Mme RAVAINE Valérie

Téléphone 05 56 84 66 13
Groupe de recherche NanoSystèmes Analytiques
Statut Permanent
Poste Enseignant-chercheur
Batiment ENSMAC


Nguyen, D.N.T., Waldmann, L., Ravaine, V., Nicolai, T., Benyahia, L. (). Interaction between stabilized droplets of different phases in the same continuous phase of an aqueous three-phase system. In Soft Matter (Vol. 20, Issue 15, p. 3359-3366).
Brézault, A., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V., Perrin, P., Sanson, N. (). A “Limited Aggregation Model” to Predict the Size of Acrylamide-Based Microgels Synthesized with Ionic Surfactants. In Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics (Vol. 225, Issue 6, p. 2300372).
Gimenez, G., Marin, E., Zanon, A., Lapeyre, V., Douliez, J.P., Ravaine, V., Perro, A. (). Study of the Interactions between Simple Coacervates and Chemicals for Water Depollution by Self-coacervation. In Langmuir.
Waldmann, L., Nguyen, D.N.T., Arbault, S., Nicolai, T., Benyahia, L., Ravaine, V. (). Tuning the bis-hydrophilic balance of microgels: A tool to control the stability of water-in-water emulsions. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 653, p. 581-593).
Yoshida, K., Kajiwara, M., Okazaki, Y., Véronique, L., Zinna, F., Sojic, N., Bouffier, L., Lacour, J., Ravaine, V., Oda, R. (). Modulation of circularly polarized luminescence by swelling of microgels functionalized with enantiopure [Ru(bpy)3]2+ luminophores. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 60, Issue 13, p. 1743-1746).
Nguyen, D.N.T., Waldmann, L., Lapeyre, V., Arbault, S., Ravaine, V., Nicolai, T., Benyahia, L. (). Effect of charge on the stabilization of water-in-water emulsions by thermosensitive bis-hydrophilic microgels. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 646, p. 484-492).
Toor, R., Neujahr Copstein, A., Trébuchet, C., Goudeau, B., Garrigue, P., Lapeyre, V., Perro, A., Ravaine, V. (). Responsive microgels-based colloidosomes constructed from all-aqueous pH-switchable coacervate droplets. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 630, p. 66-75).
Toor, R., Hourdin, L., Shanmugathasan, S., Lefrançois, P., Arbault, S., Lapeyre, V., Bouffier, L., Douliez, J.P., Ravaine, V., Perro, A. (). Enzymatic cascade reaction in simple-coacervates. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 629, p. 46-54).
Tatry, M.C., Laurichesse, E., Vermant, J., Ravaine, V., Schmitt, V. (). Interfacial rheology of model water–air microgels laden interfaces: Effect of cross-linking. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 629, p. 288-299).
Han, D., Goudeau, B., Lapeyre, V., Ravaine, V., Jiang, D., Fang, D., Sojic, N. (). Enhanced electrochemiluminescence at microgel-functionalized beads. In Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Vol. 216, p. 114640).
Merland, T., Waldmann, L., Guignard, O., Tatry, M.C., Wirotius, A.L., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Nicolai, T., Benyahia, L., Ravaine, V. (). Thermo-induced inversion of water-in-water emulsion stability by bis-hydrophilic microgels. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 608, p. 1191-1201).
Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Experimental multiscale approach and instrumental techniques for the characterization of Pickering emulsions. In Developments in Clay Science (Vol. 10, p. 87-121).
Tatry, M.C., Galanopoulo, P., Waldmann, L., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Pickering emulsions stabilized by thermoresponsive oligo(ethylene glycol)-based microgels: Effect of temperature-sensitivity on emulsion stability. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 589, p. 96-109).
Abdi, F., Michel, R., Poirot, R., Dakir, M., Sancey, L., Ravaine, V., Auzély-Velty, R. (). Dynamic Covalent Chemistry Enables Reconfigurable All-Polysaccharide Nanogels. In Macromolecular Rapid Communications (Vol. 41, Issue 15, p. 2000213).
Niamlaem, M., Phuakkong, O., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A., Warakulwit, C., Zigah, D. (). Asymmetric Modification of Carbon Nanotube Arrays with Thermoresponsive Hydrogel for Controlled Delivery. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 12, Issue 20, p. 23378-23387).
María-Hormigos, R., Escarpa, A., Goudeau, B., Ravaine, V., Perro, A., Kuhn, A. (). Oscillatory Light-Emitting Biopolymer Based Janus Microswimmers. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 7, Issue 10, p. 1902094).
Li, H., Ravaine, V., Sojic, N. (). Electrochemiluminescence in Thermo-Responsive Hydrogel Films with Tunable Thickness. In Journal of Analysis and Testing (Vol. 4, Issue 2, p. 107-113).
