Mr LONGATTE Guillaume

Téléphone 05 56 84 79 17
Groupe de recherche NanoSystèmes Analytiques
Statut Permanent
Poste Enseignant-chercheur
Batiment ENSMAC


Longatte, G., Buriez, O., Labbé, E., Guille-Collignon, M., Lemaître, F. (). Electrochemical Behavior of Quinones Classically Used for Bioenergetical Applications: Considerations and Insights about the Anodic Side. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 11, Issue 5, p. e202300542).
Beauzamy, L., Longatte, G., Guille-Collignon, M., Lemaître, F. (). Investigation of quinone reduction by microalgae using fluorescence - do “lake” and “puddle” mechanisms matter?. In Bioelectrochemistry (Vol. 152, p. 108454).
Longatte, G., Lisi, F., Chen, X., Walsh, J., Wang, W., Ariotti, N., Boecking, T., Gaus, K., Gooding, J.J. (). Statistical predictions on the encapsulation of single molecule binding pairs into sized-dispersed nanocontainers. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 24, Issue 45, p. 28029-28039).
Longatte, G., Lisi, F., Bakthavathsalam, P., Böcking, T., Gaus, K., Tilley, R.D., Gooding, J.J. (). Biomolecular Binding under Confinement: Statistical Predictions of Steric Influence in Absence of Long-Distance Interactions. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 23, Issue 3, p. e202100765).
Chen, X., Lisi, F., Bakthavathsalam, P., Longatte, G., Hoque, S., Tilley, R.D., Gooding, J.J. (). Impact of the Coverage of Aptamers on a Nanoparticle on the Binding Equilibrium and Kinetics between Aptamer and Protein. In ACS Sensors (Vol. 6, Issue 2, p. 538-545).
Longatte, G., Gaus, K., Gooding, J.J. (). FRET theoretical predictions concerning freely diffusive dyes inside spherical container: how to choose the best pair?. In Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences (Vol. 20, Issue 2, p. 275-283).
Sayegh, A., Longatte, G., Buriez, O., Wollman, F.A., Guille-Collignon, M., Labbé, E., Delacotte, J., Lemaître, F. (). Diverting photosynthetic electrons from suspensions of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae - New insights using an electrochemical well device. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 304, p. 465-473).
Bakthavathsalam, P., Longatte, G., Jensen, S.O., Manefield, M., Gooding, J.J. (). Locked nucleic acid molecular beacon for multiplex detection of loop mediated isothermal amplification. In Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (Vol. 268, p. 255-263).
Longatte, G., Sayegh, A., Delacotte, J., Rappaport, F., Wollman, F.A., Guille-Collignon, M., Lemaître, F. (). Investigation of photocurrents resulting from a living unicellular algae suspension with quinones over time. In Chemical Science (Vol. 9, Issue 43, p. 8271-8281).
Longatte, G., Guille-Collignon, M., Lemaître, F. (). Electrocatalytic Mechanism Involving Michaelis–Menten Kinetics at the Preparative Scale: Theory and Applicability to Photocurrents from a Photosynthetic Algae Suspension With Quinones. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 18, Issue 19, p. 2643-2650).
Cheng, X., McVey, B.F.P., Robinson, A.B., Longatte, G., O'Mara, P.B., Tan, V.T.G., Thordarson, P., Tilley, R.D., Gaus, K., Justin Gooding, J. (). Protease sensing using nontoxic silicon quantum dots. In Journal of Biomedical Optics (Vol. 22, Issue 8, p. 087002).
Longatte, G., Rappaport, F., Wollman, F.A., Guille-Collignon, M., Lemaître, F. (). Electrochemical Harvesting of Photosynthetic Electrons from Unicellular Algae Population at the Preparative Scale by Using 2,6-dichlorobenzoquinone. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 236, p. 337-342).
Fu, H.Y., Picot, D., Choquet, Y., Longatte, G., Sayegh, A., Delacotte, J., Guille-Collignon, M., Lemaýtre, F., Rappaport, F., Wollman, F.A. (). Redesigning the QA binding site of Photosystem II allows reduction of exogenous quinones. In Nature Communications (Vol. 8, p. 15274).
Cheng, X., McVey, B.F.P., Robinson, A.B., Longatte, G., O'Mara, P.B., Tan, V.T.G., Thordarson, P., Tilley, R.D., Gaus, K., Gooding, J.J. (). Colloidal silicon quantum dots: From preparation to the modification of self-assembled monolayers for bioimaging and sensing applications. In Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE (Vol. 10078, p. 100780O).
Longatte, G., Rappaport, F., Wollman, F.A., Guille-Collignon, M., Lemaître, F. (). Mechanism and analyses for extracting photosynthetic electrons using exogenous quinones-what makes a good extraction pathway?. In Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences (Vol. 15, Issue 8, p. 969-979).
Longatte, G., Fu, H.Y., Buriez, O., Labbé, E., Wollman, F.A., Amatore, C., Rappaport, F., Guille-Collignon, M., Lemaître, F. (). Evaluation of photosynthetic electrons derivation by exogenous redox mediators. In Biophysical Chemistry (Vol. 205, p. 1-8).