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Javier Aoiz, F., Balucani, N., Bergeat, A., Butler, A., Chandler, D.W., Czako, G., Gyori, T., Heard, D.E., Heathcote, D., Heazlewood, B.R., Hertl, N., Jambrina, P.G., Kaiser, R.I., Krohn, O.A., Le Duc, V., Loreau, J.ô., Mackenzie, S.R., McKendrick, K.G., Meyer, J., Nathanson, G.M., Neumark, D.M., Pandey, R., Reilly, C., Robertson, P., Schatz, G.C., Sibener, S.J., Suits, A.G., Watson, P.D., Wester, R., Willitsch, S., Wodtke, A.M., Zhao, B.S. (). Scattering of larger molecules – part 2: general discussion. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 251, p. 622-665).
Babikov, D., Balucani, N., Bergeat, A., Brouard, M., Chandler, D.W., Costen, M.L., Fárník, M., Guo, H., Gyori, T., Heard, D., Heathcote, D., Hertl, N., Jambrina, P.G., Kidwell, N.M., Krohn, O.A., Le Duc, V., Loreau, J., Mackenzie, S.R., McCrea, M., McKendrick, K.G., Meyer, J., Moon, D.R., Mullin, A.S., Nathanson, G.S., Neumark, D.M., Ni, K.K., Paterson, M.J., Pluhařová, E., Robertson, P., Reilly, C., Schatz, G.C., Sparling, C., Suits, A.G., Watson, P.D., Wester, R., Willitsch, S., Wodtke, A.M. (). Scattering of larger molecules - part 1: general discussion. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 251, p. 313-341).
Dubernet, M.L., Boursier, C., Denis-Alpizar, O., Ba, Y.A., Moreau, N., Zwölf, C.M., Amor, M.A., Babikov, D., Balakrishnan, N., Balança, C., Ben Khalifa, M., Bergeat, A., Bop, C.T., Cabrera-González, L., Cárdenas, C., Chefai, A., Dagdigian, P.J., Dayou, F., Demes, S., Desrousseaux, B., Dumouchel, F., Faure, A., Forrey, R.C., Franz, J., García-Vázquez, R.M., Gianturco, F., Godard Palluet, A., González-Sánchez, L., Groenenboom, G.C., Halvick, P., Hammami, K., Khadri, F., Kalugina, Y., Kleiner, I., Kłos, J., Lique, F., Loreau, J., Mandal, B., Mant, B., Marinakis, S., Ndaw, D., Pirlot Jankowiak, P., Price, T., Quintas-Sánchez, E., Ramachandran, R., Sahnoun, E., Santander, C., Stancil, P.C., Stoecklin, T., Tennyson, J., Tonolo, F., Urzúa-Leiva, R., Yang, B., Yurtsever, E., Zóltowski, M. (). BASECOL2023 scientific content. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 683, p. A40).
García-Vázquez, R.M., Bergeat, A., Denis-Alpizar, O., Faure, A., Stoecklin, T., Morales, S.B. (). Scattering resonances in the rotational excitation of HDO by Ne and normal-H2: theory and experiment. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 251, p. 205-224).
Faure, A., Żółtowski, M., Wiesenfeld, L., Lique, F., Bergeat, A. (). The rotational excitation of the water isotopologues by molecular hydrogen. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 527, Issue 2, p. 3087-3093).
Bergeat, A., Faure, A., Wiesenfeld, L., Miossec, C., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C. (). Near-Threshold and Resonance Effects in Rotationally Inelastic Scattering of D2O with Normal-H2. In Molecules (Vol. 27, Issue 21, p. 7535).
Bergeat, A., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Wiesenfeld, L., Faure, A. (). Probing Low-Energy Resonances in Water-Hydrogen Inelastic Collisions. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 125, Issue 14, p. 143402).
Bergeat, A., Faure, A., Morales, S.B., Moudens, A., Naulin, C. (). Low-Energy Water-Hydrogen Inelastic Collisions. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 124, Issue 2, p. 259-264).
Blázquez, S., González, D., García-Sáez, A., Antiñolo, M., Bergeat, A., Caralp, F., Mereau, R., Canosa, A., Ballesteros, B., Albaladejo, J., Jiménez, E. (). Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on the OH + CH3C(O)CH3 Reaction at Interstellar Temperatures (T = 11.7-64.4 K). In ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Vol. 3, Issue 9, p. 1873-1883).
