Mr LOISON Jean-christophe

Téléphone 05 40 00 63 46
Statut Permanent
Poste Chercheur
Batiment A12
Etage 4° Est

Fields of interest

    Astrochemistry (astrochemical models)
    Experimental gas phase reactions

Scientific Background

    Since 2015: Senior Researcher at the CNRS
    1992: Phd under the supervision of C. Jouvet (Orsay) and P.L. Houston (Cornell)
    1984-1988: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud


2024: 181 publications  (h index (google scholar) = 45)




Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C. (). Kinetic Study of the Reactions of Ground State Atomic Carbon and Oxygen with Nitrogen Dioxide over the 50-296 K Temperature Range. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 128, Issue 49, p. 10598-10608).
Hrodmarsson, H.R., Garcia, G.A., Bourehil, L., Nahon, L., Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., Guillemin, J.C., Loison, J.C. (). The isomer distribution of C6H6 products from the propargyl radical gas-phase recombination investigated by threshold-photoelectron spectroscopy. In Communications Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue 1, p. 156).
Wakelam, V., Gratier, P., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Penguen, J., Mechineau, A. (). The 2024 KIDA network for interstellar chemistry. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 689, p. A63).
Vitorino, J., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Congiu, E., Dulieu, F. (). Sulphur storage in cold molecular clouds: the case of the NH+4 SH salt on interstellar dust grains. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 533, Issue 1, p. 52-62).
Le, H.L., Chen, N.L., Jiang, M., Le Bris, C., Charriere, C., Boye-Peronne, S., Loison, J.C., Jacovella, U., Gans, B. (). Exploring photoionization of gas-phase free radicals with a widely tunable VUV laser at moderate spectral resolution. In Review of Scientific Instruments (Vol. 95, Issue 9, p. 093003).
Wu, X., Zhang, C., Gu, X., Fittschen, C., Loison, J.C., Roy Chowdhury, M., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Tang, X. (). Photoionization and Dissociative Photoionization of Acetaldehyde in the 10.0–13.7 eV Range by Synchrotron Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 25, Issue 13, p. e202400208).
Yang, Z., He, C., Goettl, S.J., Mebel, A.M., Velloso, P.F.G., Alves, M.O., Galvão, B.R.L., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Dobrijevic, M., Li, X., Kaiser, R.I. (). Low-temperature formation of pyridine and (iso)quinoline via neutral–neutral reactions. In Nature Astronomy (Vol. 8, Issue 7, p. 856-864).
Martin-Drumel, M.A., Coutens, A., Loison, J.C., Jørgensen, J.K., Pirali, O. (). Unveiling the gas phase H2NCO radical: Laboratory rotational spectroscopy and interstellar searches in the direction of IRAS 16293-2422. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 687, p. A233).
Marchand, P., Coutens, A., Scigliuto, J., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Andreu, A., Loison, J.C., Kóspál, , Ábrahám, P. (). Chemical inventory of the envelope of the Class I protostar L1551 IRS 5. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 687, p. A195).
Benne, B., Benmahi, B., Dobrijevic, M., Cavalié, T., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Barthélémy, M., Lilensten, J. (). Impact of the transport of magnetospheric electrons on the composition of the Triton atmosphere. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 686, p. A22).
Karaev, E., Gerlach, M., Theil, K., Garcia, G.A., Alcaraz, C., Loison, J.C., Fischer, I. (). Photoelectron spectrum of the pyridyl radical. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 26, Issue 24, p. 17042-17047).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V. (). A Low-Temperature Kinetic Study of the C(3P) + CH3OCH3 Reaction: Rate Constants, H Atom Product Yields, and Astrochemical Implications. In ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Vol. 8, Issue 5, p. 1087-1100).
Chen, N.L., Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., Hartweg, S., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C. (). Experimental characterization of SiCH+ via single-photon ionization of gas-phase SiCH. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 160, Issue 11, p. 114310).
Chowdhury, M.R., Garcia, G.A., Hrodmarsson, H.R., Loison, J.C., Nahon, L. (). Photoionization of Nitrile-substituted Naphthalene and Benzene: Cation Spectroscopy, Photostability, and Implications for Photoelectric Gas Heating. In Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 963, Issue 1, p. 29).
Rianço-Silva, R., Machado, P., Martins, Z., Lellouch, E., Loison, J.C., Dobrijevic, M., Dias, J.A., Ribeiro, J. (). A study of very high resolution visible spectra of Titan: Line characterisation in visible CH4 bands and the search for C3. In Planetary and Space Science (Vol. 240, p. 105836).
Rodríguez-Baras, M., Esplugues, G., Fuente, A., Spezzano, S., Caselli, P., Loison, J.C., Roueff, E., Navarro-Almaida, D., Bachiller, R., Martín-Doménech, R., Jiménez-Serra, I., Beitia-Antero, L., Le Gal, R. (). Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS): IX. Deuterated compounds of H2S in starless cores. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 679, p. A120).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V. (). Kinetic Study of the Gas-Phase Reaction between Atomic Carbon and Acetone: Low-Temperature Rate Constants and Hydrogen Atom Product Yields. In ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue 10, p. 2091-2104).
Jacovella, U., Ruscic, B., Chen, N.L., Le, H.L., Boyé-Péronne, S., Hartweg, S., Chowdhury, M.R., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C., Gans, B. (). Refining the thermochemical properties of CF, SiF, and their cations by combining photoelectron spectroscopy, quantum chemical calculations, and the Active Thermochemical Tables approach. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 25, Issue 45, p. 30838-30847).
Rocha, C.M.R., Roncero, O., Bulut, N., Zuchowski, P., Navarro-Almaida, D., Fuente, A., Wakelam, V., Loison, J.C., Roueff, E., Goicoechea, J.R., Esplugues, G., Beitia-Antero, L., Caselli, P., Lattanzi, V., Pineda, J., Le Gal, R., Rodríguez-Baras, M., Riviere-Marichalar, P. (). Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS): VIII. Unlocking the CS chemistry: The CH + S → CS + H and C2 + S → CS + C reactions. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 677, p. A41).
Gans, B., Liévin, J., Halvick, P., Chen, N.L., Boyé-Péronne, S., Hartweg, S., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C. (). Single-photon ionization of SiC in the gas phase: experimental and ab initio characterization of SiC+. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 25, Issue 35, p. 23568-23578).
