Mme PERRO Adeline

Téléphone 05 56 84 66 08
Groupe de recherche NanoSystèmes Analytiques
Statut Permanent
Poste Enseignant-chercheur
Batiment ENSMAC


Gimenez, G., Marin, E., Zanon, A., Lapeyre, V., Douliez, J.P., Ravaine, V., Perro, A. (). Study of the Interactions between Simple Coacervates and Chemicals for Water Depollution by Self-coacervation. In Langmuir.
Toor, R., Neujahr Copstein, A., Trébuchet, C., Goudeau, B., Garrigue, P., Lapeyre, V., Perro, A., Ravaine, V. (). Responsive microgels-based colloidosomes constructed from all-aqueous pH-switchable coacervate droplets. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 630, p. 66-75).
Toor, R., Hourdin, L., Shanmugathasan, S., Lefrançois, P., Arbault, S., Lapeyre, V., Bouffier, L., Douliez, J.P., Ravaine, V., Perro, A. (). Enzymatic cascade reaction in simple-coacervates. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 629, p. 46-54).
Perro, A., Coudon, N., Chapel, J.P., Martin, N., Béven, L., Douliez, J.P. (). Building micro-capsules using water-in-water emulsion droplets as templates. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 613, p. 681-696).
Hubert, C., Chomette, C., Désert, A., Madeira, A., Perro, A., Florea, I., Ihiawakrim, D., Ersen, O., Lombardi, A., Pertreux, E., Vialla, F., Maioli, P., Crut, A., Del Fatti, N., Vallée, F., Majimel, J., Ravaine, S., Duguet, E., Tréguer-Delapierre, M. (). Versatile template-directed synthesis of gold nanocages with a predefined number of windows. In Nanoscale Horizons (Vol. 6, Issue 4, p. 311-318).
Li, W., Liu, B., Hubert, C., Perro, A., Duguet, E., Ravaine, S. (). Self-assembly of colloidal polymers from two-patch silica nanoparticles. In Nano Research (Vol. 13, Issue 12, p. 3371-3376).
Suttipat, D., Butcha, S., Assavapanumat, S., Maihom, T., Gupta, B., Perro, A., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A., Wattanakit, C. (). Chiral Macroporous MOF Surfaces for Electroassisted Enantioselective Adsorption and Separation. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 12, Issue 32, p. 36548-36557).
María-Hormigos, R., Escarpa, A., Goudeau, B., Ravaine, V., Perro, A., Kuhn, A. (). Oscillatory Light-Emitting Biopolymer Based Janus Microswimmers. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 7, Issue 10, p. 1902094).
Douliez, J.P., Perro, A., Béven, L. (). Stabilization of All-in-Water Emulsions To Form Capsules as Artificial Cells. In ChemBioChem (Vol. 20, Issue 20, p. 2546-2552).
Perro, A., Giraud, L., Coudon, N., Shanmugathasan, S., Lapeyre, V., Goudeau, B., Douliez, J.P., Ravaine, V. (). Self-coacervation of ampholyte polymer chains as an efficient encapsulation strategy. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 548, p. 275-283).
Tatry, M.C., Laurichesse, E., Perro, A., Ravaine, V., Schmitt, V. (). Kinetics of spontaneous microgels adsorption and stabilization of emulsions produced using microfluidics. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 548, p. 1-11).
Assavapanumat, S., Yutthalekha, T., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Lapeyre, V., Perro, A., Sojic, N., Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Potential-Induced Fine-Tuning of the Enantioaffinity of Chiral Metal Phases. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 58, Issue 11, p. 3471-3475).
Ramalingam, S., Le Bourdon, G., Pouget, E., Scalabre, A., Rao, J.R., Perro, A. (). Adsorption of proteins on dual loaded silica nanocapsules. In Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Vol. 123, Issue 7, p. 1708-1717).
Labie, H., Perro, A., Lapeyre, V., Goudeau, B., Catargi, B., Auzély, R., Ravaine, V. (). Sealing hyaluronic acid microgels with oppositely-charged polypeptides: A simple strategy for packaging hydrophilic drugs with on-demand release. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 535, p. 16-27).
Douliez, J.P., Perro, A., Chapel, J.P., Goudeau, B., Béven, L. (). Preparation of Template-Free Robust Yolk–Shell Gelled Particles from Controllably Evolved All-in-Water Emulsions. In Small (Vol. 14, Issue 41, p. 1803042).
Busatto, C.A., Labie, H., Lapeyre, V., Auzely-Velty, R., Perro, A., Casis, N., Luna, J., Estenoz, D.A., Ravaine, V. (). Oil-in-microgel strategy for enzymatic-triggered release of hydrophobic drugs. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 493, p. 356-364).
Meng, G., Manoharan, V.N., Perro, A. (). Core-shell colloidal particles with dynamically tunable scattering properties. In Soft Matter (Vol. 13, Issue 37, p. 6293-6296).
Hubert, C., Chomette, C., Rouet, P.E., Désert, A., Treguer-Delapierre, M., Majimel, J., Mornet, S., Perro, A., Duguet, E., Ravaine, S. (). Regioselective functionalization of dimpled silica particles. In Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Vol. 510, p. 239-244).
Perro, A., Lebourdon, G., Henry, S., Lecomte, S., Servant, L., Marre, S. (). Correction: Combining microfluidics and FT-IR spectroscopy: Towards spatially resolved information on chemical processes (Reaction Chemistry and Engineering (2016) DOI: 10.1039/c6re00127k). In Reaction Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 1, Issue 6, p. 675).
Perro, A., Lebourdon, G., Henry, S., Lecomte, S., Servant, L., Marre, S. (). Combining microfluidics and FT-IR spectroscopy: Towards spatially resolved information on chemical processes. In Reaction Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 1, Issue 6, p. 577-594).
