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Baehr, J., Koyamparambath, A., Dos Reis, E., Weyand, S., Binnig, C., Schebek, L., Sonnemann, G. (). Predicting product life cycle environmental impacts with machine learning: Uncertainties and implications for future reporting requirements. In Sustainable Production and Consumption (Vol. 52, p. 511-526).
Istrate, R., Mas-Fons, A., Beylot, A., Northey, S., Vaidya, K., Sonnemann, G., Kleijn, R., Steubing, B. (). Decarbonizing lithium-ion battery primary raw materials supply chain. In Joule (Vol. 8, Issue 11, p. 2992-3016).
Koyamparambath, A., Loubet, P., Young, S.B., Sonnemann, G. (). Spatially and temporally differentiated characterization factors for supply risk of abiotic resources in life cycle assessment. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 209, p. 107801).
Kamali, A.K., Keppetipola, N.M., Yoshihara, Y., Jena, A.K., Uchida, S., Segawa, H., Sonnemann, G., Toupance, T., Cojocaru, L. (). Validating the “greenness” of chemicals via life cycle assessment: the case of anisole as an anti-solvent in perovskite solar cells. In RSC Sustainability (Vol. 2, Issue 10, p. 3036-3046).
Chitaka, T.Y., Anaïs, D., Mignard, E., Etienne, G., Sonnemann, G., Bobet, J.L. (). Utilizing life cycle assessment to support the environmentally friendly design of hydrogen generation from magnesium alloys: Offering a second life to waste. In International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Vol. 77, p. 265-271).
Viere, T., Lehmann, J., Miao, Z.C., Harding, K., Strothmann, P., Weyand, S., Wright, L., Chitaka, T.Y., Sonnemann, G. (). Global state of the art of teaching life cycle assessment in higher education. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 29, Issue 7, p. 1290-1302).
Baehr, J., Zenglein, F., Sonnemann, G., Lederer, M., Schebek, L. (). Back in the Driver’s Seat: How New EU Greenhouse-Gas Reporting Schemes Challenge Corporate Accounting. In Sustainability (Switzerland) (Vol. 16, Issue 9, p. 3693).
Mas-Fons, A., Horta Arduin, R., Loubet, P., Pereira, T., Parvez, A.M., Sonnemann, G. (). Carbon and water footprint of battery-grade lithium from brine and spodumene: A simulation-based LCA. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 452, p. 142108).
Leroy-Parmentier, N., Wiche, P., Sonnemann, G. (). Life cycle assessment. In Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (p. 60-76).
Valdivia, S., Sonnemann, G. (). Handbook on life cycle sustainability assessment. In Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (p. 1-460).
Leroy-Parmentier, N., Valdivia, S., Sonnemann, G. (). Defining the goal and scope for life cycle sustainability assessment. In Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (p. 136-143).
Sonnemann, G., Valdivia, S., Neuhaus, E. (). Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: Take-aways and outlook. In Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (p. 409-415).
Cilleruelo Palomero, J., Freboeuf, L., Ciroth, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Integrating circularity into Life Cycle Assessment: Circularity with a life cycle perspective. In Cleaner Environmental Systems (Vol. 12, p. 100175).
Kamali, A.K., Lee, D., Futsch, R., Glogic, E., Rougier, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Steering Innovation toward Sustainable Electrochromic Displays: A Prospective Life Cycle Assessment Study. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 12, Issue 4, p. 1501-1513).
Lee, D., Kim, J., Sonnemann, G., Park, H.S. (). Identifying the socioeconomic determinants of industrial hazardous waste generation: South Korea as a case study. In Science of the Total Environment (Vol. 901, p. 166525).
Kamali, A.K., Glogic, E., Keppetipola, N.M., Sonnemann, G., Toupance, T., Cojocaru, L. (). Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of Two Supercapacitor Architectures. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 11, Issue 44, p. 15898-15909).
Galafton, C., Maga, D., Sonnemann, G., Thonemann, N. (). Life cycle assessment of different strawberry production methods in Germany with a particular focus on plastic emissions. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 28, Issue 6, p. 611-625).
Siddhantakar, A., Santillán-Saldivar, J., Kippes, T., Sonnemann, G., Reller, A., Young, S.B. (). Helium resource global supply and demand: Geopolitical supply risk analysis. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 193, p. 106935).
Leroy-Parmentier, N., Valdivia, S., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G. (). Alignment of the life cycle initiative’s “principles for the application of life cycle sustainability assessment” with the LCSA practice: A case study review. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 28, Issue 6, p. 704-740).
Fuentes, O.P., Cruz, J.C., Mignard, E., Sonnemann, G., Osma, J.F. (). Life Cycle Assessment of Magnetite Production Using Microfluidic Devices: Moving from the Laboratory to Industrial Scale. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 11, Issue 18, p. 6932-6943).