Silva, W.G.D.P., Cernicharo, J., Schlemmer, S., Marcelino, N., Loison, J.C., Agúndez, M., Gupta, D., Wakelam, V., Thorwirth, S., Cabezas, C., Tercero, B., Doménech, J.L., Fuentetaja, R., Kim, W.J., De Vicente, P., Asvany, O. (). Discovery of H2CCCH+in TMC-1. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 676, p. L1).
Clément, A., Taillard, A., Wakelam, V., Gratier, P., Loison, J.C., Dartois, E., Dulieu, F., Noble, J.A., Chabot, M. (). Astrochemical models of interstellar ices: History matters. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 675, p. A165).
Agúndez, M., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Wakelam, V., Fuentetaja, R., Cabezas, C., Marcelino, N., Tercero, B., de Vicente, P., Cernicharo, J. (). Detection of ethanol, acetone, and propanal in TMC-1 New O-bearing complex organics in cold sources. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 673, p. A34).
Balucani, N., Caracciolo, A., Vanuzzo, G., Skouteris, D., Rosi, M., Pacifici, L., Casavecchia, P., Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Dobrijevic, M. (). An experimental and theoretical investigation of the N(2D) + C6H6 (benzene) reaction with implications for the photochemical models of Titan. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 245, p. 327-351).
Fuente, A., Rivière-Marichalar, P., Beitia-Antero, L., Caselli, P., Wakelam, V., Esplugues, G., Rodríguez-Baras, M., Navarro-Almaida, D., Gerin, M., Kramer, C., Bachiller, R., Goicoechea, J.R., Jiménez-Serra, I., Loison, J.C., Ivlev, A., Martín-Doménech, R., Spezzano, S., Roncero, O., Muñoz-Caro, G., Cazaux, S., Marcelino, N. (). Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS): VII. Sulfur elemental abundance. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 670, p. A114).
Chen, N.L., Gans, B., Hartweg, S., Garcia, G.A., Boyé-Péronne, S., Loison, J.C. (). Unravelling the electronic structure of the silicon dimer using threshold photoelectron spectroscopy. In Molecular Physics (Vol. 121, Issue 17-18, p. e2140721).
Benne, B., Dobrijevic, M., Cavalié, T., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). A photochemical model of Triton' s atmosphere paired with an uncertainty propagation study. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 667, p. A169).
Chitarra, O., Pirali, O., Spaniol, J.T., Hearne, T.S., Loison, J.C., Stanton, J.F., Martin-Drumel, M.A. (). Pure Rotational Spectroscopy of the CH2CN Radical Extended to the Sub-Millimeter Wave Spectral Region. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 126, Issue 41, p. 7502-7513).
Vanuzzo, G., Mancini, L., Pannacci, G., Liang, P., Marchione, D., Recio, P., Tan, Y., Rosi, M., Skouteris, D., Casavecchia, P., Balucani, N., Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Dobrijevic, M. (). Reaction N(2D) + CH2CCH2(Allene): An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation and Implications for the Photochemical Models of Titan. In ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Vol. 6, Issue 10, p. 2305-2321).
Genossar, N., Changala, P.B., Gans, B., Loison, J.C., Hartweg, S., Martin-Drumel, M.A., Garcia, G.A., Stanton, J.F., Ruscic, B., Baraban, J.H. (). Ring-Opening Dynamics of the Cyclopropyl Radical and Cation: The Transition State Nature of the Cyclopropyl Cation. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 144, Issue 40, p. 18518-18525).
Koucký, J., Kolesniková, L., Luková, K., Vávra, K., Kania, P., Coutens, A., Loison, J.C., Jørgensen, J.K., Belloche, A., Urban, (). Millimetre-wave spectroscopy of 2-hydroxyprop-2-enal and an astronomical search with ALMA. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 666, p. A158).
Chen, N.L., Gans, B., Hartweg, S., Garcia, G.A., Boyé-Péronne, S., Loison, J.C. (). Photoionization spectroscopy of the SiH free radical in the vacuum-ultraviolet range. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 157, Issue 1, p. 014303).
Coudert, L.H., Chitarra, O., Spaniol, J.T., Loison, J.C., Martin-Drumel, M.A., Pirali, O. (). Tunneling motion and splitting in the CH2OH radical: (Sub-)millimeter wave spectrum analysis. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 156, Issue 24, p. 244301).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C. (). Kinetic Study of the Gas-Phase O(1D) + CH3OH and O(1D) + CH3CN Reactions: Low-Temperature Rate Constants and Atomic Hydrogen Product Yields. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 126, Issue 24, p. 3903-3913).
Coutens, A., Loison, J.C., Boulanger, A., Caux, E., Müller, H.S.P., Wakelam, V., Manigand, S., Jørgensen, J.K. (). The ALMA-PILS survey: First tentative detection of 3-hydroxypropenal (HOCHCHCHO) in the interstellar medium and chemical modeling of the C3H4O2isomers. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 660, p. L6).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Larregaray, P., Bonnet, L., Wakelam, V. (). An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Gas-Phase C(3P) + N2O Reaction. Low Temperature Rate Constants and Astrochemical Implications. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 126, Issue 6, p. 940-950).
Mukhopadhyay, D.P., Gerlach, M., Hartweg, S., Fischer, I., Loison, J.C. (). Photoelectron spectroscopy of low valent organophosphorus compounds, P–CH3, H–PQCH2 and PQCH2. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 24, Issue 18, p. 10993-10999).
Tennis, J., Loison, J.C., Herbst, E. (). Radiative Association between Neutral Radicals in the Interstellar Medium: CH3+ CH3O. In Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 922, Issue 2, p. 133).
Hrodmarsson, H.R., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Loison, J.C., Gans, B. (). High resolution threshold photoelectron spectrum and autoionization processes of S2 up to 15.0 eV. In Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (Vol. 381, p. 111533).
Dobrijevic, M., Loison, J.C., Hue, V., Cavalié, T. (). One dimension photochemical models in global mean conditions in question: Application to Titan. In Icarus (Vol. 364, p. 114477).
Wakelam, V., Dartois, E., Chabot, M., Spezzano, S., Navarro-Almaida, D., Loison, J.C., Fuente, A. (). Efficiency of non-thermal desorptions in cold-core conditions: Testing the sputtering of grain mantles induced by cosmic rays. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 652, p. A63).