Kłos, J., Bergeat, A., Vanuzzo, G., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Lique, F. (). Correction to: Probing nonadiabatic effects in low-energy C(3 Pj) + H2 collisions (Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018) 9:22 (6496-6501) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b03025). In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 10, Issue 12, p. 3408-3409).
Bergeat, A., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Klos, J., Lique, F. (). Quantum behavior of spin-orbit inelastic scattering of C-atoms by D 2 at low energy. In Frontiers in Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue MAR, p. 164).
Bergeat, A., Naulin, C. (). Magnetic control of a reaction path. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 10, Issue 12, p. 1177-1179).
Kłos, J., Bergeat, A., Vanuzzo, G., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Lique, F. (). Probing Nonadiabatic Effects in Low-Energy C(3 Pj) + H2 Collisions. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 9, Issue 22, p. 6496-6501).
Bergeat, A., Chefdeville, S., Costes, M., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Even, U., Kłos, J., Lique, F. (). Understanding the quantum nature of low-energy C(3P j ) + He inelastic collisions. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 10, Issue 5, p. 519-522).
Naulin, C., Bergeat, A. (). CHAPTER 3: Low-energy Scattering in Crossed Molecular Beams. In RSC Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series (Vol. 2018-January, Issue 11, p. 92-149).
Stoecklin, T., Faure, A., Jankowski, P., Chefdeville, S., Bergeat, A., Naulin, C., Morales, S.B., Costes, M. (). Comparative experimental and theoretical study of the rotational excitation of CO by collision with ortho- And para-D2 molecules. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 19, Issue 1, p. 189-195).
Lara, M., Chefdeville, S., Larregaray, P., Bonnet, L., Launay, J.M., Costes, M., Naulin, C., Bergeat, A. (). S(1D) + ortho-D2 Reaction Dynamics at Low Collision Energies: Complementary Crossed Molecular Beam Experiments and Theoretical Investigations. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 120, Issue 27, p. 5274-5281).
Vanuzzo, G., Balucani, N., Leonori, F., Stranges, D., Nevrly, V., Falcinelli, S., Bergeat, A., Casavecchia, P., Cavallotti, C. (). Reaction Dynamics of O(3P) + Propyne: I. Primary Products, Branching Ratios, and Role of Intersystem Crossing from Crossed Molecular Beam Experiments. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 120, Issue 27, p. 4603-4618).
Vanuzzo, G., Balucani, N., Leonori, F., Stranges, D., Falcinelli, S., Bergeat, A., Casavecchia, P., Gimondi, I., Cavallotti, C. (). Isomer-Specific Chemistry in the Propyne and Allene Reactions with Oxygen Atoms: CH3CH + CO versus CH2CH2 + CO Products. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 7, Issue 6, p. 1010-1015).
Leonori, F., Balucani, N., Nevrly, V., Bergeat, A., Falcinelli, S., Vanuzzo, G., Casavecchia, P., Cavallotti, C. (). Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Dynamics of the O(3P) + Propene Reaction: Primary Products, Branching Ratios, and Role of Intersystem Crossing. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 119, Issue 26, p. 14632-14652).
Wakelam, V., Loison, J.C., Herbst, E., Pavone, B., Bergeat, A., Béroff, K., Chabot, M., Faure, A., Galli, D., Geppert, W.D., Gerlich, D., Gratier, P., Harada, N., Hickson, K.M., Honvault, P., Klippenstein, S.J., Picard, S.D.L., Nyman, G., Ruaud, M., Schlemmer, S., Sims, I.R., Talbi, D., Tennyson, J., Wester, R. (). The 2014 kida network for interstellar chemistry. In Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (Vol. 217, Issue 2, p. 20).
Chefdeville, S., Stoecklin, T., Naulin, C., Jankowski, P., Szalewicz, K., Faure, A., Costes, M., Bergeat, A. (). Experimental and theoretical analysis of low-energy CO + H2 inelastic collisions. In Astrophysical Journal Letters (Vol. 799, Issue 1, p. L9).
Bergeat, A., Onvlee, J., Naulin, C., Van Der Avoird, A., Costes, M. (). Quantum dynamical resonances in low-energy CO(j =0) + He inelastic collisions. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue 4, p. 349-353).
Cavallotti, C., Leonori, F., Balucani, N., Nevrly, V., Bergeat, A., Falcinelli, S., Vanuzzo, G., Casavecchia, P. (). Relevance of the channel leading to formaldehyde + triplet ethylidene in the O(3P) + propene reaction under combustion conditions. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 5, Issue 23, p. 4213-4218).
