Mr KUHN Alexander

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Groupe de recherche NanoSystèmes Analytiques
Statut Permanent
Poste Enseignant-chercheur
Batiment ENSMAC


Salinas, G., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless electroorganic synthesis. In Current Opinion in Electrochemistry (Vol. 49, p. 101612).
Lozon, C., Cornet, A., Reculusa, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A., Salinas, G. (). Chemically-Driven Autonomous Janus Electromagnets as Magnetotactic Swimmers. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 63, Issue 37, p. e202408198).
Gao, R., Beladi-Mousavi, M., Salinas, G., Zhang, L., Kuhn, A. (). Synthesis of Multi-Functional Graphene Monolayers via Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 25, Issue 16, p. e202400257).
Nicolini, T., Shinde, S., El-Attar, R., Salinas, G., Thuau, D., Abbas, M., Raoux, M., Lang, J., Cloutet, E., Kuhn, A. (). Fine-Tuning the Optoelectronic and Redox Properties of an Electropolymerized Thiophene Derivative for Highly Selective OECT-Based Zinc Detection. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 11, Issue 21, p. 2400127).
Fu, Y., Chen, K., Xie, B., Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Kuhn, A., Yang, W. (). Design of Janus Particles by Bipolar Electrochemistry at the Water-Organic Interface. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 36, Issue 14, p. 7079-7088).
Liu, M., Arias-Aranda, L.R., Li, H., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N., Salinas, G. (). Wireless Multimodal Light-Emitting Arrays Operating on the Principles of LEDs and ECL. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 25, Issue 12, p. e202400133).
Boukarkour, Y., Reculusa, S., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A., Salinas, G. (). Wireless Light-Emitting Electrode Arrays for the Evaluation of Electrocatalytic Activity. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 30, Issue 29, p. e202400078).
Arias-Aranda, L.R., Salinas, G., Kuhn, A., Xu, G., Kanoufi, F., Bouffier, L., Sojic, N. (). Complex electrochemiluminescence patterns shaped by hydrodynamics at a rotating bipolar electrode. In Chemical Science (Vol. 15, Issue 23, p. 8723-8730).
Suwankaisorn, B., Aroonratsameruang, P., Kuhn, A., Wattanakit, C. (). Enantioselective recognition, synthesis, and separation of pharmaceutical compounds at chiral metallic surfaces. In ChemMedChem (Vol. 19, Issue 7, p. e202300557).
Tieriekhov, K., Sojic, N., Bouffier, L., Salinas, G., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless Magnetoelectrochemical Induction of Rotational Motion. In Advanced Science (Vol. 11, Issue 9, p. 2306635).
Salinas, G., Bouffier, L., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Light-emitting bipolar electrochemistry: a straightforward way to illustrate thermodynamic aspects to students. In Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Vol. 28, Issue 3-4, p. 1225-1231).
Chassagne, P., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Bulk Electrosynthesis of Patchy Particles with Highly Controlled Asymmetric Features. In Advanced Materials (Vol. 36, Issue 6, p. 2307539).
Grecchi, S., Salinas, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Ghirardi, S., Kuhn, A., Arnaboldi, S. (). Miniaturized enantioselective tubular devices for the electromechanical wireless separation of chiral analytes. In Chem (Vol. 10, Issue 2, p. 660-674).
Digel, L., Mierzwa, M., Bonné, R., Zieger, S.E., Pavel, I.A., Ferapontova, E., Koren, K., Boesen, T., Harnisch, F., Marshall, I.P.G., Nielsen, L.P., Kuhn, A. (). Cable Bacteria Skeletons as Catalytically Active Electrodes. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 63, Issue 6, p. e202312647).
Arias-Aranda, L.R., Salinas, G., Li, H., Hogan, C.F., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L., Sojic, N. (). Annihilation Electrochemiluminescence Triggered by Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemElectroChem.
Salinas, G., Safarik, T., Meneghello, M., Bichon, S., Gounel, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Magnetohydrodynamic Enhancement of Biofuel Cell Performance. In Chemistry - A European Journal.