Chicharro, D.V., Hrodmarsson, H.R., Bouallagui, A., Zanchet, A., Loison, J.C., García, G.A., García-Vela, A., Banares, L., Marggi Poullain, S. (). Threshold Photoelectron Spectroscopy of the CH2I, CHI, and CI Radicals. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 125, Issue 28, p. 6122-6130).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V. (). Kinetic Study of the Gas-Phase C(3P) + CH3CN Reaction at Low Temperatures: Rate Constants, H-Atom Product Yields, and Astrochemical Implications. In ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Vol. 5, Issue 4, p. 824-833).
Harper, O.J., Gans, B., Loison, J.C., Garcia, G.A., Hrodmarsson, H.R., Boyé-Péronne, S. (). Photoionization Cross Section of the NH2Free Radical in the 11.1-15.7 eV Energy Range. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 125, Issue 13, p. 2764-2769).
Rodriguez-Baras, M., Fuente, A., Riviere-Marichalar, P., Navarro-Almaida, D., Caselli, P., Gerin, M., Kramer, C., Roueff, E., Wakelam, V., Esplugues, G., Garcia-Burillo, S., Le Gal, R., Spezzano, S., Alonso-Albi, T., Bachiller, R., Cazaux, S., Commercon, B., Goicoechea, J.R., Loison, J.C., Trevino-Morales, S.P., Roncero, O., Jimenez-Serra, I., Laas, J., Hacar, A., Kirk, J., Lattanzi, V., Martin-Domenech, R., Munoz-Caro, G., Pineda, J.E., Tercero, B., Ward-Thompson, D., Tafalla, M., Marcelino, N., Malinen, J., Friesen, R., Giuliano, B.M. (). Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS): IV. Observational results and statistical trends. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 648, p. A120).
Wakelam, V., Gratier, P., Ruaud, M., Le Gal, R., Majumdar, L., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). Chemical compositions of five Planck cold clumps. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 647, p. A172).
Bulut, N., Roncero, O., Aguado, A., Loison, J.C., Navarro-Almaida, D., Wakelam, V., Fuente, A., Roueff, E., Le Gal, R., Caselli, P., Gerin, M., Hickson, K.M., Spezzano, S., Riviére-Marichalar, P., Alonso-Albi, T., Bachiller, R., Jiménez-Serra, I., Kramer, C., Tercero, B., Rodriguez-Baras, M., Garciá-Burillo, S., Goicoechea, J.R., Trevinõ-Morales, S.P., Esplugues, G., Cazaux, S., Commercon, B., Laas, J., Kirk, J., Lattanzi, V., Martín-Doménech, R., Munõz-Caro, G., Pineda, J., Ward-Thompson, D., Tafalla, M., Marcelino, N., Malinen, J., Friesen, R., Giuliano, B.M., Agúndez, M., Hacar, A. (). Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS): III. Unlocking the CS chemistry: The CS+O reaction. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 646, p. A5).
Manigand, S., Coutens, A., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Calcutt, H., Müller, H.S.P., Jørgensen, J.K., Taquet, V., Wampfler, S.F., Bourke, T.L., Kulterer, B.M., Van DIshoeck, E.F., Drozdovskaya, M.N., Ligterink, N.F.W. (). The ALMA-PILS survey: First detection of the unsaturated 3-carbon molecules Propenal (C2H3CHO) and Propylene (C3H6) towards IRAS 16293-2422 B. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 645, p. A53).
Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C., Holzmeier, F., Gans, B., Alcaraz, C., Nahon, L., Wu, X., Zhou, X., Bodi, A., Hemberger, P. (). Characterisation of the first electronically excited state of protonated acetylene C2H3+ by coincident imaging photoelectron spectroscopy. In Molecular Physics (Vol. 119, Issue 1-2, p. e1825851).
Tang, X., Lin, X., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C., Gouid, Z., Abdallah, H.H., Fittschen, C., Hochlaf, M., Gu, X., Zhang, W., Nahon, L. (). Identifying isomers of peroxy radicals in the gas phase: 1-C3H7O2: vs. 2-C3H7O2. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 56, Issue 99, p. 15525-15528).
Hickson, K.M., Nunez-Reyes, D., Loison, J.C., Spada, R.F.K., Vichietti, R.M., MacHado, F.B.C., Haiduke, R.L.A. (). Tunneling enhancement of the gas-phase CH + CO2 reaction at low temperature. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 124, Issue 51, p. 10717-10725).
Chitarra, O., Martin-Drumel, M.A., Gans, B., Loison, J.C., Spezzano, S., Lattanzi, V., Müller, H.S.P., Pirali, O. (). Reinvestigation of the rotation-tunneling spectrum of the CH2OH radical: Accurate frequency determination of transitions of astrophysical interest up to 330 GHz. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 644, p. A123).
Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Gratier, P., Hickson, K.M. (). Gas-grain model of carbon fractionation in dense molecular clouds. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 498, Issue 4, p. 4663-4679).
Humire, P.K., Thiel, V., Henkel, C., Belloche, A., Loison, J.C., Pillai, T., Riquelme, D., Wakelam, V., Langer, N., Hernández-Gómez, A., Mauersberger, R., Menten, K.M. (). Sulphur and carbon isotopes towards Galactic centre clouds. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 642, p. A222).
Tang, X., Lin, X., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C., Fittschen, C., Röder, A., Schleier, D., Gu, X., Zhang, W., Nahon, L. (). Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of the HO2radical. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 153, Issue 12, p. 0022410).
Harper, O.J., Coudert, L.H., Loison, J.C., Gans, B., Douin, S., Garcia, G.A., Guillemin, J.C., Boyé-Péronne, S. (). Quasi-symmetry effects in the threshold photoelectron spectrum of methyl isocyanate. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 153, Issue 7, p. 074308).
Hartweg, S., Loison, J.C., Boyé-Péronne, S., Gans, B., Holland, D.M.P., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Pratt, S.T. (). Photoionization of C4H5Isomers. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 124, Issue 29, p. 6050-6060).
Tang, X., Lin, X., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C., Fittschen, C., Gu, X., Zhang, W., Nahon, L. (). Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of the methoxy radical. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 153, Issue 3, p. 031101).
Hickson, K.M., Bray, C., Loison, J.C., Dobrijevic, M. (). A kinetic study of the N(2D) + C2H4reaction at low temperature. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 22, Issue 25, p. 14026-14035).
Gans, B., Hartweg, S., Garcia, G.A., Boyé-Péronne, S., Harper, O.J., Guillemin, J.C., Loison, J.C. (). VUV photoionization of the CH2NC radical: adiabatic ionization energy and cationic vibrational mode wavenumber determinations. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 22, Issue 22, p. 12496-12501).