Tatry, M.C., Qiu, Y., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Sugar-responsive Pickering emulsions mediated by switching hydrophobicity in microgels. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 561, p. 481-493).
Tatry, M.C., Laurichesse, E., Perro, A., Ravaine, V., Schmitt, V. (). Kinetics of spontaneous microgels adsorption and stabilization of emulsions produced using microfluidics. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 548, p. 1-11).
Perro, A., Giraud, L., Coudon, N., Shanmugathasan, S., Lapeyre, V., Goudeau, B., Douliez, J.P., Ravaine, V. (). Self-coacervation of ampholyte polymer chains as an efficient encapsulation strategy. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 548, p. 275-283).
Labie, H., Perro, A., Lapeyre, V., Goudeau, B., Catargi, B., Auzély, R., Ravaine, V. (). Sealing hyaluronic acid microgels with oppositely-charged polypeptides: A simple strategy for packaging hydrophilic drugs with on-demand release. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 535, p. 16-27).
Krisch, E., Gyarmati, B., Barczikai, D., Lapeyre, V., Szilágyi, B.Á., Ravaine, V., Szilágyi, A. (). Poly(aspartic acid) hydrogels showing reversible volume change upon redox stimulus. In European Polymer Journal (Vol. 105, p. 459-468).
Li, H., Voci, S., Ravaine, V., Sojic, N. (). Tuning Electrochemiluminescence in Multistimuli Responsive Hydrogel Films. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 9, Issue 2, p. 340-345).
Bouffier, L., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Modulation of Wetting Gradients by Tuning the Interplay between Surface Structuration and Anisotropic Molecular Layers with Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 18, Issue 19, p. 2557).
Bouffier, L., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Modulation of Wetting Gradients by Tuning the Interplay between Surface Structuration and Anisotropic Molecular Layers with Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 18, Issue 19, p. 2637-2642).
Picard, C., Garrigue, P., Tatry, M.C., Lapeyre, V., Ravaine, S., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Organization of Microgels at the Air-Water Interface under Compression: Role of Electrostatics and Cross-Linking Density. In Langmuir (Vol. 33, Issue 32, p. 7968-7981).
Bois, R., Scarabino, S., Ravaine, V., Sojic, N. (). Two-Dimensional Electrochemiluminescence: Light Emission Confined at the Oil-Water Interface in Emulsions Stabilized by Luminophore-Grafted Microgels. In Langmuir (Vol. 33, Issue 29, p. 7231-7238).
Busatto, C.A., Labie, H., Lapeyre, V., Auzely-Velty, R., Perro, A., Casis, N., Luna, J., Estenoz, D.A., Ravaine, V. (). Oil-in-microgel strategy for enzymatic-triggered release of hydrophobic drugs. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 493, p. 356-364).
Keal, L., Lapeyre, V., Ravaine, V., Schmitt, V., Monteux, C. (). Drainage dynamics of thin liquid foam films containing soft PNiPAM microgels: influence of the cross-linking density and concentration. In Soft Matter (Vol. 13, Issue 1, p. 170-180).
Li, H., Sentic, M., Ravaine, V., Sojic, N. (). Antagonistic effects leading to turn-on electrochemiluminescence in thermoresponsive hydrogel films. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 18, Issue 48, p. 32697-32702).
Phuakkong, O., Sentic, M., Li, H., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A., Ravaine, V., Zigah, D. (). Wireless Synthesis and Activation of Electrochemiluminescent Thermoresponsive Janus Objects Using Bipolar Electrochemistry. In Langmuir (Vol. 32, Issue 49, p. 12995-13002).
Krisch, E., Messager, L., Gyarmati, B., Ravaine, V., Szilágyi, A. (). Redox- and pH-Responsive Nanogels Based on Thiolated Poly(aspartic acid). In Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (Vol. 301, Issue 3, p. 260-266).
Bouffier, L., Ravaine, V., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Electric fields for generating unconventional motion of small objects. In Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 21, p. 57-64).
Denisov, S.A., Pinaud, F., Chambaud, M., Lapeyre, V., Catargi, B., Sojic, N., McClenaghan, N.D., Ravaine, V. (). Saccharide-induced modulation of photoluminescence lifetime in microgels. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 18, Issue 25, p. 16812-16821).
Divoux, T., Lapeyre, V., Ravaine, V., Manneville, S. (). Wall slip across the jamming transition of soft thermoresponsive particles. In Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Vol. 92, Issue 6, p. 060301).
Pinaud, F., Millereux, R., Vialar-Trarieux, P., Catargi, B., Pinet, S., Gosse, I., Sojic, N., Ravaine, V. (). Differential Photoluminescent and Electrochemiluminescent Behavior for Resonance Energy Transfer Processes in Thermoresponsive Microgels. In Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Vol. 119, Issue 40, p. 12954-12961).