Babí Almenar, J., Petucco, C., Sonnemann, G., Geneletti, D., Elliot, T., Rugani, B. (). Modelling the net environmental and economic impacts of urban nature-based solutions by combining ecosystem services, system dynamics and life cycle thinking: An application to urban forests. In Ecosystem Services (Vol. 60, p. 101506).
Maury-Micolier, A., Huang, L., Taillandier, F., Sonnemann, G., Jolliet, O. (). A life cycle approach to indoor air quality in designing sustainable buildings: Human health impacts of three inner and outer insulations. In Building and Environment (Vol. 230, p. 109994).
Almeida, C., Loubet, P., da Costa, T.P., Quinteiro, P., Laso, J., Baptista de Sousa, D., Cooney, R., Mellett, S., Sonnemann, G., Rodríguez, C.J., Rowan, N., Clifford, E., Ruiz-Salmón, I., Margallo, M., Aldaco, R., Nunes, M.L., Dias, A.C., Marques, A. (). Packaging environmental impact on seafood supply chains: A review of life cycle assessment studies. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 26, Issue 6, p. 1961-1978).
Glogic, E., Kamali, A.K., Keppetipola, N.M., Alonge, B., Kumara, G.R.A., Sonnemann, G., Toupance, T., Cojocaru, L. (). Life Cycle Assessment of Supercapacitor Electrodes Based on Activated Carbon from Coconut Shells. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 10, Issue 46, p. 15025-15034).
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Loubet, P., Helbig, C., Beylot, A., Muller, S., Villeneuve, J., Laratte, B., Thorenz, A., Tuma, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Midpoint and endpoint characterization factors for mineral resource dissipation: methods and application to 6000 data sets. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 27, Issue 9-11, p. 1180-1198).
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Helbig, C., Loubet, P., Beylot, A., Muller, S., Villeneuve, J., Laratte, B., Thorenz, A., Tuma, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Losses and lifetimes of metals in the economy. In Nature Sustainability (Vol. 5, Issue 8, p. 717-726).
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Helbig, C., Loubet, P., Beylot, A., Muller, S., Villeneuve, J., Laratte, B., Thorenz, A., Tuma, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Author Correction: Losses and lifetimes of metals in the economy (Nature Sustainability, (2022), 10.1038/s41893-022-00895-8). In Nature Sustainability (Vol. 5, Issue 6, p. 552).
Santillán-Saldivar, J., Gemechu, E., Muller, S., Villeneuve, J., Young, S.B., Sonnemann, G. (). An improved resource midpoint characterization method for supply risk of resources: integrated assessment of Li-ion batteries. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 27, Issue 3, p. 457-468).
Koyamparambath, A., Adibi, N., Szablewski, C., Adibi, S.A., Sonnemann, G. (). Implementing Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Predict Environmental Impacts: Case of Construction Products. In Sustainability (Switzerland) (Vol. 14, Issue 6, p. 3699).
Ortíz-Rodriguez, O.O., Sonnemann, G., Villamizar-G, R.A. (). The carbon footprint of water treatment as well as sewer and sanitation utilities of Pamplona in Colombia. In Environment, Development and Sustainability (Vol. 24, Issue 3, p. 3982-3999).
Laso, J., Ruiz-Salmón, I., Margallo, M., Villanueva-Rey, P., Poceiro, L., Quinteiro, P., Dias, A.C., Almeida, C., Marques, A., Entrena-Barbero, E., Moreira, M.T., Feijoo, G., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G., Cooney, R., Clifford, E., Regueiro, L., de Sousa, D.A.B., Jacob, C., Noirot, C., Martin, J.C., Raffray, M., Rowan, N., Mellett, S., Aldaco, R. (). Achieving Sustainability of the Seafood Sector in the European Atlantic Area by Addressing Eco-Social Challenges: The NEPTUNUS Project. In Sustainability (Switzerland) (Vol. 14, Issue 5, p. 3054).
Koyamparambath, A., Santillán-Saldivar, J., McLellan, B., Sonnemann, G. (). Supply risk evolution of raw materials for batteries and fossil fuels for selected OECD countries (2000–2018). In Resources Policy (Vol. 75, p. 102465).
Raccary, B., Loubet, P., Peres, C., Sonnemann, G. (). Life cycle assessment of sample preparation in analytical chemistry: a case study on SBSE and SPE techniques. In Advances in Sample Preparation (Vol. 1, p. 100009).
Raccary, B., Loubet, P., Peres, C., Sonnemann, G. (). Evaluating the environmental impacts of analytical chemistry methods: From a critical review towards a proposal using a life cycle approach. In TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 147, p. 116525).
Loubet, P., Couturier, J., Horta Arduin, R., Sonnemann, G. (). Life cycle inventory of plastics losses from seafood supply chains: Methodology and application to French fish products. In Science of the Total Environment (Vol. 804, p. 150117).