Harper, O.J., Hassenfratz, M., Loison, J.C., Garcia, G.A., De Oliveira, N., Hrodmarsson, H.R., Pratt, S.T., Boyé-Péronne, S., Gans, B. (). Erratum: Quantifying the Photoionization Cross Section of the hydroxyl radical (J. Chem. Phys. (2019 150 (141103) DOI: 10.1063/1.5091966). In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 152, Issue 18, p. 0010934).
Navarro-Almaida, D., Le Gal, R., Fuente, A., Rivière-Marichalar, P., Wakelam, V., Cazaux, S., Caselli, P., Laas, J.C., Alonso-Albi, T., Loison, J.C., Gerin, M., Kramer, C., Roueff, E., Bachiller, R., Commerçon, B., Friesen, R., García-Burillo, S., Goicoechea, J.R., Giuliano, B.M., Jiménez-Serra, I., Kirk, J.M., Lattanzi, V., Malinen, J., Marcelino, N., Martín-Domènech, R., Muñoz Caro, G.M., Pineda, J., Tercero, B., Treviño-Morales, S.P., Roncero, O., Hacar, A., Tafalla, M., Ward-Thompson, D. (). Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS): II. On the quest for the sulphur reservoir in molecular clouds. On H2S case. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 637, p. A39).
Garcia, G.A., Krüger, J., Gans, B., Falvo, C., Coudert, L.H., Loison, J.C. (). Erratum: "Valence shell threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of the CHxCN (x = 0-2) and CNC radicals" [J. Chem. Phys. 147, 013908 (2017). In The Journal of chemical physics (Vol. 152, Issue 16, p. 169903).
Tang, X., Gu, X., Lin, X., Zhang, W., Garcia, G.A., Fittschen, C., Loison, J.C., Voronova, K., Sztáray, B., Nahon, L. (). Vacuum ultraviolet photodynamics of the methyl peroxy radical studied by double imaging photoelectron photoion coincidences. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 152, Issue 10, p. 104301).
Harper, O.J., Boyé-Péronne, S., Garcia, G.A., Hrodmarsson, H.R., Loison, J.C., Gans, B. (). To see C2: Single-photon ionization of the dicarbon molecule. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 152, Issue 4, p. 041105).
Mukhopadhyay, D.P., Schleier, D., Fischer, I., Loison, J.C., Alcaraz, C., Garcia, G.A. (). Photoelectron spectroscopy of boron-containing reactive intermediates using synchrotron radiation: BH2, BH, and BF. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 22, Issue 3, p. 1027-1034).
Dobrijevic, M., Loison, J.C., Hue, V., Cavalié, T., Hickson, K.M. (). 1D photochemical model of the ionosphere and the stratosphere of Neptune. In Icarus (Vol. 335, p. 113375).
Hrodmarsson, H.R., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Gans, B., Loison, J.C. (). Threshold Photoelectron Spectrum of the Anilino Radical. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 123, Issue 42, p. 9193-9198).
Loison, J.C., Dobrijevic, M., Hickson, K.M. (). The photochemical production of aromatics in the atmosphere of Titan. In Icarus (Vol. 329, p. 55-71).
Rivière-Marichalar, P., Fuente, A., Goicoechea, J.R., Pety, J., Le Gal, R., Gratier, P., Guzmán, V., Roueff, E., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Gerin, M. (). Abundances of sulphur molecules in the Horsehead nebula: First NS+ detection in a photodissociation region. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 628, p. A16).
Nguyen, T., Talbi, D., Congiu, E., Baouche, S., Karton, A., Loison, J.C., Dulieu, F. (). Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Chemical Network of the Hydrogenation of NO on Interstellar Dust Grains. In ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Vol. 3, Issue 7, p. 1196-1207).
Harper, O.J., Hassenfratz, M., Loison, J.C., Garcia, G.A., De Oliveira, N., Hrodmarsson, H.R., Pratt, S.T., Boyé-Péronne, S., Gans, B. (). Quantifying the photoionization cross section of the hydroxyl radical. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 150, Issue 14, p. 141103).
Fuente, A., Navarro, D.G., Caselli, P., Gerin, M., Kramer, C., Roueff, E., Alonso-Albi, T., Bachiller, R., Cazaux, S., Commercon, B., Friesen, R., García-Burillo, S., Giuliano, B.M., Goicoechea, J.R., Gratier, P., Hacar, A., Jiménez-Serra, I., Kirk, J., Lattanzi, V., Loison, J.C., Malinen, J., Marcelino, N., Martín-Doménech, R., Muñoz-Caro, G., Pineda, J., Tafalla, M., Tercero, B., Ward-Thompson, D., Treviño-Morales, S.P., Riviére-Marichalar, P., Roncero, O., Vidal, T., Ballester, M.Y. (). Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS): I. the prototypical dark cloud TMC 1. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 624, p. A105).
Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Gratier, P., Hickson, K.M. (). Chemical nitrogen fractionation in dense molecular clouds. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 484, Issue 2, p. 2747-2756).
Lara-Moreno, M., Stoecklin, T., Halvick, P., Loison, J.C. (). Single-center approach for photodetachment and radiative electron attachment: Comparison with other theoretical approaches and with experimental photodetachment data. In Physical Review A (Vol. 99, Issue 3, p. 033412).
Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Gratier, P., Hickson, K.M., Bacmann, A., Agùndez, M., Marcelino, N., Cernicharo, J., Guzman, V., Gerin, M., Goicoechea, J.R., Roueff, E., Petit, F.L., Pety, J., Fuente, A., Riviere-Marichalar, P. (). Oxygen fractionation in dense molecular clouds. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 485, Issue 4, p. 5777-5789).
Coutens, A., Ligterink, N.F.W., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Calcutt, H., Drozdovskaya, M.N., Jørgensen, J.K., Müller, H.S.P., Van Dishoeck, E.F., Wampfler, S.F. (). The ALMA-PILS survey: First detection of nitrous acid (HONO) in the interstellar medium. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 623, p. L13).
Hrodmarsson, H.R., Loison, J.C., Jacovella, U., Holland, D.M.P., Boyé-Péronne, S., Gans, B., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Pratt, S.T. (). Valence-shell photoionization of C 4 H 5 : The 2-Butyn-1-yl Radical. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 123, Issue 8, p. 1521-1528).