Srinivasan, A., Roche, J., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Synthesis of conducting asymmetric hydrogel particles showing autonomous motion. In Soft Matter (Vol. 11, Issue 20, p. 3958-3962).
Massé, P., Sellier, E., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Impact of electrostatics on the adsorption of microgels at the interface of pickering emulsions. In Langmuir (Vol. 30, Issue 49, p. 14745-14756).
Tarus, D., Hachet, E., Messager, L., Catargi, B., Ravaine, V., Auzély-Velty, R. (). Readily prepared dynamic hydrogels by combining phenyl boronic acid-and maltose-modifi ed anionic polysaccharides at neutral pH. In Macromolecular Rapid Communications (Vol. 35, Issue 24, p. 2089-2095).
Pinaud, F., Geisel, K., Massé, P., Catargi, B., Isa, L., Richtering, W., Ravaine, V., Schmitt, V. (). Adsorption of microgels at an oil-water interface: Correlation between packing and 2D elasticity. In Soft Matter (Vol. 10, Issue 36, p. 6963-6974).
Hachet, E., Sereni, N., Pignot-Paintrand, I., Ravaine, V., Szarpak-Jankowska, A., Auzély-Velty, R. (). Thiol-ene clickable hyaluronans: From macro-to nanogels. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 419, p. 52-55).
Destribats, M., Eyharts, M., Lapeyre, V., Sellier, E., Varga, I., Ravaine, V., Schmitt, V. (). Impact of pNIPAM microgel size on its ability to stabilize pickering emulsions. In Langmuir (Vol. 30, Issue 7, p. 1768-1777).
Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Surface compaction versus stretching in Pickering emulsions stabilised by microgels. In Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 18, Issue 6, p. 532-541).
Destribats, M., Wolfs, M., Pinaud, F., Lapeyre, V., Sellier, E., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Pickering emulsions stabilized by soft microgels: Influence of the emulsification process on particle interfacial organization and emulsion properties. In Langmuir (Vol. 29, Issue 40, p. 12367-12374).
Messager, L., Portecop, N., Hachet, E., Lapeyre, V., Pignot-Paintrand, I., Catargi, B., Auzély-Velty, R., Ravaine, V. (). Photochemical crosslinking of hyaluronic acid confined in nanoemulsions: Towards nanogels with a controlled structure. In Journal of Materials Chemistry B (Vol. 1, Issue 27, p. 3369-3379).
Pinaud, F., Russo, L., Pinet, S., Gosse, I., Ravaine, V., Sojic, N. (). Enhanced electrogenerated chemiluminescence in thermoresponsive microgels. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 135, Issue 15, p. 5517-5520).
Destribats, M., Lapeyre, V., Sellier, E., Leal-Calderon, F., Ravaine, V., Schmitt, V. (). Origin and control of adhesion between emulsion drops stabilized by thermally sensitive soft colloidal particles. In Langmuir (Vol. 28, Issue 8, p. 3744-3755).
Destribats, M., Lapeyre, V., Sellier, E., Leal-Calderon, F., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Water-in-oil emulsions stabilized by water-dispersible poly(N- isopropylacrylamide) microgels: Understanding anti-Finkle behavior. In Langmuir (Vol. 27, Issue 23, p. 14096-14107).
Ancla, C., Lapeyre, V., Gosse, I., Catargi, B., Ravaine, V. (). Designed glucose-responsive microgels with selective shrinking behavior. In Langmuir (Vol. 27, Issue 20, p. 12693-12701).
Destribats, M., Lapeyre, V., Wolfs, M., Sellier, E., Leal-Calderon, F., Ravaine, V., Schmitt, V. (). Soft microgels as Pickering emulsion stabilisers: Role of particle deformability. In Soft Matter (Vol. 7, Issue 17, p. 7689-7698).
Loget, G., Larcade, G., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Delville, M.H., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Single point electrodeposition of nickel for the dissymmetric decoration of carbon tubes. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 55, Issue 27, p. 8116-8120).
Szamocki, R., Massé, P., Ravaine, S., Ravaine, V., Hempelmann, R., Kuhn, A. (). Multicomponent macroporous materials with a controlled architecture. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 19, Issue 3, p. 409-414).
Lapeyre, V., Renaudie, N., Dechezelles, J.F., Saadaoui, H., Ravaine, S., Ravaine, V. (). Multiresponsive hybrid microgels and hollow capsules with a layered structure. In Langmuir (Vol. 25, Issue 8, p. 4659-4667).
Li, Z., Lapeyre, V., Ravaine, V., Ravaine, S., Kuhn, A. (). Single-crystalline gold nanoplates from a commercial gold plating solution. In Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 2045-2050).
Ravaine, V., Ancla, C., Catargi, B. (). Chemically controlled closed-loop insulin delivery. In Journal of Controlled Release (Vol. 132, Issue 1, p. 2-11).