Huang, Y., Talaga, D., Salinas, G., Garrigue, P., Cooney, G.S., Reculusa, S., Kuhn, A., Bonhommeau, S., Bouffier, L. (). Contactless manufacturing of TERS-active AFM tips by bipolar electrodeposition. In Nanoscale.
Fu, Y., Xie, B., Liu, M., Hou, S., Zhu, Q., Kuhn, A., Zhang, L., Yang, W., Sojic, N. (). Bipolar electrochemiluminescence at the water/organic interface. In Chemical Science.
Nicolini, T., Frontana-Uribe, B.A., Kuhn, A., Salinas, G. (). Tuning the Electrochemical Properties of Poly-thiophenes with a 2,5-Dithienil-N-subtituted-pyrrole Bearing an Aniline Moiety for Electrochromic Devices. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 10, Issue 24, p. e202300346).
Bichon, S., Staigre, P., Gounel, S., Safarik, T., Carucci, C., Kuhn, A., Mano, N. (). Unusual long-term stability of enzymatic bioelectrocatalysis in organic solvents. In Journal of Catalysis (Vol. 428, p. 115163).
Huang, Y., Talaga, D., Garrigue, P., Salinas, G., Cooney, G.S., Reculusa, S., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L., Bonhommeau, S. (). Nanostructured gold-coated AFM tips generated by potentiostatic electrodeposition for tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 832, p. 140893).
Arnaboldi, S., Salinas, G., Bichon, S., Gounel, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Bi-enzymatic chemo-mechanical feedback loop for continuous self-sustained actuation of conducting polymers. In Nature Communications (Vol. 14, Issue 1, p. 6390).
Dąbrowski, M., Reculusa, S., Thuau, D., Ayela, C., Kuhn, A. (). Macroporous Polymer Cantilever Resonators for Chemical Sensing Applications. In Advanced Materials Technologies (Vol. 8, Issue 22, p. 2300771).
Somsri, S., Suwankaisorn, B., Yomthong, K., Srisuwanno, W., Klinyod, S., Kuhn, A., Wattanakit, C. (). Highly Enantioselective Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals at Chiral-Encoded Metal Surfaces. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 29, Issue 61, p. e202302054).
Ashraf, T., Avanthay, M., Batanero, B., Bondue, C., Boucher, D.G., Gerulskis, R., Kuhn, A., Minteer, S.D., Mount, A., Nguyen, Z.A., Price, R., Rasul, S., Shida, N., Sokalu, E., Tan, J.Z.Y. (). Electrofuels: general discussion. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 247, p. 246-253).
Avanthay, M., Batanero, B., Bondue, C., Boucher, D.G., Broersen, P., Brown, R.C.D., Chen, L., Choi, A., Fong, C.W., Fuchigami, T., Hickey, D.P., Kuhn, A., Lam, K., Liao, Y.J., Liu, T.L., Minteer, S.D., Moeller, K., Nguyen, Z.A., Shida, N. (). Understanding and controlling organic electrosynthesis mechanism: general discussion. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 247, p. 206-215).
Ackermann, L., Avanthay, M., Batanero, B., Boucher, D.G., Broersen, P., Carroll, E., Flexer, V., Francke, R., Fuchigami, T., Gerulskis, R., Hickey, D.P., Hockin, B., Kuhn, A., Milner, M.J., Minteer, S.D., Moeller, K., Nguyen, Z.A., Nokami, T., Rasul, S., Shida, N., Sokalu, E., Taniguchi, K., von Wolff, N. (). Interdisciplinary electrosynthesis: general discussion. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 247, p. 168-178).
Avanthay, M., Batanero, B., Boucher, D.G., Bondue, C., Broersen, P., Brown, R.C.D., Francke, R., Fuchigami, T., Kuhn, A., Lam, K., Lin, C.Y., Liu, T.L., Luo, L., Minteer, S.D., Moeller, K., Nokami, T., Price, R., Rasul, S., Sokalu, E. (). Selective organic electrosynthesis: general discussion. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 247, p. 70-78).