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Beylot, A., Loubet, P., Laratte, B., Muller, S., Villeneuve, J., Sonnemann, G. (). Linkage of impact pathways to cultural perspectives to account for multiple aspects of mineral resource use in life cycle assessment. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 176, p. 105912).
Glogic, E., Claverie, M., Jubayed, M., Musumeci, V., Carême, C., Martin, F., Sonnemann, G., Aymonier, C. (). Greening Pathways for Synthetic Talc Production Based on the Supercritical Hydrothermal Flow Process. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 9, Issue 49, p. 16597-16605).
Balkau, F., Bezama, A., Leroy-Parmentier, N., Sonnemann, G. (). A review on the use of life cycle methodologies and tools in sustainable regional development. In Sustainability (Switzerland) (Vol. 13, Issue 19, p. 10881).
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Helbig, C., Loubet, P., Beylot, A., Muller, S., Villeneuve, J., Laratte, B., Thorenz, A., Tuma, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Life cycle impact assessment methods for estimating the impacts of dissipative flows of metals. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 25, Issue 5, p. 1177-1193).
Glogic, E., Futsch, R., Thenot, V., Iglesias, A., Joyard-Pitiot, B., Depres, G., Rougier, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Development of Eco-Efficient Smart Electronics for Anticounterfeiting and Shock Detection Based on Printable Inks. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 9, Issue 35, p. 11691-11704).
Valdivia, S., Backes, J.G., Traverso, M., Sonnemann, G., Cucurachi, S., Guinée, J.B., Schaubroeck, T., Finkbeiner, M., Leroy-Parmentier, N., Ugaya, C., Peña, C., Zamagni, A., Inaba, A., Amaral, M., Berger, M., Dvarioniene, J., Vakhitova, T., Benoit-Norris, C., Prox, M., Foolmaun, R., Goedkoop, M. (). Principles for the application of life cycle sustainability assessment. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 26, Issue 9, p. 1900-1905).
Santillán-Saldivar, J., Gaugler, T., Helbig, C., Rathgeber, A., Sonnemann, G., Thorenz, A., Tuma, A. (). Design of an endpoint indicator for mineral resource supply risks in life cycle sustainability assessment: The case of Li-ion batteries. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 25, Issue 4, p. 1051-1062).
Schrijvers, D.L., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G. (). “Allocation at the point of substitution” applied to recycled rare earth elements: what can we learn?. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 26, Issue 7, p. 1403-1416).
Maga, D., Thonemann, N., Strothmann, P., Sonnemann, G. (). How to account for plastic emissions in life cycle inventory analysis?. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 168, p. 105331).
Jourdaine, M., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G., Trébucq, S. (). The ABC-LCA method for the integration of activity-based costing and life cycle assessment. In Business Strategy and the Environment (Vol. 30, Issue 4, p. 1735-1750).
Layton, R.J., Arduin, R.H., Yazdeen, H., Pommier, R., Sonnemann, G. (). Material flow analysis to evaluate supply chain evolution and management: An example focused on maritime pine in the landes de gascogne forest, france. In Sustainability (Switzerland) (Vol. 13, Issue 8, p. 4378).
Ruiz-Salmón, I., Laso, J., Margallo, M., Villanueva-Rey, P., Rodríguez, E., Quinteiro, P., Dias, A.C., Almeida, C., Nunes, M.L., Marques, A., Cortés, A., Moreira, M.T., Feijoo, G., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G., Morse, A.P., Cooney, R., Clifford, E., Regueiro, L., Méndez, D., Anglada, C., Noirot, C., Rowan, N., Vázquez-Rowe, I., Aldaco, R. (). Life cycle assessment of fish and seafood processed products – A review of methodologies and new challenges. In Science of the Total Environment (Vol. 761, p. 144094).
Viere, T., Amor, B., Berger, N., Fanous, R.D., Arduin, R.H., Keller, R., Laurent, A., Loubet, P., Strothmann, P., Weyand, S., Wright, L., Sonnemann, G. (). Teaching life cycle assessment in higher education. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 26, Issue 3, p. 511-527).
Babí Almenar, J., Elliot, T., Rugani, B., Philippe, B., Navarrete Gutierrez, T., Sonnemann, G., Geneletti, D. (). Nexus between nature-based solutions, ecosystem services and urban challenges. In Land Use Policy (Vol. 100, p. 104898).
Glogic, E., Sonnemann, G., Young, S.B. (). Environmental trade-offs of downcycling in circular economy: Combining life cycle assessment and material circularity indicator to inform circularity strategies for alkaline batteries. In Sustainability (Switzerland) (Vol. 13, Issue 3, p. 1-12).
