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García-Vázquez, R.M., Bergeat, A., Denis-Alpizar, O., Faure, A., Stoecklin, T., Morales, S.B. (). Scattering resonances in the rotational excitation of HDO by Ne and normal-H2: theory and experiment. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 251, p. 205-224).
Bergeat, A., Faure, A., Wiesenfeld, L., Miossec, C., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C. (). Near-Threshold and Resonance Effects in Rotationally Inelastic Scattering of D2O with Normal-H2. In Molecules (Vol. 27, Issue 21, p. 7535).
Bergeat, A., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Wiesenfeld, L., Faure, A. (). Probing Low-Energy Resonances in Water-Hydrogen Inelastic Collisions. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 125, Issue 14, p. 143402).
Bergeat, A., Faure, A., Morales, S.B., Moudens, A., Naulin, C. (). Low-Energy Water-Hydrogen Inelastic Collisions. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 124, Issue 2, p. 259-264).
Kłos, J., Bergeat, A., Vanuzzo, G., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Lique, F. (). Correction to: Probing nonadiabatic effects in low-energy C(3 Pj) + H2 collisions (Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018) 9:22 (6496-6501) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b03025). In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 10, Issue 12, p. 3408-3409).
Bergeat, A., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Klos, J., Lique, F. (). Quantum behavior of spin-orbit inelastic scattering of C-atoms by D 2 at low energy. In Frontiers in Chemistry (Vol. 7, Issue MAR, p. 164).
Kłos, J., Bergeat, A., Vanuzzo, G., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Lique, F. (). Probing Nonadiabatic Effects in Low-Energy C(3 Pj) + H2 Collisions. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 9, Issue 22, p. 6496-6501).
Bergeat, A., Chefdeville, S., Costes, M., Morales, S.B., Naulin, C., Even, U., Kłos, J., Lique, F. (). Understanding the quantum nature of low-energy C(3P j ) + He inelastic collisions. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 10, Issue 5, p. 519-522).
Stoecklin, T., Faure, A., Jankowski, P., Chefdeville, S., Bergeat, A., Naulin, C., Morales, S.B., Costes, M. (). Comparative experimental and theoretical study of the rotational excitation of CO by collision with ortho- And para-D2 molecules. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 19, Issue 1, p. 189-195).
Bregonzio-Rozier, L., Giorio, C., Siekmann, F., Pangui, E., Morales, S.B., Temime-Roussel, B., Gratien, A., Michoud, V., Cazaunau, M., Dewitt, H.L., Tapparo, A., Monod, A., Doussin, J.F. (). Secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene photooxidation during cloud condensation-evaporation cycles. In Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (Vol. 16, Issue 3, p. 1747-1760).
Tran, H., Vander Auwera, J., Landsheere, X., Ngo, N.H., Pangui, E., Morales, S.B., El Hamzaoui, H., Capoen, B., Bouazaoui, M., Boulet, C., Hartmann, J.M. (). Infrared light on molecule-molecule and molecule-surface collisions. In Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Vol. 92, Issue 1, p. 012707).
Brégonzio-Rozier, L., Siekmann, F., Giorio, C., Pangui, E., Morales, S.B., Temime-Roussel, B., Gratien, A., Michoud, V., Ravier, S., Cazaunau, M., Tapparo, A., Monod, A., Doussin, J.F. (). Gaseous products and secondary organic aerosol formation during long term oxidation of isoprene and methacrolein. In Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (Vol. 15, Issue 6, p. 2953-2968).
Ngo, N.H., Landsheere, X., Pangui, E., Morales, S.B., Tran, H., Hartmann, J.M. (). Self-broadening and -shifting of very intense lines of the 1←0 band of 12C16O. In Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (Vol. 149, p. 285-290).
Morales, S.B., Pangui, E., Landsheere, X., Tran, H., Hartmann, J.M. (). Variable-length cell for studies of gas spectra with extremely short optical paths. In Applied Optics (Issue 19, p. 4117-4122).
Ngo, N.H., Landsheere, X., Pangui, E., Morales, S.B., Hartmann, J.M. (). Self-broadening of 16O12C16O ν3-band lines. In Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (Vol. 306, p. 33-36).
Cheikh Sid Ely, S., Morales, S.B., Guillemin, J.C., Klippenstein, S.J., Sims, I.R. (). Low temperature rate coefficients for the reaction CN + HC3N. In Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 117, Issue 46, p. 12155-12164).
Morales, S.B., Bennett, C.J., Le Picard, S.D., Canosa, A., Sims, I.R., Sun, B.J., Chen, P.H., Chang, A.H.H., Kislov, V.V., Mebel, A.M., Gu, X., Zhang, F., Maksyutenko, P., Kaiser, R.I. (). A crossed molecular beam, low-temperature kinetics, and theoretical investigation of the reaction of the cyano radical (CN) with 1,3-butadiene (C4H6). A route to complex nitrogen-bearing molecules in low-temperature extraterrestrial environments. In Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 742, Issue 1, p. 26).
Morales, S.B., Le Picard, S.D., Canosa, A., Sims, I.R. (). Experimental measurements of low temperature rate coefficients for neutral-neutral reactions of interest for atmospheric chemistry of Titan, Pluto and Triton: Reactions of the CN radical. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 147, p. 155-171).
Bennett, C.J., Morales, S.B., Le Picard, S.D., Canosa, A., Sims, I.R., Shih, Y.H., Chang, A.H.H., Gu, X., Zhang, F., Kaiser, R.I. (). A chemical dynamics, kinetics, and theoretical study on the reaction of the cyano radical (CN; X2Σ+) with phenylacetylene (C6H5CCH; X1A1). In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 12, Issue 31, p. 8737-8749).