Gao, R., Beladi-Mousavi, S.M., Salinas, G., Garrigue, P., Zhang, L., Kuhn, A. (). Spatial Precision Tailoring the Catalytic Activity of Graphene Monolayers for Designing Janus Swimmers. In Nano Letters (Vol. 23, Issue 17, p. 8180-8185).
Liu, M., Salinas, G., Yu, J., Cornet, A., Li, H., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Endogenous and exogenous wireless multimodal light-emitting chemical devices. In Chemical Science (Vol. 14, Issue 39, p. 10664-10670).
Salinas, G., Kuhn, A., Arnaboldi, S. (). Self-Sustained Rotation of Lorentz Force-Driven Janus Systems. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 127, Issue 30, p. 14704-14710).
Nicolini, T., Boukarkour, Y., Reculusa, S., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A., Salinas, G. (). Resistance measurements for the wireless evaluation of electrocatalytic activity. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 458, p. 142506).
Nulek, T., Arnaboldi, S., Salinas, G., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Wattanakit, C., Flood, A.E., Kuhn, A. (). Enantioselective resolution of two model amino acids using inherently chiral oligomer films with uncorrelated molecular structures. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 59, Issue 64, p. 9758-9761).
Zhang, C., Zhang, X., Fu, Y., Zhang, L., Kuhn, A. (). Metal-organic framework functionalized bipolar electrodes for bulk electroenzymatic synthesis. In Journal of Catalysis (Vol. 421, p. 95-100).
Salinas, G., Arnaboldi, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Controlled Patterning of Complex Resistance Gradients in Conducting Polymers with Bipolar Electrochemistry. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 10, Issue 12, p. 2202367).
Salinas, G., Lozon, C., Kuhn, A. (). Unconventional applications of the magnetohydrodynamic effect in electrochemical systems. In Current Opinion in Electrochemistry (Vol. 38, p. 101220).
Salinas, G., Arnaboldi, S., Garrigue, P., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Kuhn, A. (). Magnetic field-enhanced redox chemistry on-the-fly for enantioselective synthesis. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 247, p. 34-44).
De Poulpiquet, A., Sojic, N., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A., Zigah, D. (). Wireless Electronic Light Emission: An Introduction to Bipolar Electrochemistry. In Journal of Chemical Education (Vol. 100, Issue 2, p. 767-773).
Šafarik, T., Karajić, A., Reculusa, S., Bartlett, P.N., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Bottom-Up Designed Porous Coaxial Twin-Electrodes for Efficient Redox Cycling. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 33, Issue 7, p. 2210638).
Salinas, G., Malacarne, F., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Arnaboldi, S., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless electromechanical enantio-responsive valves. In Chirality (Vol. 35, Issue 2, p. 110-117).
Arnaboldi, S., Salinas, G., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Kuhn, A. (). Bipolar electrochemical rotors for the direct transduction of molecular chiral information. In Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Vol. 218, p. 114740).
Beladi-Mousavi, S.M., Salinas, G., Bouffier, L., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless electrochemical light emission in ultrathin 2D nanoconfinements. In Chemical Science (Vol. 13, Issue 48, p. 14277-14284).
Li, W., Zhang, C., Zheng, Z., Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Kuhn, A. (). Fine-Tuning the Electrocatalytic Regeneration of NADH Cofactor Using [Rh(Cp*)(bpy)Cl]+-Functionalized Metal-Organic Framework Films. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 14, Issue 41, p. 46673-46681).
Salinas, G., Beladi-Mousavi, S.M., Gerasimova, L., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless Imaging of Transient Redox Activity Based on Bipolar Light-Emitting Electrode Arrays. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 94, Issue 41, p. 14317-14321).
Arnaboldi, S., Salinas, G., Bonetti, G., Garrigue, P., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Kuhn, A. (). Autonomous Chiral Microswimmers with Self-mixing Capabilities for Highly Efficient Enantioselective Synthesis. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 61, Issue 40, p. e202209098).
Salinas, G., Niamlaem, M., Kuhn, A., Arnaboldi, S. (). Recent advances in electrochemical transduction of chiral information. In Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 61, p. 101626).