Santillán-Saldivar, J., Cimprich, A., Shaikh, N., Laratte, B., Young, S.B., Sonnemann, G. (). How recycling mitigates supply risks of critical raw materials: Extension of the geopolitical supply risk methodology applied to information and communication technologies in the European Union. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 164, p. 105108).
Schrijvers, D.L., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G. (). An axiomatic method for goal-dependent allocation in life cycle assessment. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.
Ioannidou, D., Sonnemann, G., Suh, S. (). Do we have enough natural sand for low-carbon infrastructure?. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 24, Issue 5, p. 1004-1015).
Maury, T., Morales Serrano, S., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G., Colombo, C. (). Space debris through the prism of the environmental performance of space systems: the case of Sentinel-3 redesigned mission. In Journal of Space Safety Engineering (Vol. 7, Issue 3, p. 198-205).
Tercero Espinoza, L., Schrijvers, D., Chen, W.Q., Dewulf, J., Eggert, R., Goddin, J., Habib, K., Hagelüken, C., Hurd, A.J., Kleijn, R., Ku, A.Y., Lee, M.H., Nansai, K., Nuss, P., Peck, D., Petavratzi, E., Sonnemann, G., van der Voet, E., Wäger, P.A., Young, S.B., Hool, A. (). Greater circularity leads to lower criticality, and other links between criticality and the circular economy. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 159, p. 104718).
Schrijvers, D., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G. (). Archetypes of goal and scope definitions for consistent allocation in LCA. In Sustainability (Switzerland) (Vol. 12, Issue 14, p. 5587).
Sonnemann, G., Schrijvers, D., Asselin, A., Poolsawad, N., Mungkalasiri, J., Grant, T., Loyola, C., Vigon, B. (). Updating and Road-testing Life Cycle Inventory Data Review Criteria: Toward Global Consensus and Guidance On Data Quality Assessment. In Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (Vol. 16, Issue 4, p. 517-524).
Maury, T., Loubet, P., Serrano, S.M., Gallice, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Application of environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) within the space sector: A state of the art. In Acta Astronautica (Vol. 170, p. 122-135).
Sonderegger, T., Berger, M., Alvarenga, R., Bach, V., Cimprich, A., Dewulf, J., Frischknecht, R., Guinée, J., Helbig, C., Huppertz, T., Jolliet, O., Motoshita, M., Northey, S., Rugani, B., Schrijvers, D., Schulze, R., Sonnemann, G., Valero, A., Weidema, B.P., Young, S.B. (). Mineral resources in life cycle impact assessment—part I: a critical review of existing methods. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 25, Issue 4, p. 784-797).
Schrijvers, D., Hool, A., Blengini, G.A., Chen, W.Q., Dewulf, J., Eggert, R., van Ellen, L., Gauss, R., Goddin, J., Habib, K., Hagelüken, C., Hirohata, A., Hofmann-Amtenbrink, M., Kosmol, J., Le Gleuher, M., Grohol, M., Ku, A., Lee, M.H., Liu, G., Nansai, K., Nuss, P., Peck, D., Reller, A., Sonnemann, G., Tercero, L., Thorenz, A., Wäger, P.A. (). A review of methods and data to determine raw material criticality. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 155, p. 104617).
Berger, M., Sonderegger, T., Alvarenga, R., Bach, V., Cimprich, A., Dewulf, J., Frischknecht, R., Guinée, J., Helbig, C., Huppertz, T., Jolliet, O., Motoshita, M., Northey, S., Peña, C.A., Rugani, B., Sahnoune, A., Schrijvers, D., Schulze, R., Sonnemann, G., Valero, A., Weidema, B.P., Young, S.B. (). Mineral resources in life cycle impact assessment: part II – recommendations on application-dependent use of existing methods and on future method development needs. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 25, Issue 4, p. 798-813).
Jourdaine, M., Loubet, P., Trebucq, S., Sonnemann, G. (). A detailed quantitative comparison of the life cycle assessment of bottled wines using an original harmonization procedure. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 250, p. 119472).
Ruiz-Salmón, I., Margallo, M., Laso, J., Villanueva-Rey, P., Mariño, D., Quinteiro, P., Dias, A.C., Nunes, M.L., Marques, A., Feijoo, G., Moreira, M.T., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G., Morse, A., Cooney, R., Clifford, E., Rowan, N., Méndez-Paz, D., Iglesias-Parga, X., Anglada, C., Martin, J.C., Irabien, Á., Aldaco, R. (). Addressing challenges and opportunities of the European seafood sector under a circular economy framework. In Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health (Vol. 13, p. 101-106).
Cimprich, A., Santillán-Saldivar, J., Thiel, C.L., Sonnemann, G., Young, S.B. (). Potential for industrial ecology to support healthcare sustainability: Scoping review of a fragmented literature and conceptual framework for future research. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 23, Issue 6, p. 1344-1352).