Balucani, N., Leonori, F., Nevrly, V., Falcinelli, S., Bergeat, A., Stranges, D., Casavecchia, P. (). Reaction dynamics and relative yields of the H- and CH3- displacement channels in the O + CH3CCH reaction. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 602, p. 58-62).
Hébrard, E., Dobrijevic, M., Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Caralp, F. (). Photochemistry of C3Hp hydrocarbons in Titan's stratosphere revisited. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 552, p. A132).
Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Hickson, K.M., Bergeat, A., Mereau, R. (). The gas-phase chemistry of carbon chains in dark cloud chemical models. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 437, Issue 1, p. 930-945).
Daranlot, J., Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Méreau, R., Caralp, F., Forst, W., Bergeat, A. (). Gas-phase kinetics of the hydroxyl radical reaction with allene: Absolute rate measurements at low temperature, product determinations, and calculations. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 116, Issue 45, p. 10871-10881).
Lara, M., Chefdeville, S., Hickson, K.M., Bergeat, A., Naulin, C., Launay, J.M., Costes, M. (). Dynamics of the S(D21)+HD(j=0) reaction at collision energies approaching the cold regime: A stringent test for theory. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 109, Issue 13, p. 133201).
Hickson, K.M., Bergeat, A. (). Low temperature kinetics of unstable radical reactions. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 14, Issue 35, p. 12057-12069).
Chefdeville, S., Stoecklin, T., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Naulin, C., Costes, M. (). Appearance of low energy resonances in CO-Para-H 2 inelastic collisions. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 109, Issue 2, p. 023201).
Daranlot, J., Hincelin, U., Bergeat, A., Costes, M., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Hickson, K.M. (). Elemental nitrogen partitioning in dense interstellar clouds. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Vol. 109, Issue 26, p. 10233-10238).
Hébrard, E., Dobrijevic, M., Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M. (). Neutral production of hydrogen isocyanide (HNC) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in Titan's upper atmosphere. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 541, p. A21).
Loison, J.C., Halvick, P., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Wakelam, V. (). Review of OCS gas-phase reactions in dark cloud chemical models. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 421, Issue 2, p. 1476-1484).
Wakelam, V., Herbst, E., Loison, J.C., Smith, I.W.M., Chandrasekaran, V., Pavone, B., Adams, N.G., Bacchus-Montabonel, M.C., Bergeat, A., Béroff, K., Bierbaum, V.M., Chabot, M., Dalgarno, A., Van Dishoeck, E.F., Faure, A., Geppert, W.D., Gerlich, D., Galli, D., Hébrard, E., Hersant, F., Hickson, K.M., Honvault, P., Klippenstein, S.J., Le Picard, S., Nyman, G., Pernot, P., Schlemmer, S., Selsis, F., Sims, I.R., Talbi, D., Tennyson, J., Troe, J., Wester, R., Wiesenfeld, L. (). A kinetic database for astrochemistry (KIDA). In Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (Vol. 199, Issue 1, p. 21).
Bergeat, A., Daranlot, J., Hickson, K.M., Costes, M. (). Interstellar chemistry of atomic nitrogen: Low temperature kinetics of the N + OH, N + CN and N + NO reactions. In EAS Publications Series (Vol. 58, p. 283-286).
Daranlot, J., Jorfi, M., Xie, C., Bergeat, A., Costes, M., Caubet, P., Xie, D., Guo, H., Honvault, P., Hickson, K.M. (). Revealing atom-radical reactivity at low temperature through the N + OH reaction. In Science (Vol. 334, Issue 6062, p. 1538-1541).
Balucani, N., Leonori, F., Bergeat, A., Petrucci, R., Casavecchia, P. (). Crossed-beam dynamics studies of the radical-radical combustion reaction O(3P) + CH3 (methyl). In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 13, Issue 18, p. 8322-8330).
Lara, M., Dayou, F., Launay, J.M., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Naulin, C., Costes, M. (). Observation of partial wave structures in the integral cross section of the S(1D2) + H2(j = 0) reaction. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 13, Issue 18, p. 8127-8130).
Loison, J.C., Daranlot, J., Bergeat, A., Caralp, F., Mereau, R., Hickson, K.M. (). Gas-phase kinetics of hydroxyl radical reactions with C3H 6 and C4H8: Product branching ratios and OH addition site-specificity. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 114, Issue 51, p. 13326-13336).
Daranlot, J., Bergeat, A., Caralp, F., Caubet, P., Costes, M., Forst, W., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). Gas-phase kinetics of hydroxyl radical reactions with alkenes: Experiment and theory. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 11, Issue 18, p. 4002-4010).