Butcha, S., Yu, J., Pasom, Z., Goudeau, B., Wattanakit, C., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Electrochemiluminescent enantioselective detection with chiral-imprinted mesoporous metal surfaces. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 58, Issue 76, p. 10707-10710).
Melvin, A.A., Goudeau, B., Nogala, W., Kuhn, A. (). Spatially Controlled CO2 Conversion Kinetics in Natural Leaves for Motion Generation. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 61, Issue 34, p. e202205298).
Salinas, G., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Kuhn, A., Arnaboldi, S. (). Wireless light-emitting device for the determination of chirality in real samples. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 421, p. 140494).
Kankla, P., Luksirikul, P., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Site-Selective Bipolar Electrodeposition of Gold Clusters on Graphene Oxide Microsheets at a 3D Air|Liquid Interface. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 9, Issue 21, p. 2200304).
Zhao, Y., Descamps, J., Le Corre, B., Léger, Y., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N., Loget, G. (). Wireless Anti-Stokes Photoinduced Electrochemiluminescence at Closed Semiconducting Bipolar Electrodes. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 13, Issue 24, p. 5538-5544).
Kassahun, G.S., Farias, E.D., Benizri, S., Mortier, C., Gaubert, A., Salinas, G., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A., Zigah, D., Barthélémy, P. (). Electropolymerizable Thiophene-Oligonucleotides for Electrode Functionalization. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 14, Issue 23, p. 26350-26358).
Beladi-Mousavi, S.M., Salinas, G., Antonatos, N., Mazanek, V., Garrigue, P., Sofer, Z., Kuhn, A. (). Fine-tuning the functionality of reduced graphene oxide via bipolar electrochemistry in freestanding 2D reaction layers. In Carbon (Vol. 191, p. 439-447).
Salinas, G., Beladi-Mousavi, S.M., Kuhn, A. (). Recent progress in enzyme-driven micro/nanoswimmers: From fundamentals to potential applications. In Current Opinion in Electrochemistry (Vol. 32, p. 100887).
Ketkaew, M., Assavapanumat, S., Klinyod, S., Kuhn, A., Wattanakit, C. (). Bifunctional Pt/Au Janus electrocatalysts for simultaneous oxidation/reduction of furfural with bipolar electrochemistry. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 58, Issue 27, p. 4312-4315).
Butcha, S., Lapeyre, V., Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Self-assembled monolayer protection of chiral-imprinted mesoporous platinum electrodes for highly enantioselective synthesis. In Chemical Science (Vol. 13, Issue 8, p. 2339-2346).
Le, T.D., Lasseux, D., Zhang, L., Carucci, C., Gounel, S., Bichon, S., Lorenzutti, F., Kuhn, A., Šafarik, T., Mano, N. (). Multiscale modelling of diffusion and enzymatic reaction in porous electrodes in Direct Electron Transfer mode. In Chemical Engineering Science (Vol. 248, p. 117157).
Zhang, C., Zhang, H., Pi, J., Zhang, L., Kuhn, A. (). Bulk Electrocatalytic NADH Cofactor Regeneration with Bipolar Electrochemistry. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 61, Issue 3, p. e202111804).
Salinas, G., Arnaboldi, S., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Recent Advances in Bipolar Electrochemistry with Conducting Polymers. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 9, Issue 1, p. e202101234).
Arnaboldi, S., Salinas, G., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Kuhn, A. (). Bipolar Electrochemical Measurement of Enantiomeric Excess with Inherently Chiral Polymer Actuators. In ACS Measurement Science Au (Vol. 1, Issue 3, p. 110-116).
Salinas, G., Arnaboldi, S., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Benincori, T., Kuhn, A. (). Hybrid light-emitting devices for the straightforward readout of chiral information. In Chirality (Vol. 33, Issue 12, p. 875-882).
Butcha, S., Assavapanumat, S., Ittisanronnachai, S., Lapeyre, V., Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Nanoengineered chiral Pt-Ir alloys for high-performance enantioselective electrosynthesis. In Nature Communications (Vol. 12, Issue 1, p. 1314).