Nuñez-Reyes, D., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Dobrijevic, M. (). A low temperature investigation of the N(2D) + CH4, C2H6 and C3H8 reactions. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 21, Issue 12, p. 6574-6581).
Vastel, C., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Lefloch, B. (). Isocyanogen formation in the cold interstellar medium. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 625, p. A91).
Hrodmarsson, H.R., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Loison, J.C., Gans, B. (). The absolute photoionization cross section of the mercapto radical (SH) from threshold up to 15.0 eV. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 21, Issue 46, p. 25907-25915).
Gans, B., Garcia, G.A., Boyé-Péronne, S., Pratt, S.T., Guillemin, J.C., Aguado, A., Roncero, O., Loison, J.C. (). Origin band of the first photoionizing transition of hydrogen isocyanide. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 21, Issue 5, p. 2337-2344).
Chicharro, D.V., Poullain, S.M., Bañares, L., Hrodmarsson, H.R., García, G.A., Loison, J.C. (). Threshold photoelectron spectrum of the CH2OO Criegee intermediate. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 21, Issue 24, p. 12763-12766).
Nuñez-Reyes, D., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Dobrijevic, M. (). Rate constants for the N(2D) + C2H2 reaction over the 50-296 K temperature range. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 21, Issue 40, p. 22230-22237).
Coudert, L.H., Gans, B., Holzmeier, F., Loison, J.C., Garcia, G.A., Alcaraz, C., Lopes, A., Röder, A. (). Experimental and theoretical threshold photoelectron spectra of methylene. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 149, Issue 22, p. 224304).
Andron, I., Gratier, P., Majumdar, L., Vidal, T.H.G., Coutens, A., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V. (). Methyl cyanide (CH3CN) and propyne (CH3CCH) in the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 481, Issue 4, p. 5651-5659).
Schleier, D., Humeniuk, A., Reusch, E., Holzmeier, F., Nunez-Reyes, D., Alcaraz, C., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C., Fischer, I., Mitric, R. (). Diborene: Generation and Photoelectron Spectroscopy of an Inorganic Biradical. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 9, Issue 20, p. 5921-5925).
Das, A., Sil, M., Gorai, P., Chakrabarti, S.K., Loison, J.C. (). An Approach to Estimate the Binding Energy of Interstellar Species. In Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (Vol. 237, Issue 1, p. 9).
Dobrijevic, M., Loison, J.C. (). The photochemical fractionation of nitrogen isotopologues in Titan's atmosphere. In Icarus (Vol. 307, p. 371-379).
Coudert, L.H., Gans, B., Garcia, G.A., Loison, J.C. (). Renner-Teller effects in the photoelectron spectra of CNC, CCN, and HCCN. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 148, Issue 5, p. 054302).
Heays, A.N., de Oliveira, N., Gans, B., Ito, K., Boyé-Péronne, S., Douin, S., Hickson, K.M., Nahon, L., Loison, J.C. (). High-resolution one-photon absorption spectroscopy of the D2Σ←X2Π system of radical OH and OD. In Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (Vol. 204, p. 12-22).
Majumdar, L., Loison, J.C., Ruaud, M., Gratier, P., Wakelam, V., Coutens, A. (). Methyl isocyanate (CH3NCO): An important missing organic in current astrochemical networks. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters (Vol. 473, Issue 1, p. L59-L63).
Garcia, G.A., Gans, B., Krüger, J., Holzmeier, F., Röder, A., Lopes, A., Fittschen, C., Alcaraz, C., Loison, J.C. (). Valence shell threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of C3H:X (x = 0-3). In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 20, Issue 13, p. 8707-8718).
Fuente, A., Goicoechea, J.R., Pety, J., Le Gal, R., Martín-Doménech, R., Gratier, P., Guzmán, V., Roueff, E., Loison, J.C., Muñoz Caro, G.M., Wakelam, V., Gerin, M., Riviere-Marichalar, P., Vidal, T. (). First Detection of Interstellar S2H. In Astrophysical Journal Letters (Vol. 851, Issue 2, p. L49).
Loison, J.C., Agúndez, M., Wakelam, V., Roueff, E., Gratier, P., Marcelino, N., Reyes, D.N., Cernicharo, J., Gerin, M. (). The interstellar chemistry of C3H and C3H2 isomers. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 470, Issue 4, p. 4075-4088).
Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., Garcia, G.A., Röder, A., Schleier, D., Halvick, P., Loison, J.C. (). Unveiling the Ionization Energy of the CN Radical. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 8, Issue 17, p. 4038-4042).
Loison, J.C., Dobrijevic, M., Hickson, K.M., Heays, A.N. (). The photochemical fractionation of oxygen isotopologues in Titan's atmosphere. In Icarus (Vol. 291, p. 17-30).
Garcia, G.A., Krüger, J., Gans, B., Falvo, C., Coudert, L.H., Loison, J.C. (). Valence shell threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of the CHxCN (x = 0-2) and CNC radicals. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 147, Issue 1, p. 013908).
Vidal, T.H.G., Loison, J.C., Jaziri, A.Y., Ruaud, M., Gratier, P., Wakelam, V. (). On the reservoir of sulphur in dark clouds: Chemistry and elemental abundance reconciled. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 469, Issue 1, p. 435-447).
Wakelam, V., Loison, J.C., Mereau, R., Ruaud, M. (). Binding energies: New values and impact on the efficiency of chemical desorption. In Molecular Astrophysics (Vol. 6, p. 22-35).
Gans, B., Garcia, G.A., Holzmeier, F., Krüger, J., Röder, A., Lopes, A., Fittschen, C., Loison, J.C., Alcaraz, C. (). Communication: On the first ionization threshold of the C2H radical. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 146, Issue 1, p. 011101).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Nuñez-Reyes, D., Méreau, R. (). Quantum Tunneling Enhancement of the C + H2O and C + D2O Reactions at Low Temperature. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 7, Issue 18, p. 3641-3646).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V. (). Temperature dependent product yields for the spin forbidden singlet channel of the C(3P) + C2H2 reaction. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 659, p. 70-75).
Gratier, P., Majumdar, L., Ohishi, M., Roueff, E., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Wakelam, V. (). A NEW REFERENCE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION for TMC-1. In Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (Vol. 225, Issue 2, p. 25).
Grondin, R., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). Low Temperature Rate Constants for the Reactions of O(1D) with N2, O2, and Ar. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 120, Issue 27, p. 4838-4844).
