Mme LE BOURDON Gwenaelle

Téléphone 05 40 00 63 55
Groupe de recherche Spectroscopie Moléculaire
Statut Permanent
Batiment A12
Etage 3° Ouest


Houjeij, H., Gregoire, A.C., Le Bourdon, G., Cantrel, L., Sobanska, S. (). Interaction process between gaseous CH3I and NaCl particles: Implication for iodine dispersion in the atmosphere. In Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts (Vol. 23, Issue 11, p. 1771-1781).
Kaleva, A., Tassaing, T., Saarimaa, V., Le Bourdon, G., Väisänen, P., Markkula, A., Levänen, E. (). Formation of corrosion products on zinc in wet supercritical and subcritical CO2: In-situ spectroscopic study. In Corrosion Science (Vol. 174, p. 108850).
Biron, C., Mounier, A., Le Bourdon, G., Servant, L., Chapoulie, R., Daniel, F. (). Revealing the colours of ukiyo-e prints by short wave infrared range hyperspectral imaging (SWIR). In Microchemical Journal (Vol. 155, p. 104782).
Ongkasin, K., Masmoudi, Y., Tassaing, T., Le-Bourdon, G., Badens, E. (). Supercritical loading of gatifloxacin into hydrophobic foldable intraocular lenses – Process control and optimization by following in situ CO2 sorption and polymer swelling. In International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Vol. 581, p. 119247).
Biron, C., Mounier, A., Le Bourdon, G., Servant, L., Chapoulie, R., Daniel, F. (). A blue can conceal another! Noninvasive multispectroscopic analyses of mixtures of indigo and Prussian blue. In Color Research and Application (Vol. 45, Issue 2, p. 262-274).
León-Janampa, N., Zimic, M., Shinkaruk, S., Quispe-Marcatoma, J., Gutarra, A., Le Bourdon, G., Gayot, M., Changanaqui, K., Gilman, R.H., Fouquet, E., Sheen, P., Szlosek, M. (). Synthesis, characterization and bio-functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles to improve the diagnosis of tuberculosis. In Nanotechnology (Vol. 31, Issue 17, p. 175101).
Wintzheimer, S., Genin, E., Vellutini, L., Le Bourdon, G., Kessler, M., Hackenberg, S., Dembski, S., Heuzé, K. (). Functionalisation of TiO2 nanoparticles with a fluorescent organosilane: A synergy enabling their visualisation in biological cells and an enhanced photocatalytic activity. In Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (Vol. 181, p. 1019-1025).
Ramalingam, S., Le Bourdon, G., Pouget, E., Scalabre, A., Rao, J.R., Perro, A. (). Adsorption of proteins on dual loaded silica nanocapsules. In Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Vol. 123, Issue 7, p. 1708-1717).
Biron, C., Le Bourdon, G., Pérez-Arantegui, J., Servant, L., Chapoulie, R., Daniel, F. (). Probing some organic ukiyo-e Japanese pigments and mixtures using non-invasive and mobile infrared spectroscopies. In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 410, Issue 27, p. 7043-7054).
Mounier, A., Le Bourdon, G., Aupetit, C., Lazare, S., Biron, C., Pérez-Arantegui, J., Almazán, D., Aramendia, J., Prieto-Taboada, N., Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, S., Daniel, F. (). Red and blue colours on 18th–19th century Japanese woodblock prints: In situ analyses by spectrofluorimetry and complementary non-invasive spectroscopic methods. In Microchemical Journal (Vol. 140, p. 129-141).
Meillan, M., Buffeteau, T., Le Bourdon, G., Thomas, L., Degueil, M., Heuzé, K., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers with Internal Urea Group on Silica Surface. In ChemistrySelect (Vol. 2, Issue 35, p. 11868-11874).
Mitcova, L., Buffeteau, T., Le Bourdon, G., Babot, O., Vellutini, L., Heuzé, K. (). Positive Dendritic Effect on Maleimide Surface Modification of Core-Shell (γ-Fe2O3/Polymer) Nanoparticles for Bio-Immobilization. In ChemistrySelect (Vol. 1, Issue 14, p. 4350-4356).
Mounier, A., Lazare, S., Le Bourdon, G., Aupetit, C., Servant, L., Daniel, F. (). LEDμSF: A new portable device for fragile artworks analyses. Application on medieval pigments. In Microchemical Journal (Vol. 126, p. 480-487).
Ramin, M.A., Le Bourdon, G., Heuzé, K., Degueil, M., Buffeteau, T., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Epoxy-terminated self-assembled monolayers containing internal urea or amide groups. In Langmuir (Vol. 31, Issue 9, p. 2783-2789).
Rigaud, S., Vanhaeren, M., Queffelec, A., Le Bourdon, G., d'Errico, F. (). The way we wear makes the difference: Residue analysis applied to Mesolithic personal ornaments from Hohlenstein-Stadel (Germany). In Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (Vol. 6, Issue 2, p. 133-144).
Mounier, A., Le Bourdon, G., Aupetit, C., Belin, C., Servant, L., Lazare, S., Lefrais, Y., Daniel, F. (). Hyperspectral imaging, spectrofluorimetry, FORS and XRF for the non-invasive study of medieval miniatures materials. In Heritage Science (Vol. 2, Issue 1, p. 24).
Benevides Ferreira, B.F., Pradere, C., Jolly, J., Le Bourdon, G., Mascetti, J., Pavageau, B., Servant, L., Batsale, J.C. (). Thermal effects of CO2 capture by solid adsorbents: Some approaches by IR image processing. In Mechanics and Industry (Vol. 14, Issue 6, p. 447-451).
Rahma, H., Buffeteau, T., Belin, C., Le Bourdon, G., Degueil, M., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L., Heuzé, K. (). Resolving the chemical nature of nanodesigned silica surface obtained via a bottom-up approach. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 5, Issue 15, p. 6843-6849).
De Sousa, S., Olivier, C., Ducasse, L., Le Bourdon, G., Hirsch, L., Toupance, T. (). Oligocarbazole-based chromophores for efficient thin-film dye-sensitized solar cells. In ChemSusChem (Vol. 6, Issue 6, p. 993-996).
Ramin, M.A., Le Bourdon, G., Heuzé, K., Degueil, M., Belin, C., Buffeteau, T., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Functionalized hydrogen-bonding self-assembled monolayers grafted onto SiO2 substrates. In Langmuir (Vol. 28, Issue 51, p. 17672-17680).
Ramin, M.A., Le Bourdon, G., Daugey, N., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L., Buffeteau, T. (). PM-IRRAS investigation of self-assembled monolayers grafted onto SiO 2/Au substrates. In Langmuir (Vol. 27, Issue 10, p. 6076-6084).