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Lozon, C., Cornet, A., Reculusa, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A., Salinas, G. (). Chemically-Driven Autonomous Janus Electromagnets as Magnetotactic Swimmers. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 63, Issue 37, p. e202408198).
Chassagne, P., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Bulk Electrosynthesis of Patchy Particles with Highly Controlled Asymmetric Features. In Advanced Materials (Vol. 36, Issue 6, p. 2307539).
Huang, Y., Talaga, D., Salinas, G., Garrigue, P., Cooney, G.S., Reculusa, S., Kuhn, A., Bonhommeau, S., Bouffier, L. (). Contactless manufacturing of TERS-active AFM tips by bipolar electrodeposition. In Nanoscale.
Huang, Y., Talaga, D., Garrigue, P., Salinas, G., Cooney, G.S., Reculusa, S., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L., Bonhommeau, S. (). Nanostructured gold-coated AFM tips generated by potentiostatic electrodeposition for tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 832, p. 140893).
Descamps, J., Zhao, Y., Le-Pouliquen, J., Goudeau, B., Garrigue, P., Tavernier, K., Léger, Y., Loget, G., Sojic, N. (). Local reactivity of metal-insulator-semiconductor photoanodes imaged by photoinduced electrochemiluminescence microscopy. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 59, Issue 82, p. 12262-12265).
Gao, R., Beladi-Mousavi, S.M., Salinas, G., Garrigue, P., Zhang, L., Kuhn, A. (). Spatial Precision Tailoring the Catalytic Activity of Graphene Monolayers for Designing Janus Swimmers. In Nano Letters (Vol. 23, Issue 17, p. 8180-8185).
Salinas, G., Arnaboldi, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Controlled Patterning of Complex Resistance Gradients in Conducting Polymers with Bipolar Electrochemistry. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 10, Issue 12, p. 2202367).
Salinas, G., Arnaboldi, S., Garrigue, P., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Kuhn, A. (). Magnetic field-enhanced redox chemistry on-the-fly for enantioselective synthesis. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 247, p. 34-44).
Toor, R., Neujahr Copstein, A., Trébuchet, C., Goudeau, B., Garrigue, P., Lapeyre, V., Perro, A., Ravaine, V. (). Responsive microgels-based colloidosomes constructed from all-aqueous pH-switchable coacervate droplets. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 630, p. 66-75).
Guilbault, S., Garrigue, P., Garnier, L., Pandard, J., Lemaître, F., Guille-Collignon, M., Sojic, N., Arbault, S. (). Design of optoelectrodes for the remote imaging of cells and in situ electrochemical detection of neurosecretory events. In Bioelectrochemistry (Vol. 148, p. 108262).
Arnaboldi, S., Salinas, G., Bonetti, G., Garrigue, P., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Kuhn, A. (). Autonomous Chiral Microswimmers with Self-mixing Capabilities for Highly Efficient Enantioselective Synthesis. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 61, Issue 40, p. e202209098).
Kankla, P., Luksirikul, P., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Site-Selective Bipolar Electrodeposition of Gold Clusters on Graphene Oxide Microsheets at a 3D Air|Liquid Interface. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 9, Issue 21, p. 2200304).
Kassahun, G.S., Farias, E.D., Benizri, S., Mortier, C., Gaubert, A., Salinas, G., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A., Zigah, D., Barthélémy, P. (). Electropolymerizable Thiophene-Oligonucleotides for Electrode Functionalization. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 14, Issue 23, p. 26350-26358).
Beladi-Mousavi, S.M., Salinas, G., Antonatos, N., Mazanek, V., Garrigue, P., Sofer, Z., Kuhn, A. (). Fine-tuning the functionality of reduced graphene oxide via bipolar electrochemistry in freestanding 2D reaction layers. In Carbon (Vol. 191, p. 439-447).
Al Bacha, S., Farias, E.D., Garrigue, P., Zakhour, M., Nakhl, M., Bobet, J.L., Zigah, D. (). Local enhancement of hydrogen production by the hydrolysis of Mg17Al12 with Mg “model” material. In Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Vol. 895, p. 162560).
Merland, T., Waldmann, L., Guignard, O., Tatry, M.C., Wirotius, A.L., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Nicolai, T., Benyahia, L., Ravaine, V. (). Thermo-induced inversion of water-in-water emulsion stability by bis-hydrophilic microgels. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 608, p. 1191-1201).