Chomette, C., Duguet, E., Mornet, S., Yammine, E., Manoharan, V.N., Schade, N.B., Hubert, C., Ravaine, S., Perro, A., Tréguer-Delapierre, M. (). Templated growth of gold satellites on dimpled silica cores. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 191, p. 105-116).
Duguet, É., Hubert, C., Chomette, C., Perro, A., Ravaine, S. (). Patchy colloidal particles for programmed self-assembly. In Comptes Rendus Chimie (Vol. 19, Issue 1-2, p. 173-182).
Hubert, C., Chomette, C., Désert, A., Sun, M., Treguer-Delapierre, M., Mornet, S., Perro, A., Duguet, E., Ravaine, S. (). Synthesis of multivalent silica nanoparticles combining both enthalpic and entropic patchiness. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 181, p. 139-146).
Sauret, A., Barney, E.C., Perro, A., Villermaux, E., Stone, H.A., Dressaire, E. (). Clogging by sieving in microchannels: Application to the detection of contaminants in colloidal suspensions. In Applied Physics Letters (Vol. 105, Issue 7, p. 074101).
Perro, A., Nicolet, C., Angly, J., Lecommandoux, S., Le Meins, J.F., Colin, A. (). Mastering a double emulsion in a simple co-flow microfluidic to generate complex polymersomes. In Langmuir (Vol. 27, Issue 14, p. 9034-9042).
Duguet, E., Désert, A., Perro, A., Ravaine, S. (). Design and elaboration of colloidal molecules: An overview. In Chemical Society Reviews (Vol. 40, Issue 2, p. 941-960).
Perro, A., Manoharan, V.N. (). Bulk synthesis of polymer-inorganic colloidal clusters. In Langmuir (Vol. 26, Issue 24, p. 18669-18675).
Perro, A., Meng, G., Fung, J., Manoharan, V.N. (). Design and synthesis of model transparent aqueous colloids with optimal scattering properties. In Langmuir (Vol. 25, Issue 19, p. 11295-11298).
Perro, A., Nguyen, D., Ravaine, S., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Lambert, O., Taveau, J.C., Duguet, E. (). Planar submicronic silica-polystyrene particles obtained by substrate-directed shaping. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 19, Issue 24, p. 4225-4230).
Perro, A., Meunier, F., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, S. (). Production of large quantities of "Janus" nanoparticles using wax-in-water emulsions. In Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Vol. 332, Issue 1, p. 57-62).
Perro, A., Duguet, E., Lambert, O., Taveau, J.C., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Ravaine, S. (). A chemical synthetic route towards "Colloidal molecules". In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 48, Issue 2, p. 361-365).
Perro, A., Duguet, E., Ravaine, S., Manoharan, V.N. (). Self-assembly of polyhedral hybrid colloidal particles. In Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (Vol. 1135, p. 51-55).
Taveau, J.C., Nguyen, D., Perro, A., Ravaine, S., Duguet, E., Lambert, O. (). New insights into the nucleation and growth of PS nodules on silica nanoparticles by 3D cryo-electron tomography. In Soft Matter (Vol. 4, Issue 2, p. 311).
Bourgeat-Lami, E., Herrera, N.N., Putaux, J.L., Perro, A., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, S., Duguet, E. (). Designing organic/inorganic colloids by heterophase polymerization. In Macromolecular Symposia (Vol. 248, p. 213-226).
Elodie, B.L., Herrera, N.N., Putaux, J.L., Perro, A.P., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, S., Duguet, E. (). Designing organic/inorganic colloids. In Radical Polymerization: Kinetics and Mechanism (p. 17-102).
Perro, A., Reculusa, S., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Duguet, E., Ravaine, S. (). Synthesis of hybrid colloidal particles: From snowman-like to raspberry-like morphologies. In Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Vol. 284-285, p. 78-83).
Bourgeat-Lami, E., Insulaire, M., Reculusa, S., Perro, A., Ravaine, S., Duguet, E. (). Nucleation of polystyrene latex particles in the presence of γ-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane: Functionalized silica particles. In Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Vol. 6, Issue 2, p. 432-444).
Bourgeat-Lami, E., Negrete Herrera, N., Putaux, J.L., Reculusa, S., Perro, A., Ravaine, S., Mingotaud, C., Duguet, E. (). Surface assisted nucleation and growth of polymer latexes on organically-modified inorganic particles. In Macromolecular Symposia (Vol. 229, p. 32-46).
Perro, A., Reculusa, S., Pereira, F., Delville, M.H., Mingotaud, C., Duguet, E., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Ravaine, S. (). Towards large amounts of Janus nanoparticles through a protection- deprotection route. In Chemical Communications (Issue 44, p. 5542-5543).
Perro, A., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, S., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Duguet, E. (). Design and synthesis of Janus micro- and nanoparticles. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 15, Issue 35-36, p. 3745-3760).
Reculusa, S., Poncet-Legrand, C., Perro, A., Duguet, E., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Mingotaud, C., Ravaine, S. (). Hybrid dissymmetrical colloidal particles. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 17, Issue 13, p. 3338-3344).
Perro, A., Reculusa, S., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Duguet, E., Ravaine, S. (). Synthesis of hybrid colloids through the growth of polystyrene latex particles onto methacryloxy methyl triethoxysilane - Functionalized silica particles. In Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (Vol. 901, p. 72-77).
Van Dijken, A., Perro, A., Meulenkamp, E.A., Brunner, K. (). The influence of a PEDOT:PSS layer on the efficiency of a polymer light-emitting diode. In Organic Electronics (Vol. 4, Issue 2-3, p. 131-141).