Mme HEUZE Karine

Téléphone 05 40 00 29 93
Groupe de recherche Chimie Moléculaire et Matériaux
Statut Permanent
Poste Chercheur
Batiment A12
Etage RDC Est


Maldonado-Carmona, N., Piccirillo, G., Godard, J., Heuzé, K., Genin, E., Villandier, N., Calvete, M.J.F., Leroy-Lhez, S. (). Bio-based matrix photocatalysts for photodegradation of antibiotics. In Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences (Vol. 23, Issue 3, p. 587-627).
Wenderoth, S., Müssig, S., Prieschl, J., Genin, E., Heuzé, K., Fidler, F., Haddad, D., Wintzheimer, S., Mandel, K. (). Optically Sensitive and Magnetically Identifiable Supraparticles as Indicators of Surface Abrasion. In Nano Letters (Vol. 22, Issue 7, p. 2762-2768).
Ren, L., Ji, H., Heuzé, K., Faure, B., Genin, E., Rousselot Pailley, P., Tron, T. (). Modulation of laccase catalysed oxidations at the surface of magnetic nanoparticles. In Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (Vol. 206, p. 111963).
Al-Hajj, N., Mousli, Y., Miche, A., Humblot, V., Hunel, J., Heuzé, K., Buffeteau, T., Genin, E., Vellutini, L. (). Influence of the grafting process on the orientation and the reactivity of azide-terminated monolayers onto silica surface. In Applied Surface Science (Vol. 527, p. 146778).
Wintzheimer, S., Genin, E., Vellutini, L., Le Bourdon, G., Kessler, M., Hackenberg, S., Dembski, S., Heuzé, K. (). Functionalisation of TiO2 nanoparticles with a fluorescent organosilane: A synergy enabling their visualisation in biological cells and an enhanced photocatalytic activity. In Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (Vol. 181, p. 1019-1025).
Wintzheimer, S., Szczerba, W., GuilhermeBuzanich, A., Kashiwaya, S., Klein, A., Jaegermann, W., Toupance, T., Shmeliov, A., Nicolosi, V., Heuzé, K., Mandel, K., Dembski, S. (). Discovering the Determining Parameters for the Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Colloids Based on an Anomalous Dependence on the Specific Surface Area. In Particle and Particle Systems Characterization (Vol. 35, Issue 9, p. 1800216).
Mousli, Y., Rouvière, L., Traboulsi, I., Hunel, J., Buffeteau, T., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Genin, E. (). Hydrosilylation of Azide-Containing Olefins as a Convenient Access to Azidoorganotrialkoxysilanes for Self-Assembled Monolayer Elaboration onto Silica by Spin Coating. In ChemistrySelect (Vol. 3, Issue 25, p. 7333-7339).
Meillan, M., Buffeteau, T., Le Bourdon, G., Thomas, L., Degueil, M., Heuzé, K., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers with Internal Urea Group on Silica Surface. In ChemistrySelect (Vol. 2, Issue 35, p. 11868-11874).
Mitcova, L., Buffeteau, T., Le Bourdon, G., Babot, O., Vellutini, L., Heuzé, K. (). Positive Dendritic Effect on Maleimide Surface Modification of Core-Shell (γ-Fe2O3/Polymer) Nanoparticles for Bio-Immobilization. In ChemistrySelect (Vol. 1, Issue 14, p. 4350-4356).
Koch, S., Kessler, M., Mandel, K., Dembski, S., Heuzé, K., Hackenberg, S. (). Polycarboxylate ethers: The key towards non-toxic TiO2 nanoparticle stabilisation in physiological solutions. In Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (Vol. 143, p. 7-14).
Siurdyban, E., Brotin, T., Talaga, D., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Buffeteau, T. (). Immobilization of Cryptophane Derivatives onto γ-Fe2O3 Core-Shell Magnetic Nanoparticles. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 120, Issue 12, p. 6583-6590).
Martínez-Olid, F., Andrés, R., De Jesús, E., Flores, J.C., Gómez-Sal, P., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L. (). Magnetically recoverable catalysts based on mono- or bis-(NHC) complexes of palladium for the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction in aqueous media: Two NHC-Pd linkages are better than one. In Dalton Transactions (Vol. 45, Issue 29, p. 11633-11638).
Ramin, M.A., Le Bourdon, G., Heuzé, K., Degueil, M., Buffeteau, T., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Epoxy-terminated self-assembled monolayers containing internal urea or amide groups. In Langmuir (Vol. 31, Issue 9, p. 2783-2789).