Pillain, B., Loubet, P., Pestalozzi, F., Woidasky, J., Erriguible, A., Aymonier, C., Sonnemann, G. (). Positioning supercritical solvolysis among innovative recycling and current waste management scenarios for carbon fiber reinforced plastics thanks to comparative life cycle assessment. In Journal of Supercritical Fluids (Vol. 154, p. 104607).
Micolier, A., Loubet, P., Taillandier, F., Sonnemann, G. (). To what extent can agent-based modelling enhance a life cycle assessment? Answers based on a literature review. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 239, p. 118123).
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Loubet, P., Laratte, B., Muller, S., Villeneuve, J., Sonnemann, G. (). A necessary step forward for proper non-energetic abiotic resource use consideration in life cycle assessment: The functional dissipation approach using dynamic material flow analysis data. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 151, p. 104449).
Glogic, E., Weyand, S., Tsang, M.P., Young, S.B., Schebek, L., Sonnemann, G. (). Life cycle assessment of organic photovoltaic charger use in Europe: the role of product use intensity and irradiation. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 233, p. 1088-1096).
Cimprich, A., Bach, V., Helbig, C., Thorenz, A., Schrijvers, D., Sonnemann, G., Young, S.B., Sonderegger, T., Berger, M. (). Raw material criticality assessment as a complement to environmental life cycle assessment: Examining methods for product-level supply risk assessment. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 23, Issue 5, p. 1226-1236).
Babí Almenar, J., Bolowich, A., Elliot, T., Geneletti, D., Sonnemann, G., Rugani, B. (). Assessing habitat loss, fragmentation and ecological connectivity in Luxembourg to support spatial planning. In Landscape and Urban Planning (Vol. 189, p. 335-351).
Pillain, B., Viana, L.R., Lefeuvre, A., Jacquemin, L., Sonnemann, G. (). Social life cycle assessment framework for evaluation of potential job creation with an application in the French carbon fiber aeronautical recycling sector. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 24, Issue 9, p. 1729-1742).
Ioannidou, D., Pommier, R., Habert, G., Sonnemann, G. (). Evaluating the risks in the construction wood product system through a criticality assessment framework. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 146, p. 68-76).
Maury, T., Loubet, P., Trisolini, M., Gallice, A., Sonnemann, G., Colombo, C. (). Assessing the impact of space debris on orbital resource in life cycle assessment: A proposed method and case study. In Science of the Total Environment (Vol. 667, p. 780-791).
Lefeuvre, A., Garnier, S., Jacquemin, L., Pillain, B., Sonnemann, G. (). Anticipating in-use stocks of carbon fibre reinforced polymers and related waste generated by the wind power sector until 2050. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 141, p. 30-39).
Glogic, E., Adán-Más, A., Sonnemann, G., Montemor, M.D.F., Guerlou-Demourgues, L., Young, S.B. (). Life cycle assessment of emerging Ni-Co hydroxide charge storage electrodes: Impact of graphene oxide and synthesis route. In RSC Advances (Vol. 9, Issue 33, p. 18853-18862).
Ioannidou, D., Heeren, N., Sonnemann, G., Habert, G. (). The future in and of criticality assessments. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 23, Issue 4, p. 751-766).
Baumann, H., Lindahl, M., Scandelius, C., Schmidt, K., Sonnemann, G. (). Preface: Recognizing management in LCM. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 23, Issue 7, p. 1351-1356).
Tsang, M.P., Philippot, G., Aymonier, C., Sonnemann, G. (). Supercritical Fluid Flow Synthesis to Support Sustainable Production of Engineered Nanomaterials: Case Study of Titanium Dioxide. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 6, Issue 4, p. 5142-5151).
Brière, R., Loubet, P., Glogic, E., Estrine, B., Marinkovic, S., Jérôme, F., Sonnemann, G. (). Life cycle assessment of the production of surface-active alkyl polyglycosides from acid-assisted ball-milled wheat straw compared to the conventional production based on corn-starch. In Green Chemistry (Vol. 20, Issue 9, p. 2135-2141).
Lotteau, M., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G. (). An analysis to understand how the shape of a concrete residential building influences its embodied energy and embodied carbon. In Energy and Buildings (Vol. 154, p. 1-11).
Vigon, B., Sonnemann, G., Asselin, A., Schrijvers, D., Ciroth, A., Chen, S.S., Braga, T., Poolsawad, N., Mungkalasiri, J., Boureima, F., Milà i Canals, L. (). Review of LCA datasets in three emerging economies: a summary of learnings. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 22, Issue 11, p. 1658-1665).
Sonnemann, G., Valdivia, S. (). Medellin Declaration on Marine Litter in Life Cycle Assessment and Management: Facilitated by the Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation (FSLCI) in close cooperation with La Red Iberoamericana de Ciclo de Vida (RICV) on Wednesday 14 of June 2017. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 22, Issue 10, p. 1637-1639).