Berteloite, C., Lara, M., Bergeat, A., Le Picard, S.D., Dayou, F., Hickson, K.M., Canosa, A., Naulin, C., Launay, J.M., Sims, I.R., Costes, M. (). Kinetics and dynamics of the S(D2/1)+H2→SH+H reaction at very low temperatures and collision energies. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 105, Issue 20, p. 203201).
Hickson, K.M., Bergeat, A., Costes, M. (). A low temperature study of the reactions of atomic chlorine with simple alkanes. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 114, Issue 9, p. 3038-3044).
Hébrard, E., Dobrijevic, M., Pernot, P., Carrasco, N., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Canosa, A., Le Picard, S.D., Sims, I.R. (). How measurements of rate coefficients at low temperature increase the predictivity of photochemical models of titan's atmosphere. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 113, Issue 42, p. 11227-11237).
Balucani, N., Bergeat, A., Cartechini, L., Volpi, G.G., Casavecchia, P., Skouteris, D., Rosi, M. (). Combined crossed molecular beam and theoretical studies of the N( 2D) + CH4 reaction and implications for atmospheric models of Titan. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 113, Issue 42, p. 11138-11152).
Bergeat, A., Moisan, S., Méreau, R., Loison, J.C. (). Kinetics and mechanisms of the reaction of CH with H2O. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 480, Issue 1-3, p. 21-25).
Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A. (). Rate constants and the H atom branching ratio of the reactions of the methylidyne CH(X2Π) radical with C2H2, C2H4, C3H4 (methylacetylene and allene), C3H6 (propene) and C4H8 (trans-butene). In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 11, Issue 4, p. 655-664).
Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Daugey, N., Caubet, P., Costes, M. (). A low temperature investigation of the N(4S°) + NO reaction. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 11, Issue 37, p. 8149-8155).
Caralp, F., Forst, W., Bergeat, A. (). A new look at reactions of 2-butoxy and 1-butoxy radicals in the presence of oxygen. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 10, Issue 37, p. 5746-5753).
Poully, B., Bergeat, A., Hannachi, Y. (). Theoretical study of the mechanism and rate constant of the B + CO 2 reaction. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 112, Issue 35, p. 8148-8153).
Leonori, F., Petrucci, R., Segoloni, E., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Balucani, N., Casavecchia, P. (). Unraveling the dynamics of the C(3P,1D) + C 2H2 reactions by the crossed molecular beam scattering technique. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 112, Issue 7, p. 1363-1379).
Daugey, N., Caubet, P., Bergeat, A., Costes, M., Hickson, K.M. (). Reaction kinetics to low temperatures. Dicarbon + acetylene, methylacetylene, allene and propene from 77 ≤ T ≤ 296 K. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 10, Issue 5, p. 729-737).
Guimbaud, C., Catoire, V., Bergeat, A., Michel, E., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Labonnette, D., Poulet, G. (). Kinetics of the reactions of acetone and glyoxal with O2+ and NO+ ions and application to the detection of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere by chemical ionization mass spectrometry. In International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Vol. 263, Issue 2-3, p. 276-288).
Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A., Caralp, F., Hannachi, Y. (). Rate constants and H atom branching ratios of the gas-phase reactions of methylidyne CH(X2II) radical with a series of alkanes. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 110, Issue 50, p. 13500-13506).
Costes, M., Daugey, N., Naulin, C., Bergeat, A., Leonori, F., Segoloni, E., Petrucci, R., Balucani, N., Casavecchia, P. (). Erratum: Crossed-beam studies on the dynamics of the C + C 2H2 interstellar reaction leading to linear, cyclic C 3h + H, C3 + H2 (Faraday Discussion (2006) 133, DOI: 10.1039/b518300f). In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 133, p. 465-466).
Caralp, F., Forst, W., Hénon, E., Bergeat, A., Bohr, F. (). Tunneling in the reaction of acetone with OH. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 8, Issue 9, p. 1072-1078).
Costes, M., Daugey, N., Naulin, C., Bergeat, A., Leonori, F., Segoloni, E., Petrucci, R., Balucani, N., Casavecchia, P. (). Crossed-beam studies on the dynamics of the C + C2H2 interstellar reaction leading to linear and cyclic C3H + H and C 3 + H2. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 133, p. 157-176).
Daugey, N., Caubet, P., Retail, B., Costes, M., Bergeat, A., Dorthe, G. (). Kinetic measurements on methylidyne radical reactions with several hydrocarbons at low temperatures. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (p. 2921-2927).
Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A. (). Reaction of carbon atoms, C (2p2, 3P) with C 3H4 (allene and methylacetylene), C3H 6 (propylene) and C4H8 (trans-butene): Overall rate constants and atomic hydrogen branching ratios. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 6, Issue 23, p. 5396-5401).
Balucani, N., Capozza, G., Cartechini, L., Bergeat, A., Bobbenkamp, R., Casavecchia, P., Aoiz, F.J., Bañares, L., Honvault, P., Bussery-Honvault, B., Launay, J.M. (). Dynamics of the insertion reaction C(1D) + H2: A comparison of crossed molecular beam experiments with quasiclassical trajectory and quantum mechanical scattering calculations. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 6, Issue 21, p. 4957-4967).
Galland, N., Caralp, F., Hannachi, Y., Bergeat, A., Loison, J.C. (). Experimental and theoretical studies of the methylidyne CH(X2∏) radical reaction with ethane (C2H6): Overall rate constant and product channels. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 107, Issue 28, p. 5419-5426).
Fleurat-Lessard, P., Rayez, J.C., Bergeat, A., Loison, J.C. (). Reaction of methylidyne CH(X2π) radical with CH4 and H2S: Overall rate constant and absolute atomic hydrogen production. In Chemical Physics (Vol. 279, Issue 2-3, p. 87-99).
Cartechini, L., Bergeat, A., Capozza, G., Casavecchia, P., Volpi, G.G., Geppert, W.D., Naulin, C., Costes, M. (). Dynamics of the C+C2H2 reaction from differential and integral cross-section measurements in crossed-beam experiments. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 116, Issue 13, p. 5603-5611).
Casavecchia, P., Balucani, N., Cartechini, L., Capozza, G., Bergeat, A., Volpi, G.G. (). Crossed beam studies of elementary reactions of N and C atoms and CN radicals of importance in combustion. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 119, Issue 1, p. 27-49).
Galland, N., Caralp, F., Rayez, M.T., Hannachi, Y., Loison, J.C., Dorthe, G., Bergeat, A. (). Reaction of carbon atoms, C (2p2,3P), with hydrogen sulfide, H2S (X1A1): Overall rate constant and product channels. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 105, Issue 43, p. 9893-9900).
Bergeat, A., Loison, J.C. (). Reaction of carbon atoms, C (2p2, 3P) with and C2H2, C2H4 and C6H6: Overall rate constant and relative atomic hydrogen production. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 3, Issue 11, p. 2038-2042).
Bergeat, A., Calvo, T., Caralp, F., Fillion, J.H., Dorthe, G., Loison, J.C. (). Determination of the CH + O2 product channels. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 119, p. 67-77).
Bergeat, A., Cavagnat, D., Lapouge, C., Lespade, L. (). Methyl group internal rotation dynamics: Overtone study of gaseous methylpyridine-2-αd2 and -3-αd2. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 104, Issue 40, p. 9233-9243).
Bergeat, A., Cartechini, L., Balucani, N., Capozza, G., Phillips, L.F., Casavecchia, P., Volpi, G.G., Bonnet, L., Rayez, J.C. (). A crossed-beam study of the reaction C( 1 D)+H 2 (X 1Σ+ , v=0 ) → CH(X 2Π , v′ )+H( 2 S). In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 327, Issue 3-4, p. 197-202).
Daugey, N., Bergeat, A., Loison, J.C., Schuck, A., Caubet, P., Dorthe, G. (). CN( a 2Πi→X 2Σ+ ) chemiluminescence from the N+C 2 N, N+CCl, and N+C 2 reactions under low-pressure fast-flow conditions. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 324, Issue 1-3, p. 1-6).
Bergeat, A., Calvo, T., Dorthe, G., Loison, J.C. (). Fast-Flow Study of the CH + CH Reaction Products. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 103, Issue 32, p. 6360-6365).
Bergeat, A., Calvo, T., Dorthe, G., Loison, J.C. (). Fast-flow study of the C+NO and C+O2 reactions. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 308, Issue 1-2, p. 7-12).
Bergeat, A., Calvo, T., Daugey, N., Loison, J.C., Dorthe, G. (). Product branching ratios of the CH + NO reaction. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 102, Issue 42, p. 8124-8130).
Daugey, N., Bergeat, A., Schuck, A., Caubet, P., Dorthe, G. (). Vibrational distribution in CN(X 2Σ+) from the N + C2 → CN + C reaction. In Chemical Physics (Vol. 222, Issue 1, p. 87-103).