Arnaboldi, S., Salinas, G., Karajić, A., Garrigue, P., Benincori, T., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Bichon, S., Gounel, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Direct dynamic read-out of molecular chirality with autonomous enzyme-driven swimmers. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 13, Issue 12, p. 1241-1247).
Assavapanumat, S., Butcha, S., Ittisanronnachai, S., Kuhn, A., Wattanakit, C. (). Heterogeneous Enantioselective Catalysis with Chiral Encoded Mesoporous Pt−Ir Films Supported on Ni Foam. In Chemistry - An Asian Journal (Vol. 16, Issue 21, p. 3345-3353).
Barad, H.N., Alarcón-Correa, M., Salinas, G., Oren, E., Peter, F., Kuhn, A., Fischer, P. (). Combinatorial growth of multinary nanostructured thin functional films. In Materials Today (Vol. 50, p. 89-99).
Nicolini, T., Marquez, A.V., Goudeau, B., Kuhn, A., Salinas, G. (). In Situ Spectroelectrochemical-Conductance Measurements as an Efficient Tool for the Evaluation of Charge Trapping in Conducting Polymers. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 12, Issue 42, p. 10422-10428).
Salinas, G., Tieriekhov, K., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Lorentz Force-Driven Autonomous Janus Swimmers. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 143, Issue 32, p. 12708-12714).
Pavel, I.A., Salinas, G., Mierzwa, M., Arnaboldi, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Cooperative Chemotaxis of Magnesium Microswimmers for Corrosion Spotting. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 22, Issue 13, p. 1321-1325).
Melvin, A.A., Gupta, B., Tieriekhov, K., Nogala, W., Garrigue, P., Reculusa, S., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless Dual Stimuli Actuation of Dye Sensitized Conducting Polymer Hybrids. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 31, Issue 22, p. 2101171).
Trocchio, L.D., Carucci, C., Sindhu, K.R., Morel, C., Lachaud, J.L., Bichon, S., Gounel, S., Mano, N., Boiziau, C., Dejous, C., Kuhn, A., Hemour, S. (). Wireless in Vivo Biofuel Cell Monitoring. In IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (Vol. 5, Issue 1, p. 25-34).
Gupta, B., Zhang, L., Melvin, A.A., Goudeau, B., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Designing tubular conducting polymer actuators for wireless electropumping. In Chemical Science (Vol. 12, Issue 6, p. 2071-2077).
Huang, C.H., Jardel, D., Lautrette, G., Pianet, I., Kuhn, A., Bassani, D.M. (). Supramolecular Ladder Assemblies as a Model for Probing Electronic Interactions between Multiple Stacked π-Conjugated Systems. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 22, Issue 2, p. 178-183).
Bouffier, L., Zigah, D., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Bipolar (Bio)electroanalysis. In Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 14, p. 65-86).
Arnaboldi, S., Gupta, B., Benincori, T., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Kuhn, A. (). Large Scale Chirality Transduction with Functional Molecular Materials. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 32, Issue 24, p. 10663-10669).
Salinas, G., Pavel, I.A., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Electrochemistry-Based Light-Emitting Mobile Systems. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 7, Issue 24, p. 4853-4862).
Niamlaem, M., Boonyuen, C., Sangthong, W., Limtrakul, J., Zigah, D., Kuhn, A., Warakulwit, C. (). Highly defective carbon nanotubes for sensitive, low-cost and environmentally friendly electrochemical H2O2 sensors: Insight into carbon supports. In Carbon (Vol. 170, p. 154-164).
Melvin, A.A., Lebraud, E., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Light and electric field induced unusual large-scale charge separation in hybrid semiconductor objects. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 22, Issue 39, p. 22180-22184).
Voci, S., Ismail, A., Pham, P., Yu, J., Maziz, A., Mesnilgrente, F., Reynaud, L., Livache, T., Mailley, P., Buhot, A., Leichle, T., Kuhn, A., Leroy, L., Bouchet-Spinelli, A., Sojic, N. (). Wireless enhanced electrochemiluminescence at a bipolar microelectrode in a solid-state micropore. In Journal of the Electrochemical Society (Vol. 167, Issue 13, p. 137509).