Mitcova, L., Rahma, H., Buffeteau, T., Clérac, R., Vellutini, L., Heuzé, K. (). Dendritic maleimide functionalization of core-shell (γ-Fe2O3/polymer) nanoparticles for efficient bio-immobilization. In RSC Advances (Vol. 5, Issue 108, p. 88574-88577).
Siurdyban, E., Brotin, T., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Buffeteau, T. (). Immobilization of cryptophane derivatives onto SiO2/Au and Au substrates. In Langmuir (Vol. 30, Issue 49, p. 14859-14867).
Meillan, M., Ramin, M.A., Buffeteau, T., Marsaudon, S., Odorico, M., Chen, S.W.W., Pellequer, J.L., Degueil, M., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Bennetau, B. (). Self-assembled monolayer for AFM measurements of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) at the atomic level. In RSC Advances (Vol. 4, Issue 23, p. 11927-11930).
Rahma, H., Buffeteau, T., Belin, C., Le Bourdon, G., Degueil, M., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L., Heuzé, K. (). Resolving the chemical nature of nanodesigned silica surface obtained via a bottom-up approach. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 5, Issue 15, p. 6843-6849).
Ramin, M.A., Le Bourdon, G., Heuzé, K., Degueil, M., Belin, C., Buffeteau, T., Bennetau, B., Vellutini, L. (). Functionalized hydrogen-bonding self-assembled monolayers grafted onto SiO2 substrates. In Langmuir (Vol. 28, Issue 51, p. 17672-17680).
Heuzé, K., Fougeret, A., Lemo, J., Rosario-Amorin, D. (). C-C or C-N Reactions Catalyzed by Diadamanthylphosphine Palladium-Based Catalyst Supported on Dab-Dendrimers. In Solid-Phase Organic Syntheses (Vol. 2, p. 97-104).
Rosario-Amorin, D., Gaboyard, M., Clérac, R., Vellutini, L., Nlate, S., Heuzé, K. (). Metallodendritic grafted core-shell γ-Fe 2O 3 nanoparticles used as recoverable catalysts in Suzuki C-C coupling reactions. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 18, Issue 11, p. 3305-3315).
Rosario-Amorin, D., Gaboyard, M., Clérac, R., Nlate, S., Heuzé, K. (). Enhanced catalyst recovery in an aqueous copper-free sonogashira cross-coupling reaction. In Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions (Vol. 40, Issue 1, p. 44-46).
Rosario-Amorin, D., Wang, X., Gaboyard, M., Clérac, R., Nlate, S., Heuzé, K. (). Dendron-functionalized core - shell superparamagnetic nanoparticles: magnetically recoverable and reusable catalysts for suzuki C - C Cross-Coupling reactions. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 15, Issue 46, p. 12636-12643).
Heuzé, K., Rosario-Amorin, D., Nlate, S., Gaboyard, M., Bouter, A., Clérac, R. (). Efficient strategy to increase the surface functionalization of core-shell superparamagnetic nanoparticles using dendron grafting. In New Journal of Chemistry (Vol. 32, Issue 3, p. 383-387).
D'Aléo, A., Pozzo, J.L., Heuzé, K., Vögtle, F., Fages, F. (). Benzyl and tert-butyl carbamate derivatives of 1,ω-amino acids as simple yet efficient gelators. In Tetrahedron (Vol. 63, Issue 31, p. 7482-7488).
Lemo, J., Heuzé, K., Astruc, D. (). Efficient and recyclable dendritic Buchwald-type catalyst for the Suzuki reaction. In Chemical Communications (Issue 42, p. 4351-4353).
Lemo, J., Heuzé, K., Astruc, D. (). Synthesis and catalytic activity of DAB-dendrimer encapsulated Pd nanoparticles for the Suzuki coupling reaction. In Inorganica Chimica Acta (Vol. 359, Issue 15, p. 4909-4911).
Lemo, J., Heuzé, K., Astruc, D. (). Efficient dendritic diphosphino Pd(II) catalysts for the Suzuki reaction of chloroarenes. In Organic Letters (Vol. 7, Issue 11, p. 2253-2256).
Astruc, D., Heuzé, K., Gatard, S., Méry, D., Nlate, S., Plault, L. (). Metallodendritic catalysis for redox and carbon-carbon bond formation reactions: A step towards green chemistry. In Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (Vol. 347, Issue 2-3, p. 329-338).