Maury, T., Loubet, P., Ouziel, J., Saint-Amand, M., Dariol, L., Sonnemann, G. (). Towards the integration of orbital space use in Life Cycle Impact Assessment. In Science of the Total Environment (Vol. 595, p. 642-650).
Cimprich, A., Young, S.B., Helbig, C., Gemechu, E.D., Thorenz, A., Tuma, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Extension of geopolitical supply risk methodology: Characterization model applied to conventional and electric vehicles. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 162, p. 754-763).
Sonnemann, G., Gemechu, E.D., Sala, S., Schau, E.M., Allacker, K., Pant, R., Adibi, N., Valdivia, S. (). Life cycle thinking and the use of LCA in policies around the world. In Life Cycle Assessment: Theory and Practice (p. 429-463).
Strothman, P., Sonnemann, G. (). Circular economy, resource efficiency, life cycle innovation: same objectives, same impacts?. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 22, Issue 8, p. 1327-1328).
Tsang, M.P., Kikuchi-Uehara, E., Sonnemann, G.W., Aymonier, C., Hirao, M. (). Evaluating nanotechnology opportunities and risks through integration of life-cycle and risk assessment. In Nature Nanotechnology (Vol. 12, Issue 8, p. 734-739).
Tsang, M.P., Hristozov, D., Zabeo, A., Koivisto, A.J., Jensen, A.C.Ø., Jensen, K.A., Pang, C., Marcomini, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Probabilistic risk assessment of emerging materials: case study of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. In Nanotoxicology (Vol. 11, Issue 4, p. 558-568).
Valdivia, S., Sonnemann, G., Milà i Canals, L. (). LCA mainstreaming conditions in Latin America—based on learnings from 2005 to 2014. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 22, Issue 4, p. 485-491).
Gemechu, E.D., Sonnemann, G., Young, S.B. (). Geopolitical-related supply risk assessment as a complement to environmental impact assessment: the case of electric vehicles. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 22, Issue 1, p. 31-39).
Lefeuvre, A., Garnier, S., Jacquemin, L., Pillain, B., Sonnemann, G. (). Anticipating in-use stocks of carbon fiber reinforced polymers and related waste flows generated by the commercial aeronautical sector until 2050. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 125, p. 264-272).
Tsang, M.P., Li, D., Garner, K.L., Keller, A.A., Suh, S., Sonnemann, G.W. (). Modeling human health characterization factors for indoor nanomaterial emissions in life cycle assessment: A case-study of titanium dioxide. In Environmental Science: Nano (Vol. 4, Issue 8, p. 1705-1721).
Pillain, B., Gemechu, E., Sonnemann, G. (). Identification of Key Sustainability Performance Indicators and related assessment methods for the carbon fiber recycling sector. In Ecological Indicators (Vol. 72, p. 833-847).
Ioannidou, D., Meylan, G., Sonnemann, G., Habert, G. (). Is gravel becoming scarce? Evaluating the local criticality of construction aggregates. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 126, p. 25-33).
Helbig, C., Gemechu, E.D., Pillain, B., Young, S.B., Thorenz, A., Tuma, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Extending the geopolitical supply risk indicator: Application of life cycle sustainability assessment to the petrochemical supply chain of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 137, p. 1170-1178).
Tsang, M.P., Sonnemann, G.W., Bassani, D.M. (). Life-cycle assessment of cradle-to-grave opportunities and environmental impacts of organic photovoltaic solar panels compared to conventional technologies. In Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (Vol. 156, p. 37-48).
Schrijvers, D.L., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G. (). Critical review of guidelines against a systematic framework with regard to consistency on allocation procedures for recycling in LCA. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 21, Issue 7, p. 994-1008).
Schrijvers, D.L., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G. (). Developing a systematic framework for consistent allocation in LCA. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 21, Issue 7, p. 976-993).
Pommier, R., Grimaud, G., Prinçaud, M., Perry, N., Sonnemann, G. (). LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of EVP - Engineering veneer product: Plywood glued using a vacuum moulding technology from green veneers. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 124, p. 383-394).
Foulet, A., Birot, M., Backov, R., Sonnemann, G., Deleuze, H. (). Preparation of hierarchical porous carbonaceous foams from Kraft black liquor. In Materials Today Communications (Vol. 7, p. 108-116).
Tsang, M.P., Sonnemann, G.W., Bassani, D.M. (). A comparative human health, ecotoxicity, and product environmental assessment on the production of organic and silicon solar cells. In Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (Vol. 24, Issue 5, p. 645-655).
Drielsma, J.A., Allington, R., Brady, T., Guinée, J., Hammarstrom, J., Hummen, T., Russell-Vaccari, A., Schneider, L., Sonnemann, G., Weihed, P. (). Abiotic raw-materials in life cycle impact assessments: An emerging consensus across disciplines. In Resources (Vol. 5, Issue 1, p. 12).