Arnaboldi, S., Salinas, G., Karajić, A., Garrigue, P., Benincori, T., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Bichon, S., Gounel, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Direct dynamic read-out of molecular chirality with autonomous enzyme-driven swimmers. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 13, Issue 12, p. 1241-1247).
Salinas, G., Tieriekhov, K., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Lorentz Force-Driven Autonomous Janus Swimmers. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 143, Issue 32, p. 12708-12714).
Pavel, I.A., Salinas, G., Mierzwa, M., Arnaboldi, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Cooperative Chemotaxis of Magnesium Microswimmers for Corrosion Spotting. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 22, Issue 13, p. 1321-1325).
Tatry, M.C., Galanopoulo, P., Waldmann, L., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Pickering emulsions stabilized by thermoresponsive oligo(ethylene glycol)-based microgels: Effect of temperature-sensitivity on emulsion stability. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 589, p. 96-109).
Melvin, A.A., Gupta, B., Tieriekhov, K., Nogala, W., Garrigue, P., Reculusa, S., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless Dual Stimuli Actuation of Dye Sensitized Conducting Polymer Hybrids. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 31, Issue 22, p. 2101171).
Melvin, A.A., Lebraud, E., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Light and electric field induced unusual large-scale charge separation in hybrid semiconductor objects. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 22, Issue 39, p. 22180-22184).
Vindas, K., Buhot, A., Livache, T., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Leroy, L., Engel, E. (). Enhancing the sensitivity of plasmonic optical fiber sensors by analyzing the distribution of the optical modes intensity. In Optics Express (Vol. 28, Issue 20, p. 28740-28749).
Niamlaem, M., Phuakkong, O., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A., Warakulwit, C., Zigah, D. (). Asymmetric Modification of Carbon Nanotube Arrays with Thermoresponsive Hydrogel for Controlled Delivery. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 12, Issue 20, p. 23378-23387).
Tatry, M.C., Qiu, Y., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Sugar-responsive Pickering emulsions mediated by switching hydrophobicity in microgels. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 561, p. 481-493).
Desmet, C., Vindas, K., Meza, R.A., Garrigue, P., Voci, S., Sojic, N., Maziz, A., Courson, R., Malaquin, L., Leichle, T., Buhot, A., Roupioz, Y., Leroy, L., Engel, E. (). Multiplexed remote SPR detection of biological interactions through optical fiber bundles. In Sensors (Switzerland) (Vol. 20, Issue 2, p. 511).
Bombail, T., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Talaga, D., Bouffier, L., Bonhommeau, S., Servant, L., Zigah, D., Arbault, S., Sojic, N. (). Dual microelectrodes decorated with nanotip arrays: Fabrication, characterization and spectroelectrochemical sensing. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 328, p. 135105).
Assavapanumat, S., Ketkaew, M., Garrigue, P., Lapeyre, V., Reculusa, S., Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Hierarchical Multiporous Nickel for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Media. In ChemCatChem (Vol. 11, Issue 24, p. 5834).
Vindas, K., Leroy, L., Garrigue, P., Voci, S., Livache, T., Arbault, S., Sojic, N., Buhot, A., Engel, E. (). Highly parallel remote SPR detection of DNA hybridization by micropillar optical arrays. In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 411, Issue 11, p. 2249-2259).
Gupta, B., Afonso, M.C., Zhang, L., Ayela, C., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless Coupling of Conducting Polymer Actuators with Light Emission. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 20, Issue 7, p. 941-945).
Assavapanumat, S., Yutthalekha, T., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Lapeyre, V., Perro, A., Sojic, N., Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Potential-Induced Fine-Tuning of the Enantioaffinity of Chiral Metal Phases. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 58, Issue 11, p. 3471-3475).
Salinas, G., Frontana-Uribe, B.A., Reculusa, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Highly Ordered Macroporous Poly-3,4- ortho-xylendioxythiophene Electrodes as a Sensitive Analytical Tool for Heavy Metal Quantification. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 90, Issue 20, p. 11770-11774).
Gupta, B., Goudeau, B., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Bipolar Conducting Polymer Crawlers Based on Triple Symmetry Breaking. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 28, Issue 25, p. 1705825).