Gans, B., Holzmeier, F., Krüger, J., Falvo, C., Röder, A., Lopes, A., Garcia, G.A., Fittschen, C., Loison, J.C., Alcaraz, C. (). Synchrotron-based valence shell photoionization of CH radical. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 144, Issue 20, p. 204307).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Lique, F., Kłos, J. (). An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the C(1D) + N2 → C(3P) + N2 Quenching Reaction at Low Temperature. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 120, Issue 16, p. 2504-2513).
Dobrijevic, M., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Gronoff, G. (). 1D-coupled photochemical model of neutrals, cations and anions in the atmosphere of Titan. In Icarus (Vol. 268, p. 313-339).
Hickson, K.M., Wakelam, V., Loison, J.C. (). Methylacetylene (CH3CCH) and propene (C3H6) formation in cold dense clouds: A case of dust grain chemistry. In Molecular Astrophysics (Vol. 3-4, p. 1-9).
Majumdar, L., Gratier, P., Vidal, T., Wakelam, V., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Caux, E. (). Detection of CH3SH in protostar IRAS 16293-2422. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 458, Issue 2, p. 1859-1865).
Loison, J.C., Agúndez, M., Marcelino, N., Wakelam, V., Hickson, K.M., Cernicharo, J., Gerin, M., Roueff, E., Guélin, M. (). The interstellar chemistry of H2C3O isomers. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 456, Issue 4, p. 4101-4110).
Meng, Q., Hickson, K.M., Shao, K., Loison, J.C., Zhang, D.H. (). Theoretical and experimental investigations of rate coefficients of O(1D) + CH4 at low temperature. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 18, Issue 42, p. 29286-29292).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Bourgalais, J., Capron, M., Picard, S.D.L., Goulay, F., Wakelam, V. (). The C(3P) + NH3 reaction in interstellar chemistry. II. Low temperature rate constants and modeling of NH, NH2, and NH3 abundances in dense interstellar clouds. In Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 812, Issue 2, p. 107).
Bourgalais, J., Capron, M., Kailasanathan, R.K.A., Osborn, D.L., Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Goulay, F., Picard, S.D.L. (). The C(3P) + NH3 reaction in interstellar chemistry. I. Investigation of the product formation channels. In Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 812, Issue 2, p. 106).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Guo, H., Suleimanov, Y.V. (). Ring-Polymer Molecular Dynamics for the Prediction of Low-Temperature Rates: An Investigation of the C(1D) + H2 Reaction. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 6, Issue 21, p. 4194-4199).
Wakelam, V., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Ruaud, M. (). A proposed chemical scheme for HCCO formation in cold dense clouds. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters (Vol. 453, Issue 1, p. L48-L52).
Holzmeier, F., Lang, M., Fischer, I., Hemberger, P., Garcia, G.A., Tang, X., Loison, J.C. (). Assignment of high-lying bending mode levels in the threshold photoelectron spectrum of NH2: a comparison between pyrolysis and fluorine-atom abstraction radical sources. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 17, Issue 29, p. 19507-19514).
Cavalié, T., Dobrijevic, M., Fletcher, L.N., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Hue, V., Hartogh, P. (). Photochemical response to the variation of temperature in the 2011 - 2012 stratospheric vortex of Saturn. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 580, p. A55).
Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). Ab initio study of the C + HNC, N + C2H, H + C2N and H + CNC reactions. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 635, p. 174-179).
Garcia, G.A., Gans, B., Tang, X., Ward, M., Batut, S., Nahon, L., Fittschen, C., Loison, J.C. (). Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of the imidogen radical. In Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (Vol. 203, p. 25-30).
Minissale, M., Loison, J.C., Baouche, S., Chaabouni, H., Congiu, E., Dulieu, F. (). Solid-state formation of CO2 via the H2CO + O reaction. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 577, p. A2).
Garcia, G.A., Tang, X., Gil, J.F., Nahon, L., Ward, M., Batut, S., Fittschen, C., Taatjes, C.A., Osborn, D.L., Loison, J.C. (). Synchrotron-based double imaging photoelectron/photoion coincidence spectroscopy of radicals produced in a flow tube: OH and OD. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 142, Issue 16, p. 164201).
Stubbing, J.W., Vanuzzo, G., Moudens, A., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). Gas-Phase Kinetics of the N + C2N Reaction at Low Temperature. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 119, Issue 13, p. 3194-3199).
Roueff, E., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). Isotopic fractionation of carbon, deuterium, and nitrogen: A full chemical study. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 576, p. A99).
Wakelam, V., Loison, J.C., Herbst, E., Pavone, B., Bergeat, A., Béroff, K., Chabot, M., Faure, A., Galli, D., Geppert, W.D., Gerlich, D., Gratier, P., Harada, N., Hickson, K.M., Honvault, P., Klippenstein, S.J., Picard, S.D.L., Nyman, G., Ruaud, M., Schlemmer, S., Sims, I.R., Talbi, D., Tennyson, J., Wester, R. (). The 2014 kida network for interstellar chemistry. In Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (Vol. 217, Issue 2, p. 20).
Ruaud, M., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M., Gratier, P., Hersant, F., Wakelam, V. (). Modelling complex organic molecules in dense regions: Eley-Rideal and complex induced reaction. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 447, Issue 4, p. 4004-4017).
Loison, J.C., Hébrard, E., Dobrijevic, M., Hickson, K.M., Caralp, F., Hue, V., Gronoff, G., Venot, O., Bénilan, Y. (). The neutral photochemistry of nitriles, amines and imines in the atmosphere of Titan. In Icarus (Vol. 247, p. 218-247).
Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Cavalié, T., Hébrard, E., Dobrijevic, M. (). The evolution of infalling sulfur species in Titan's atmosphere. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 572, p. A58).
Loison, J.C., Hu, X., Han, S., Hickson, K.M., Guo, H., Xie, D. (). An experimental and theoretical investigation of the N(4S) + C2(1Σg+) reaction at low temperature. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 16, Issue 27, p. 14212-14219).
Dobrijevic, M., Hébrard, E., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). Coupling of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrocarbon species in the photochemistry of titan's atmosphere. In Icarus (Vol. 228, p. 324-346).
Shannon, R.J., Cossou, C., Loison, J.C., Caubet, P., Balucani, N., Seakins, P.W., Wakelam, V., Hickson, K.M. (). The fast C(3P) + CH3OH reaction as an efficient loss process for gas-phase interstellar methanol. In RSC Advances (Vol. 4, Issue 50, p. 26342-26353).
Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Hickson, K.M. (). The interstellar gas-phase chemistry of HCN and HNC. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 443, Issue 1, p. 398-410).
Hickson, K.M., Caubet, P., Loison, J.C. (). Unusual low-temperature reactivity of water: The CH + H2O reaction as a source of interstellar formaldehyde?. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 4, Issue 17, p. 2843-2846).
Daranlot, J., Hu, X., Xie, C., Loison, J.C., Caubet, P., Costes, M., Wakelam, V., Xie, D., Guo, H., Hickson, K.M. (). Low temperature rate constants for the N(4S) + CH(X 2Πr) reaction. Implications for N2 formation cycles in dense interstellar clouds. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 15, Issue 33, p. 13888-13896).
Hébrard, E., Dobrijevic, M., Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Caralp, F. (). Photochemistry of C3Hp hydrocarbons in Titan's stratosphere revisited. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 552, p. A132).
Dutuit, O., Carrasco, N., Thissen, R., Vuitton, V., Alcaraz, C., Pernot, P., Balucani, N., Casavecchia, P., Canosa, A., Picard, S.L., Loison, J.C., Herman, Z., Zabka, J., Ascenzi, D., Tosi, P., Franceschi, P., Price, S.D., Lavvas, P. (). Critical review of N, N+, N+2, N ++, and N++2 main production processes and reactions of relevance to titan's atmosphere. In Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (Vol. 204, Issue 2, p. 20).
Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Hickson, K.M., Bergeat, A., Mereau, R. (). The gas-phase chemistry of carbon chains in dark cloud chemical models. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 437, Issue 1, p. 930-945).
Loison, J.C., Rayez, M.T., Rayez, J.C., Gratien, A., Morajkar, P., Fittschen, C., Villenave, E. (). Gas-phase reaction of hydroxyl radical with hexamethylbenzene. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 116, Issue 50, p. 12189-12197).
Daranlot, J., Hickson, K.M., Loison, J.C., Méreau, R., Caralp, F., Forst, W., Bergeat, A. (). Gas-phase kinetics of the hydroxyl radical reaction with allene: Absolute rate measurements at low temperature, product determinations, and calculations. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 116, Issue 45, p. 10871-10881).
Daranlot, J., Hincelin, U., Bergeat, A., Costes, M., Loison, J.C., Wakelam, V., Hickson, K.M. (). Elemental nitrogen partitioning in dense interstellar clouds. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Vol. 109, Issue 26, p. 10233-10238).
Hébrard, E., Dobrijevic, M., Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M. (). Neutral production of hydrogen isocyanide (HNC) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in Titan's upper atmosphere. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 541, p. A21).
Loison, J.C., Halvick, P., Bergeat, A., Hickson, K.M., Wakelam, V. (). Review of OCS gas-phase reactions in dark cloud chemical models. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 421, Issue 2, p. 1476-1484).
Wakelam, V., Herbst, E., Loison, J.C., Smith, I.W.M., Chandrasekaran, V., Pavone, B., Adams, N.G., Bacchus-Montabonel, M.C., Bergeat, A., Béroff, K., Bierbaum, V.M., Chabot, M., Dalgarno, A., Van Dishoeck, E.F., Faure, A., Geppert, W.D., Gerlich, D., Galli, D., Hébrard, E., Hersant, F., Hickson, K.M., Honvault, P., Klippenstein, S.J., Le Picard, S., Nyman, G., Pernot, P., Schlemmer, S., Selsis, F., Sims, I.R., Talbi, D., Tennyson, J., Troe, J., Wester, R., Wiesenfeld, L. (). A kinetic database for astrochemistry (KIDA). In Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (Vol. 199, Issue 1, p. 21).
Gans, B., Garcia, G.A., Boyé-Péronne, S., Loison, J.C., Douin, S., Gaie-Levrel, F., Gauyacq, D. (). Absolute photoionization cross section of the ethyl radical in the range 8-11.5 eV: Synchrotron and vacuum ultraviolet laser measurements. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 115, Issue 21, p. 5387-5396).
Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., Broquier, M., Delsaut, M., Douin, S., Fellows, C.E., Halvick, P., Loison, J.C., Lucchese, R.R., Gauyacq, D. (). Photolysis of methane revisited at 121.6 nm and at 118.2 nm: Quantum yields of the primary products, measured by mass spectrometry. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 13, Issue 18, p. 8140-8152).
Hincelin, U., Wakelam, V., Hersant, F., Guilloteau, S., Loison, J.C., Honvault, P., Troe, J. (). Oxygen depletion in dense molecular clouds: A clue to a low O2 abundance?. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 530, p. A61).
Loison, J.C., Daranlot, J., Bergeat, A., Caralp, F., Mereau, R., Hickson, K.M. (). Gas-phase kinetics of hydroxyl radical reactions with C3H 6 and C4H8: Product branching ratios and OH addition site-specificity. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 114, Issue 51, p. 13326-13336).
Daranlot, J., Bergeat, A., Caralp, F., Caubet, P., Costes, M., Forst, W., Loison, J.C., Hickson, K.M. (). Gas-phase kinetics of hydroxyl radical reactions with alkenes: Experiment and theory. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 11, Issue 18, p. 4002-4010).
Rio, C., Flaud, P.M., Loison, J.C., Villenave, E. (). Experimental revaluation of the importance of the abstraction channel in the reactions of monoterpenes with OH radicals. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 11, Issue 18, p. 3962-3970).
Loison, J.C. (). Absolute photoionization cross section of the methyl radical. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 114, Issue 23, p. 6515-6520).
Wakelam, V., Smith, I.W.M., Herbst, E., Troe, J., Geppert, W., Linnartz, H., Öberg, K., Roueff, E., Agúndez, M., Pernot, P., Cuppen, H.M., Loison, J.C., Talbi, D. (). Reaction networks for interstellar chemical modelling: Improvements and challenges. In Space Science Reviews (Vol. 156, Issue 1-4, p. 13-72).
Bergeat, A., Moisan, S., Méreau, R., Loison, J.C. (). Kinetics and mechanisms of the reaction of CH with H2O. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 480, Issue 1-3, p. 21-25).
Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A. (). Rate constants and the H atom branching ratio of the reactions of the methylidyne CH(X2Π) radical with C2H2, C2H4, C3H4 (methylacetylene and allene), C3H6 (propene) and C4H8 (trans-butene). In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 11, Issue 4, p. 655-664).