Pommier, R., Grimaud, G., Prinçaud, M., Perry, N., Sonnemann, G. (). Comparative environmental life cycle assessment of materials in wooden boat ecodesign. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 21, Issue 2, p. 265-275).
Gemechu, E.D., Helbig, C., Sonnemann, G., Thorenz, A., Tuma, A. (). Import-based Indicator for the Geopolitical Supply Risk of Raw Materials in Life Cycle Sustainability Assessments. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 20, Issue 1, p. 154-165).
Tsang, M., Philippot, G., Aymonier, C., Sonnemann, G. (). Anticipatory life-cycle assessment of supercritical fluid synthesis of barium strontium titanate nanoparticles. In Green Chemistry (Vol. 18, Issue 18, p. 4924-4933).
Lotteau, M., Loubet, P., Pousse, M., Dufrasnes, E., Sonnemann, G. (). Critical review of life cycle assessment (LCA) for the built environment at the neighborhood scale. In Building and Environment (Vol. 93, Issue P2, p. 165-178).
Foulet, A., Birot, M., Sonnemann, G., Deleuze, H. (). The potential of Kraft black liquor to produce bio-based emulsion-templated porous materials. In Reactive and Functional Polymers (Vol. 90, p. 15-20).
Sonnemann, G., Gemechu, E.D., Adibi, N., De Bruille, V., Bulle, C. (). From a critical review to a conceptual framework for integrating the criticality of resources into Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 94, p. 20-34).
Foulet, A., Birot, M., Sonnemann, G., Deleuze, H. (). Life cycle assessment of producing emulsion-templated porous materials from Kraft black liquor - Comparison of a vegetable oil and a petrochemical solvent. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 91, p. 180-186).
Prinçaud, M., Aymonier, C., Loppinet-Serani, A., Perry, N., Sonnemann, G. (). Environmental feasibility of the recycling of carbon fibers from CFRPs by solvolysis using supercritical water. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 2, Issue 6, p. 1498-1502).
Jolliet, O., Frischknecht, R., Bare, J., Boulay, A.M., Bulle, C., Fantke, P., Gheewala, S., Hauschild, M., Itsubo, N., Margni, M., McKone, T.E., Y Canals, L.M., Postuma, L., Prado-Lopez, V., Ridoutt, B., Sonnemann, G., Rosenbaum, R.K., Seager, T., Struijs, J., Van Zelm, R., Vigon, B., Weisbrod, A. (). Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: Findings of the scoping phase. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 19, Issue 4, p. 962-967).
Jolliet, O., Frischknecht, R., Bare, J., Boulay, A.M., Bulle, C., Fantke, P., Gheewala, S., Hauschild, M., Itsubo, N., Margni, M., McKone, T.E., Y Canals, L.M., Posthuma, L., Prado-Lopez, V., Ridoutt, B., Sonnemann, G., Rosenbaum, R.K., Seager, T., Struijs, J., Van Zelm, R., Vigon, B., Weisbrod, A. (). Erratum to: Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: Findings of the scoping phase (International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment DOI: 10.1007/s11367-014-0703-8). In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 19, Issue 8, p. 1566).
Adibi, N., Lafhaj, Z., Gemechu, E.D., Sonnemann, G., Payet, J. (). Introducing a multi-criteria indicator to better evaluate impacts of rare earth materials production and consumption in life cycle assessment. In Journal of Rare Earths (Vol. 32, Issue 3, p. 288-292).
Valdivia, S., Ugaya, C.M.L., Hildenbrand, J., Traverso, M., Mazijn, B., Sonnemann, G. (). A UNEP/SETAC approach towards a life cycle sustainability assessment - Our contribution to Rio+20. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 18, Issue 9, p. 1673-1685).
Rack, M., Valdivia, S., Sonnemann, G. (). Life Cycle Impact Assessment - Where we are, trends, and next steps: A late report from a UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative workshop and a few updates from recent developments. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 18, Issue 7, p. 1413-1420).
Sonnemann, G., Vigon, B., Rack, M., Valdivia, S. (). Global guidance principles for life cycle assessment databases: Development of training material and other implementation activities on the publication. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 18, Issue 5, p. 1169-1172).
Graedel, T.E., Allwood, J., Birat, J.P., Buchert, M., Hagelüken, C., Reck, B.K., Sibley, S.F., Sonnemann, G. (). What do we know about metal recycling rates?. In Journal of Industrial Ecology (Vol. 15, Issue 3, p. 355-366).
Sonnemann, G., Vigon, B., Broadbent, C., Curran, M.A., Finkbeiner, M., Frischknecht, R., Inaba, A., Schanssema, A., Stevenson, M., Ugaya, C.M.L., Wang, H., Wolf, M.A., Valdivia, S. (). Process on "global guidance for LCA databases". In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 16, Issue 1, p. 95-97).
