellar chemistry. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 689, p. A63). COMEX
Wu, X., Zhang, C., Gu, X., Fittschen, C., Loison, J.C., Roy Chowdhury, M., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Tang, X. (). Photoionization and Dissociative Photoionization of Acetaldehyde in the 10.0–13.7 eV Range by Synchrotron Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 25, Issue 13, p. e202400208). COMEX
Martin-Drumel, M.A., Coutens, A., Loison, J.C., Jørgensen, J.K., Pirali, O. (). Unveiling the gas phase H2NCO radical: Laboratory rotational spectroscopy and interstellar searches in the direction of IRAS 16293-2422. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 687, p. A233). COMEX
Yang, Z., He, C., Goettl, S.J., Mebel, A.M., Velloso, P.F.G., Alves, M.O., Galvão, B.R.L., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Dobrijevic, M., Li, X., Kaiser, R.I. (). Low-temperature formation of pyridine and (iso)quinoline via neutral–neutral reactions. In Nature Astronomy (Vol. 8, Issue 7, p. 856-864). COMEX
Marchand, P., Coutens, A., Scigliuto, J., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Andreu, A., Loison, J.C., Kóspál, , Ábrahám, P. (). Chemical inventory of the envelope of the Class I protostar L1551 IRS 5. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 687, p. A195). COMEX
Benne, B., Benmahi, B., Dobrijevic, M., Cavalié, T., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Barthélémy, M., Lilensten, J. (). Impact of the transport of magnetospheric electrons on the composition of the Triton atmosphere. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 686, p. A22). COMEX
Karaev, E., Gerlach, M., Theil, K., Garcia, G.A., Alcaraz, C., Loison, J.C., Fischer, I. (). Photoelectron spectrum of the pyridyl radical. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 26, Issue 24, p. 17042-17047). COMEX
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V. (). A Low-Temperature Kinetic Study of the C(3P) + CH3OCH3 Reaction: Rate Constants, H Atom Product Yields, and Astrochemical Implications. In ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Vol. 8, Issue 5, p. 1087-1100). COMEX
Chen, N.L., Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., Hartweg, S., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C. (). Experimental characterization of SiCH+ via single-photon ionization of gas-phase SiCH. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 160, Issue 11, p. 114310). COMEX
Chowdhury, M.R., Garcia, G.A., Hrodmarsson, H.R., Loison, J.C., Nahon, L. (). Photoionization of Nitrile-substituted Naphthalene and Benzene: Cation Spectroscopy, Photostability, and Implications for Photoelectric Gas Heating. In Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 963, Issue 1, p. 29). COMEX
Dubernet, M.L., Boursier, C., Denis-Alpizar, O., Ba, Y.A., Moreau, N., Zwölf, C.M., Amor, M.A., Babikov, D., Balakrishnan, N., Balança, C., Ben Khalifa, M., Bergeat, A., Bop, C.T., Cabrera-González, L., Cárdenas, C., Chefai, A., Dagdigian, P.J., Dayou, F., Demes, S., Desrousseaux, B., Dumouchel, F., Faure, A., Forrey, R.C., Franz, J., García-Vázquez, R.M., Gianturco, F., Godard Palluet, A., González-Sánchez, L., Groenenboom, G.C., Halvick, P., Hammami, K., Khadri, F., Kalugina, Y., Kleiner, I., Kłos, J., Lique, F., Loreau, J., Mandal, B., Mant, B., Marinakis, S., Ndaw, D., Pirlot Jankowiak, P., Price, T., Quintas-Sánchez, E., Ramachandran, R., Sahnoun, E., Santander, C., Stancil, P.C., Stoecklin, T., Tennyson, J., Tonolo, F., Urzúa-Leiva, R., Yang, B., Yurtsever, E., Zóltowski, M. (). BASECOL2023 scientific content. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 683, p. A40). COMEX
García-Vázquez, R.M., Bergeat, A., Denis-Alpizar, O., Faure, A., Stoecklin, T., Morales, S.B. (). Scattering resonances in the rotational excitation of HDO by Ne and normal-H2: theory and experiment. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 251, p. 205-224). COMEX
Rianço-Silva, R., Machado, P., Martins, Z., Lellouch, E., Loison, J.C., Dobrijevic, M., Dias, J.A., Ribeiro, J. (). A study of very high resolution visible spectra of Titan: Line characterisation in visible CH4 bands and the search for C3. In Planetary and Space Science (Vol. 240, p. 105836). COMEX
Faure, A., Żółtowski, M., Wiesenfeld, L., Lique, F., Bergeat, A. (). The rotational excitation of the water isotopologues by molecular hydrogen. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 527, Issue 2, p. 3087-3093). COMEX
Rodríguez-Baras, M., Esplugues, G., Fuente, A., Spezzano, S., Caselli, P., Loison, J.C., Roueff, E., Navarro-Almaida, D., Bachiller, R., Martín-Doménech, R., Jiménez-Serra, I., Beitia-Antero, L., Le Gal, R. (). Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS): IX. Deuterated compounds of H2S in starless cores. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 679, p. A120). COMEX