Batail, P., Heuzé, K., Baudron, S.A., Fourmigué, M., Coulon, C., Clérac, R., Canadell, E., Laukhin, V., Auban-Senzier, P., Melzi, R., Wzietek, P., Jérome, D. (). Functional π-donors with no symmetry and Mott physics. In Journal De Physique. IV : JP (Vol. 131, p. 307-311).
Heuzé, K., Méry, D., Gauss, D., Blais, J.C., Astruc, D. (). Copper-free monomeric and dendritic palladium catalysts for the sonogashira reaction: Substituent effects, synthetic applications, and the recovery and re-use of the catalysts. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 10, Issue 16, p. 3936-3944).
Stokes, K.K., Heuzé, K., McCullough, R.D. (). New phosphonic acid functionalized, regioregular polythiophenes. In Macromolecules (Vol. 36, Issue 19, p. 7114-7118).
Heuzé, K., Fourmigué, M., Batail, P., Couion, C., Clérac, R., Canadell, E., Auban-Senzier, P., Ravy, S., Jérome, D. (). A genuine quarter-filled band mott insulator, (EDT-TTF-CONMe2)2AsF6: Where the chemistry and physics of weak intermolecular interactions act in unison. In Advanced Materials (Vol. 15, Issue 15, p. 1251-1254).
Heuzé, K., Méry, D., Gauss, D., Astruc, D. (). Copper-free, recoverable dendritic Pd catalysts for the Sonogashira reaction. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 3, Issue 18, p. 2274-2275).
Méry, D., Heuzé, K., Astruc, D. (). A very efficient, copper-free palladium catalyst for the Sonogashira reaction with aryl halides. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 3, Issue 15, p. 1934-1935).
Baudron, S.A., Mézière, C., Heuzé, K., Fourmigué, M., Batail, P., Molinié, P., Auban-Senzier, P. (). Interplay of charge transfer, dimensionality, and amide hydrogen bond network adaptability in TCNQF4 complexes of EDO-TTF-CONH2 and EDT-TTF-CONH2. In Journal of Solid State Chemistry (Vol. 168, Issue 2, p. 668-674).
Lescanne, M., Colin, A., Mondain-Monval, O., Heuzé, K., Fages, F., Pozzo, J.L. (). Flow-induced alignment of fiberlike supramolecular self-assemblies during organogel formation with various low molecular mass organogelator-solvent systems. In Langmuir (Vol. 18, Issue 19, p. 7151-7153).
Müller, W.M., Müller, U., Mieden-Gundert, G., Vögtle, F., Lescanne, M., Heuzé, K., D'Aléo, A., Fages, F. (). Salts of 4-substituted dipicolinic acid derivatives - Very low molecular mass gelators of aqueous DMSO. In European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Issue 17, p. 2891-2893).<2891::AID-EJOC2891>3.0.CO;2-F
Bergbreiter, D.E., Frels, J., Heuze, K. (). New methods for recovery of soluble polymer-bound reagents. In Reactive and Functional Polymers (Vol. 49, Issue 3, p. 249-254).
Heuzé, K., Mézière, C., Fourmigué, M., Batail, P., Coulon, C., Canadell, E., Auban-Senzier, P., Jérome, D. (). An efficient, redox-enhanced pair of hydrogen-bond tweezers for chloride anion recognition, a key synthon in the construction of a novel type of organic metal based on the secondary amide-functionalized ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene, β'-(EDT-TTF-CONHMe)2[Cl·H2O]. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 12, Issue 7, p. 1898-1904).
Heuzé, K., Fourmigué, M., Batail, P., Canadell, E., Auban-Senzier, P. (). Directing the structures and collective electronic properties of organic conductors: The interplay of π-overlap interactions and hydrogen bonds. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 5, Issue 10, p. 2971-2976).<2971::AID-CHEM2971>3.0.CO;2-S
Heuzé, K., Fourmigué, M. (). The crystal chemistry of amide-functionalized ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalenes: EDT-TTF-CONRR′ (R,R′ = H, Me). In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 9, Issue 10, p. 2373-2379).
Heuzè, K., Purseigle, F., Dubreuil, D., Pradère, J.P. (). Easy synthesis of substituted 1,3-dithiole-2-ylidene selenophenes from selenoheterodienes. In Synthetic Communications (Vol. 28, Issue 2, p. 301-310).