Wakelam, V., Loison, J.C., Herbst, E., Talbi, D., Quan, D., Caralp, F. (). A sensitivity study of the neutral-neutral reactions C + C3 C + C5 in cold dense interstellar clouds. In Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol. 495, Issue 2, p. 513-521).
Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A., Caralp, F., Hannachi, Y. (). Rate constants and H atom branching ratios of the gas-phase reactions of methylidyne CH(X2II) radical with a series of alkanes. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 110, Issue 50, p. 13500-13506).
Loison, J.C., Sanglar, S., Villenave, E. (). Discharge flow tube coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry detection for kinetic measurements of interstellar and atmospheric interests. In Review of Scientific Instruments (Vol. 76, Issue 5, p. 053105).
Loison, J.C., Bergeat, A. (). Reaction of carbon atoms, C (2p2, 3P) with C 3H4 (allene and methylacetylene), C3H 6 (propylene) and C4H8 (trans-butene): Overall rate constants and atomic hydrogen branching ratios. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 6, Issue 23, p. 5396-5401).
Galland, N., Caralp, F., Hannachi, Y., Bergeat, A., Loison, J.C. (). Experimental and theoretical studies of the methylidyne CH(X2∏) radical reaction with ethane (C2H6): Overall rate constant and product channels. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 107, Issue 28, p. 5419-5426).
Fleurat-Lessard, P., Rayez, J.C., Bergeat, A., Loison, J.C. (). Reaction of methylidyne CH(X2π) radical with CH4 and H2S: Overall rate constant and absolute atomic hydrogen production. In Chemical Physics (Vol. 279, Issue 2-3, p. 87-99).
Galland, N., Caralp, F., Rayez, M.T., Hannachi, Y., Loison, J.C., Dorthe, G., Bergeat, A. (). Reaction of carbon atoms, C (2p2,3P), with hydrogen sulfide, H2S (X1A1): Overall rate constant and product channels. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 105, Issue 43, p. 9893-9900).
Bergeat, A., Loison, J.C. (). Reaction of carbon atoms, C (2p2, 3P) with and C2H2, C2H4 and C6H6: Overall rate constant and relative atomic hydrogen production. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 3, Issue 11, p. 2038-2042).
Bergeat, A., Calvo, T., Caralp, F., Fillion, J.H., Dorthe, G., Loison, J.C. (). Determination of the CH + O2 product channels. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 119, p. 67-77).
Daugey, N., Bergeat, A., Loison, J.C., Schuck, A., Caubet, P., Dorthe, G. (). CN( a 2Πi→X 2Σ+ ) chemiluminescence from the N+C 2 N, N+CCl, and N+C 2 reactions under low-pressure fast-flow conditions. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 324, Issue 1-3, p. 1-6).
Bergeat, A., Calvo, T., Dorthe, G., Loison, J.C. (). Fast-Flow Study of the CH + CH Reaction Products. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 103, Issue 32, p. 6360-6365).
Bergeat, A., Calvo, T., Dorthe, G., Loison, J.C. (). Fast-flow study of the C+NO and C+O2 reactions. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 308, Issue 1-2, p. 7-12).
Loison, J.C., Ley, L., Lesclaux, R. (). Kinetic study of OH radical reactions with chlorobutane isomers at 298 K. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 296, Issue 3-4, p. 350-356).
Bergeat, A., Calvo, T., Daugey, N., Loison, J.C., Dorthe, G. (). Product branching ratios of the CH + NO reaction. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 102, Issue 42, p. 8124-8130).
Durand, A., Loison, J.C., Vigué, J. (). Spectroscopy of pendular states: Determination of the electric dipole moment of ICI in the X 1Σ+(v″=0) and A 3Π1(v′=6-29) levels. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 106, Issue 2, p. 477-484).
Bazalgette, G., White, R., Loison, J.C., Trénec, G., Vigué, J. (). Photodissociation of ICl molecules oriented in an electric field. Direct determination of the sign of the dipole moment. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 244, Issue 3-4, p. 195-198).
Loison, J.C., Durand, A., Bazalgette, G., White, R., Audouard, E., Vigué, J. (). Molecular axis orientation by the "brute force" method. In Journal of Physical Chemistry (Vol. 99, Issue 37, p. 13591-13596).
Loison, J.C., Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Jouvet, C., Solgadi, D. (). Photoinduced chemical reaction in NO2-C2H4 Van der Waals complex: Detection of vinyloxyl and formyl radicals and hydrogen atoms. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 97, p. 379-390).
Durand, A., Loison, J.C., Bazalgette, G., Gangler, E., Dalby, F.W., Vigué, J. (). On the B state of ICl molecule: hyperfine structure and hyperfine predissociation. In Chemical Physics (Vol. 181, Issue 1-2, p. 209-216).
Durand, A., Loison, J.C., Vigué, J. (). Hyperfine structure of pendular states and the sign of the dipole moment of ICl A state. In The Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 101, Issue 5, p. 3514-3519).
Neyer, D.W., Kable, S.H., Loison, J.C., Houston, P.L., Burak, I., Goldfield, E.M. (). CO product distributions from the visible photodissociation of HCO. In The Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 97, Issue 12, p. 9036-9045).
Jimenez, R., Kable, S.H., Loison, J.C., Simpson, C.J.S.M., Adam, W., Houston, P.L. (). Photodissociation dynamics of 3-cyclopentenone: Using the impact parameter distribution as a criterion for concertedness. In Journal of Physical Chemistry (Vol. 96, Issue 11, p. 4188-4195).
Loison, J.C., Kable, S.H., Houston, P.L., Burak, I. (). Photofragment excitation spectroscopy of the formyl (HCO/DCO) radical: Linewidths and predissociation rates of the Ã(A″) state. In The Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 94, Issue 3, p. 1796-1802).
Kable, S.H., Loison, J.C., Neyer, D.W., Houston, P.L., Burak, I., Dixon, R.N. (). Observation of a parallel recoil distribution from a perpendicular absorption transition in HCO and DCO. In Journal of Physical Chemistry (Vol. 95, Issue 21, p. 8013-8018).
Loison, J.C., Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Jouvet, C., Solgadi, D. (). Photoinduced chemical reaction in the NO2-C2H4 van der Waals complex. In Journal of Physical Chemistry (Vol. 95, Issue 23, p. 9192-9196).
Kable, S.H., Loison, J.C., Houston, P.L., Burak, I. (). The photochemistry of the formyl radical: Energy content of the photoproducts. In The Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 92, Issue 10, p. 6332-6333).