Kuhn, A. (). To be, or not to be…Electrochemist?. In Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Vol. 24, Issue 9, p. 2113-2114).
Suttipat, D., Butcha, S., Assavapanumat, S., Maihom, T., Gupta, B., Perro, A., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A., Wattanakit, C. (). Chiral Macroporous MOF Surfaces for Electroassisted Enantioselective Adsorption and Separation. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 12, Issue 32, p. 36548-36557).
Baux, A., Couégnat, G., Vignoles, G.L., Lasseux, D., Kuhn, A., Carucci, C., Mano, N., Le, T.D. (). Digitization and image-based structure-properties relationship evaluation of a porous gold micro-electrode. In Materials and Design (Vol. 193, p. 108812).
Arnaboldi, S., Gupta, B., Benincori, T., Bonetti, G., Cirilli, R., Kuhn, A. (). Absolute Chiral Recognition with Hybrid Wireless Electrochemical Actuators. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 92, Issue 14, p. 10042-10047).
Salinas, G., Villarroel Marquez, A., Idir, M., Shinde, S., Frontana-Uribe, B.A., Raoux, M., Lang, J., Cloutet, E., Kuhn, A. (). Sodium-Ion Selectivity Study of a Crown-Ether-Functionalized PEDOT Analog. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 7, Issue 13, p. 2826-2830).
Salinas, G., Dauphin, A.L., Voci, S., Bouffier, L., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Asymmetry controlled dynamic behavior of autonomous chemiluminescent Janus microswimmers. In Chemical Science (Vol. 11, Issue 28, p. 7438-7443).
Villarroel Marquez, A., Salinas, G., Abarkan, M., Idir, M., Brochon, C., Hadziioannou, G., Raoux, M., Kuhn, A., Lang, J., Cloutet, E. (). Design of Potassium-Selective Mixed Ion/Electron Conducting Polymers. In Macromolecular Rapid Communications (Vol. 41, Issue 12, p. 2000134).
Karajić, A., Merzeau, P., Suraniti, E., Gounel, S., Jaillet, C., Kuhn, A., Mano, N. (). Enzymatic Glucose-Oxygen Biofuel Cells for Highly Efficient Interfacial Corrosion Protection. In ACS Applied Energy Materials (Vol. 3, Issue 5, p. 4441-4448).
Niamlaem, M., Phuakkong, O., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A., Warakulwit, C., Zigah, D. (). Asymmetric Modification of Carbon Nanotube Arrays with Thermoresponsive Hydrogel for Controlled Delivery. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 12, Issue 20, p. 23378-23387).
Salinas, G., Dauphin, A.L., Colin, C., Villani, E., Arbault, S., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Chemo- and Magnetotaxis of Self-Propelled Light-Emitting Chemo-electronic Swimmers. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 59, Issue 19, p. 7508-7513).
María-Hormigos, R., Escarpa, A., Goudeau, B., Ravaine, V., Perro, A., Kuhn, A. (). Oscillatory Light-Emitting Biopolymer Based Janus Microswimmers. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 7, Issue 10, p. 1902094).
Dauphin, A.L., Arbault, S., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N., Bouffier, L. (). Remote Actuation of a Light-Emitting Device Based on Magnetic Stirring and Wireless Electrochemistry. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 21, Issue 7, p. 600-604).
Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Encoding Chiral Molecular Information in Metal Structures. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 26, Issue 14, p. 2993-3003).
Kalecki, J., Cieplak, M., Dabrowski, M., Lisowski, W., Kuhn, A., Sharma, P.S. (). Hexagonally Packed Macroporous Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Chemosensing of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Protein. In ACS Sensors (Vol. 5, Issue 1, p. 118-126).
Kuhn, A. (). Physical Chemistry, a Discipline in Its Golden Age. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 21, Issue 1, p. 7-8).
Assavapanumat, S., Ketkaew, M., Garrigue, P., Lapeyre, V., Reculusa, S., Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Hierarchical Multiporous Nickel for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Media. In ChemCatChem (Vol. 11, Issue 24, p. 5834).