De Poulpiquet, A., Goudeau, B., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Arbault, S., Doneux, T., Bouffier, L. (). A snapshot of the electrochemical reaction layer by using 3 dimensionally resolved fluorescence mapping. In Chemical Science (Vol. 9, Issue 32, p. 6622-6628).
Tiewcharoen, S., Warakulwit, C., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Fourier, L., Elissalde, C., Buffière, S., Legros, P., Gayot, M., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Anisotropic Metal Deposition on TiO2 Particles by Electric-Field-Induced Charge Separation. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 56, Issue 38, p. 11431-11435).
Picard, C., Garrigue, P., Tatry, M.C., Lapeyre, V., Ravaine, S., Schmitt, V., Ravaine, V. (). Organization of Microgels at the Air-Water Interface under Compression: Role of Electrostatics and Cross-Linking Density. In Langmuir (Vol. 33, Issue 32, p. 7968-7981).
Vindas, K., Engel, E., Garrigue, P., Livache, T., Arbault, S., Sojic, N., Leroy, L. (). Nano-structured optical fiber bundles for remote SPR detection: A first step toward in vivo biomolecular analysis. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Vol. 10323, p. 1032307).
Badets, V., Loget, G., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Zigah, D. (). Combined local anodization of titanium and scanning photoelectrochemical mapping of TiO2 spot arrays. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 222, p. 84-91).
Li, H., Garrigue, P., Bouffier, L., Arbault, S., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Double remote electrochemical addressing and optical readout of electrochemiluminescence at the tip of an optical fiber. In Analyst (Vol. 141, Issue 14, p. 4299-4304).
Tisserant, G., Gillion, J., Lannelongue, J., Fattah, Z., Garrigue, P., Roche, J., Zigah, D., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Single-Step Screening of the Potential Dependence of Metal Layer Morphologies along Bipolar Electrodes. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 3, Issue 3, p. 387-391).
Warakulwit, C., Yadnum, S., Boonyuen, C., Wattanakit, C., Karajic, A., Garrigue, P., Mano, N., Bradshaw, D., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Elaboration of metal organic framework hybrid materials with hierarchical porosity by electrochemical deposition-dissolution. In CrystEngComm (Vol. 18, Issue 27, p. 5095-5100).
Karajic, A., Reculusa, S., Heim, M., Garrigue, P., Ravaine, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Bottom-up Generation of Miniaturized Coaxial Double Electrodes with Tunable Porosity. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 2, Issue 12, p. 1500192).
Yadnum, S., Roche, J., Lebraud, E., Négrier, P., Garrigue, P., Bradshaw, D., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Site-selective synthesis of Janus-type metal-organic framework composites. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 53, Issue 15, p. 4001-4005).
Vajrala, V.S., Suraniti, E., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Rigoulet, M., Devin, A., Sojic, N., Arbault, S. (). Optical microwell array for large scale studies of single mitochondria metabolic responses. In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 406, Issue 4, p. 931-941).
Fattah, Z., Roche, J., Garrigue, P., Zigah, D., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Chemiluminescence from asymmetric inorganic surface layers generated by bipolar electrochemistry. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 14, Issue 10, p. 2089-2093).
Fattah, Z., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Lapeyre, V., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Capillary electrophoresis as a production tool for asymmetric microhybrids. In Electrophoresis (Vol. 34, Issue 14, p. 1985-1990).
Fattah, Z., Garrigue, P., Lapeyre, V., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Controlled orientation of asymmetric copper deposits on carbon microobjects by bipolar electrochemistry. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 116, Issue 41, p. 22021-22027).
Loget, G., Lee, T.C., Taylor, R.W., Mahajan, S., Nicoletti, O., Jones, S.T., Coulston, R.J., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Midgley, P.A., Scherman, O.A., Baumberg, J.J., Kuhn, A. (). Direct visualization of symmetry breaking during janus nanoparticle formation. In Small (Vol. 8, Issue 17, p. 2698-2703).
Fattah, Z., Loget, G., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Straightforward single-step generation of microswimmers by bipolar electrochemistry. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 56, Issue 28, p. 10562-10566).
Loget, G., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Delville, M.H., Kuhn, A. (). Versatile procedure for synthesis of janus-type carbon tubes. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 23, Issue 10, p. 2595-2599).
Loget, G., Larcade, G., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Delville, M.H., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Single point electrodeposition of nickel for the dissymmetric decoration of carbon tubes. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 55, Issue 27, p. 8116-8120).