Lapeyre, V., Ancla, C., Catargi, B., Ravaine, V. (). Glucose-responsive microgels with a core-shell structure. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 327, Issue 2, p. 316-323).
Warakulwit, C., Nguyen, T., Majimel, J., Delville, M.H., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Ravaine, V., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Dissymmetric carbon nanotubes by bipolar electrochemistry. In Nano Letters (Vol. 8, Issue 2, p. 500-504).
Li, Z., Ravaine, V., Ravaine, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Raspberry-like gold microspheres: Preparation and electrochemical characterization. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 17, Issue 4, p. 618-622).
Dromard, T., Ravaine, V., Ravaine, S., Ĺv̂que, J.L., Sojic, N. (). Remote in vivo imaging of human skin corneocytes by means of an optical fiber bundle. In Review of Scientific Instruments (Vol. 78, Issue 5, p. 053709).
Lapeyre, V., Gosse, I., Chevreux, S., Ravaine, V. (). Monodispersed glucose-responsive microgels operating at physiological salinity. In Biomacromolecules (Vol. 7, Issue 12, p. 3356-3363).
Lacharme, F., Lapeyre, V., Ravaine, V. (). Full verification of the liquid exclusion-adsorption chromatography theory using monolithic capillary columns. In Journal of Chromatography A (Vol. 1074, Issue 1-2, p. 89-98).
Gisse, P., Cluzeau, P., Ravaine, V., Nguyen, H.T. (). Characterization of a new chiral antiferroelectric liquid crystal with a lateral bromo substituent. In Liquid Crystals (Vol. 29, Issue 1, p. 91-98).
Ravaine, V., Bibette, J., Henry, N. (). Wetting of liquid droplets on living cells. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 255, Issue 2, p. 270-273).
Mabille, C., Schmitt, V., Gorria, P., Leal Calderon, F., Faye, V., Deminière, B., Bibette, J. (). Rheological and shearing conditions for the preparation of monodisperse emulsions. In Langmuir (Vol. 16, Issue 2, p. 422-429).
Laux, V., Isaert, N., Faye, V., Nguyen, H.T. (). Evidence for three typical behaviours of the helicity in the SmCalpha* phase from recent benzoate ester series. In Liquid Crystals (Vol. 27, Issue 1, p. 81-88).
Cluzeau, P., Gisse, P., Ravaine, V., Levelut, A.M., Barois, P., Huang, C.C., Rieutord, F., Nguyen, H.T. (). Resonant X-ray diffraction study of a new brominated chiral SmCA* liquid crystal. In Ferroelectrics (Vol. 244, Issue 1-4, p. 1-18).
Douali, R., Legrand, C., Faye, V., Nguyen, H.T. (). Dielectric Dispersion in the S* Phase of an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal. In Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (Vol. 328, p. 209-219).
Beaubois, F., Faye, V., Marcerou, J.P., Nguyen, H.T., Rouillon, J.C. (). Direct smectic A-smectic C*A phase transition. In Liquid Crystals (Vol. 26, Issue 9, p. 1351-1357).
Faye, V., Rouillon, J.C., Nguyen, H.T., Detre, L., Laux, V., Isaert, N. (). Synthesis and characterization of a chiral antiferroelectric series with new SmC A*-L transition. In Liquid Crystals (Vol. 24, Issue 5, p. 747-758).
Ravaine, S., Faye, V., Nguyen, H.T., Delhaes, P. (). Methanofullerenes with mesogenic groups: Bulk properties and Langmuir films. In Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Vol. 58, Issue 11, p. 1753-1756).
Faye, V., Nguyen, H.T., Barois, P. (). From segregation to intercalation in smectic organization of polar non-symmetric dimesogens. In Journal de Physique I (Vol. 7, Issue 9, p. 1245-1260).
Faye, V., Nguyen, H.T., Laux, V., Isaert, N. (). Influence of the spacer in a series of chiral non-symmetric dimesogens. In Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (Vol. 301, p. 183-188).
Faye, V., Babeau, A., Placin, F., Nguyen, H.T., Barois, P., Laux, V., Isaert, N. (). Sc*A and sc* phases in chiral non-symmetric dimesogens. In Liquid Crystals (Vol. 21, Issue 4, p. 485-503).
Faye, V., Nguyen, H.T., Laux, V., Isaert, N. (). SC a and SC FI phases in chiral non-symmetric dimesogens. In Ferroelectrics (Vol. 179, Issue 1-4, p. 9-24).
Faye, V., Rouillon, J.C., Destrade, C., Nguyen, H.T. (). The effect of the position of lateral fluoro-substituents on the stability of the and S* and S*CA phases. In Liquid Crystals (Vol. 19, Issue 1, p. 47-56).