Curran, M., De Baan, L., De Schryver, A.M., Van Zelm, R., Hellweg, S., Koellner, T., Sonnemann, G., Huijbregts, M.A.J. (). Toward meaningful end points of biodiversity in life cycle assessment. In Environmental Science and Technology (Vol. 45, Issue 1, p. 70-79).
Ortiz-Rodríguez, O., Castells, F., Sonnemann, G. (). Life cycle assessment of two dwellings: One in Spain, a developed country, and one in Colombia, a country under development. In Science of the Total Environment (Vol. 408, Issue 12, p. 2435-2443).
Pennington, D.W., Chomkhamsri, K., Pant, R., Wolf, M.A., Bidoglio, G., Kögler, K., Misiga, P., Sponar, M., Lorz, B., Sonnemann, G., Masoni, P., Wang, H., Ling, L., Castanho, C., Soon, C.S., Fieschi, M., Filareto, A., Hauschild, M. (). Ilcd handbook public consultation workshop. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 15, Issue 3, p. 231-237).
Balkau, F., Sonnemann, G. (). Managing sustainability performance through the value-chain. In Corporate Governance (Vol. 10, Issue 1, p. 46-58).
Ortiz, O., Castells, F., Sonnemann, G. (). Operational Energy in the life cycle of residential dwellings: The experience of Spain and Colombia. In Applied Energy (Vol. 87, Issue 2, p. 673-680).
Ortiz, O., Castells, F., Sonnemann, G. (). Sustainability in the construction industry: A review of recent developments based on LCA. In Construction and Building Materials (Vol. 23, Issue 1, p. 28-39).
Fava, J., Valdivia, S., De Leeuw, B., Ciroth, A., Jensen, A.A., Sonnemann, G. (). New activities launched in Warsaw and consultations on emerging ideas. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 13, Issue 5, p. 371-373).
Fava, J., Quiros, A., Norris, G., Valdivia, S., Sonnemann, G., De Leeuw, B. (). First phase 2 activities of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (2007-2010) - Second edition of the LCA award for Non-OECD countries. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 12, Issue 7, p. 544-545).
Sonnemann, G., De Leeuw, B. (). Life cycle management in developing countries: State of the art and outlook. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 11, Issue SPEC. ISS. 1, p. 123-126).
Fava, J., Udo De Haes, H.A., Sonnemann, G., Dubreuil, A., Gloria, T. (). Key observations arising from papers on sustainable production, use and recycling of natural resources. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 11, Issue 1, p. 75-76).
Sonnemann, G. (). New features under preparation. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 10, Issue 5, p. 374).
Sonnemann, G. (). Meetings in Prague from 15-23 April 2003: A new momentum. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 152).
Sonnemann, G.W., Schuhmacher, M., Castells, F. (). Uncertainty assessment by a Monte Carlo simulation in a life cycle inventory of electricity produced by a waste incinerator. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 11, Issue 3, p. 279-292).
Sonnemann, G. (). Significant leap forward for the life cycle initiative at UN sustainable consumption and production expert meeting in Marrakech and at SETAC Hamburg. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 8, Issue 4, p. 241).
Marquevich, M., Sonnemann, G.W., Castells, F., Montané, D. (). Life cycle inventory analysis of hydrogen production by the steam-reforming process: Comparison between vegetable oils and fossil fuels as feedstock. In Green Chemistry (Vol. 4, Issue 5, p. 414-423).
Ciroth, A., Hagelüken, M., Sonnemann, G.W., Castells, F., Fleischer, G. (). Geographical and technological differences in life cycle inventories: Shown by the use of process models for waste incinerators. Part I. Technological and geographical differences. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 7, Issue 5, p. 295-300).
Sonnemann, G.W., Pla, Y., Schuhmacher, M., Castells, F. (). Framework for the uncertainty assessment in the Impact Pathway Analysis with an application on a local scale in Spain. In Environment International (Vol. 28, Issue 1-2, p. 9-18).
Sonnemann, G.W., Solgaard, A., Saur, K., Udo de Haes, H.A., Christiansen, K., Jensen, A.A. (). Life cycle management: UNEP-workshop sharing experiences on LCM. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 6, Issue 6, p. 325-333).
Sonnemann, G.W., Schuhmacher, M., Castells, F. (). Framework for the environmental damage assessment of an industrial process chain. In Journal of Hazardous Materials (Vol. 77, Issue 1-3, p. 91-106).
Pesonen, H.L., Ekvall, T., Fleischer, G., Huppes, G., Jahn, C., Klos, Z.S., Rebitzer, G., Sonnemann, G.W., Tintinelli, A., Weidema, B.P., Wenzel, H. (). Framework for scenario development in LCA. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 5, Issue 1, p. 21-30).