Guieu, V., Garrigue, P., Lagugné-Labarthet, F., Servant, L., Sojic, N., Talaga, D. (). Remote surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy imaging via a nanostructured optical fiber bundle. In Optics Express (Vol. 17, Issue 26, p. 24030-24035).
Warakulwit, C., Majimel, J., Delville, M.H., Garrigue, P., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Controlled purification, solubilisation and cutting of carbon nanotubes using phosphomolybdic acid. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 18, Issue 34, p. 4056-4061).
Warakulwit, C., Nguyen, T., Majimel, J., Delville, M.H., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Ravaine, V., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Dissymmetric carbon nanotubes by bipolar electrochemistry. In Nano Letters (Vol. 8, Issue 2, p. 500-504).
Viry, L., Derré, A., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Poulin, P., Kuhn, A. (). Carbon nanotube fiber microelectrodes: Design, characterization, and optimization. In Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Vol. 7, Issue 10, p. 3373-3377).
Viry, L., Derré, A., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Poulin, P., Kuhn, A. (). Optimized carbon nanotube fiber microelectrodes as potential analytical tools. In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 389, Issue 2, p. 499-505).
Li, Z., Ravaine, V., Ravaine, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Raspberry-like gold microspheres: Preparation and electrochemical characterization. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 17, Issue 4, p. 618-622).
Szamocki, R., Velichko, A., Holzapfel, C., Mücklich, F., Ravaine, S., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Hempelmann, R., Kuhn, A. (). Macroporous ultramicroelectrodes for improved electroanalytical measurements. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 79, Issue 2, p. 533-539).
Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Pecastaings, G., Saadaoui, H., Sojic, N. (). Development of an ordered microarray of electrochemiluminescent nanosensors. In Measurement Science and Technology (Vol. 17, Issue 5, p. 1211-1219).
Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N. (). Remote NADH imaging through an ordered array of electrochemiluminescent nanoapertures. In Bioelectrochemistry (Vol. 69, Issue 1, p. 25-33).
Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Pecastaings, G., Saadaoui, H., Manek-Hönninger, I., Sojic, N. (). Microarrays of near-field optical probes with adjustable dimensions. In Ultramicroscopy (Vol. 106, Issue 2, p. 57-65).
Sojic, N., Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Manek-Hönninger, I., Servant, L. (). Ordered arrays of near-field optical probes. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Vol. 5838, p. 1-9).
Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Sallard, S., Manek-Hönninger, I., Sojic, N. (). Far-field characterization of ordered arrays of subwavelength apertures with adjustable dimensions. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Vol. 5855 PART I, p. 246-249).
Amatore, C., Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Servant, L., Sojic, N., Szunerits, S., Thouin, L. (). Remote fluorescence imaging of dynamic concentration profiles with micrometer resolution using a coherent optical fiber bundle. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 76, Issue 24, p. 7202-7210).
Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Manek-Hönninger, I., Sojic, N. (). Fabrication, characterization, and far-field optical properties of an ordered array of nanoapertures. In Nano Letters (Vol. 4, Issue 10, p. 1965-1968).
Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N. (). Electrochemiluminescent detection of hydrogen peroxide with an imaging sensor array. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 49, Issue 22-23 SPEC. ISS., p. 3751-3757).
Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Servant, L., Sojic, N. (). Electrochemical modulation of remote fluorescence imaging at an ordered opto-electrochemical nanoaperture array. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 5, Issue 8, p. 1125-1132).
Garrigue, P., Delville, M.H., Labrugère, C., Cloutet, E., Kulesza, P.J., Morand, J.P., Kuhn, A. (). Top-down approach for the preparation of colloidal carbon nanoparticles. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 16, Issue 16, p. 2984-2986).
Chovin, A., Garrigue, P., Vinatier, P., Sojic, N. (). Development of an Ordered Array of Optoelectrochemical Individually Readable Sensors with Submicrometer Dimensions: Application to Remote Electrochemiluminescence Imaging. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 76, Issue 2, p. 357-364).
Szunerits, S., Garrigue, P., Bruneel, J.L., Servant, L., Sojic, N. (). Fabrication of a sub-micrometer electrode array: Electrochemical characterization and mapping of an electroactive species by confocal Raman microspectroscopy. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 15, Issue 5-6, p. 548-555).