Le, T.D., Zhang, L., Kuhn, A., Mano, N., Vignoles, G., Lasseux, D. (). Upscaled model for diffusion and serial reduction pathways in porous ​electrodes. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 855, p. 113325).
Assavapanumat, S., Ketkaew, M., Kuhn, A., Wattanakit, C. (). Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Applications of Chiral Imprinted Mesoporous Ni Surfaces. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 141, Issue 47, p. 18870-18876).
Zhang, L., Carucci, C., Reculusa, S., Goudeau, B., Lefrançois, P., Gounel, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Rational Design of Enzyme-Modified Electrodes for Optimized Bioelectrocatalytic Activity. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 6, Issue 19, p. 4980-4984).
Dauphin, A.L., Akchach, A., Voci, S., Kuhn, A., Xu, G., Bouffier, L., Sojic, N. (). Tracking Magnetic Rotating Objects by Bipolar Electrochemiluminescence. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 10, Issue 18, p. 5318-5324).
Bouffier, L., Manojlovic, D., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Advances in bipolar electrochemiluminescence for the detection of biorelevant molecular targets. In Current Opinion in Electrochemistry (Vol. 16, p. 28-34).
Ismail, A., Voci, S., Pham, P., Leroy, L., Maziz, A., Descamps, L., Kuhn, A., Mailley, P., Livache, T., Buhot, A., Leichle, T., Bouchet-Spinelli, A., Sojic, N. (). Enhanced Bipolar Electrochemistry at Solid-State Micropores: Demonstration by Wireless Electrochemiluminescence Imaging. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 91, Issue 14, p. 8900-8907).
Gupta, B., Afonso, M.C., Zhang, L., Ayela, C., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless Coupling of Conducting Polymer Actuators with Light Emission. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 20, Issue 7, p. 941-945).
Assavapanumat, S., Yutthalekha, T., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Lapeyre, V., Perro, A., Sojic, N., Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Potential-Induced Fine-Tuning of the Enantioaffinity of Chiral Metal Phases. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 58, Issue 11, p. 3471-3475).
Malytska, I., Doneux, T., Bougouma, M., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Wireless Addressing of Freestanding MoSe 2 Macro- and Microparticles by Bipolar Electrochemistry. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 123, Issue 9, p. 5647-5652).
Dabrowski, M., Zimińska, A., Kalecki, J., Cieplak, M., Lisowski, W., Maksym, R., Shao, S., D'Souza, F., Kuhn, A., Sharma, P.S. (). Facile Fabrication of Surface-Imprinted Macroporous Films for Chemosensing of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone. In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Vol. 11, Issue 9, p. 9265-9276).
Le, T.D., Zhang, L., Reculusa, S., Vignoles, G., Mano, N., Kuhn, A., Lasseux, D. (). Optimal Thickness of a Porous Micro-Electrode Operating a Single Redox Reaction. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 6, Issue 1, p. 173-180).
Assavapanumat, S., Gupta, B., Salinas, G., Goudeau, B., Wattanakit, C., Kuhn, A. (). Chiral platinum-polypyrrole hybrid films as efficient enantioselective actuators. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 55, Issue 73, p. 10956-10959).
Bouffier, L., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Biochemical sensing based on bipolar electrochemistry. In Bioelectrochemistry: Design and Applications of Biomaterials (p. 101-120).
Suraniti, E., Merzeau, P., Roche, J., Gounel, S., Mark, A.G., Fischer, P., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Uphill production of dihydrogen by enzymatic oxidation of glucose without an external energy source. In Nature Communications (Vol. 9, Issue 1, p. 3229).
Zhang, L., Gupta, B., Goudeau, B., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless Electromechanical Readout of Chemical Information. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 140, Issue 45, p. 15501-15506).
Salinas, G., Frontana-Uribe, B.A., Reculusa, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Highly Ordered Macroporous Poly-3,4- ortho-xylendioxythiophene Electrodes as a Sensitive Analytical Tool for Heavy Metal Quantification. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 90, Issue 20, p. 11770-11774).
Kos, D., Astier, H.P.A.G., Martino, G.D., Mertens, J., Ohadi, H., De Fazio, D., Yoon, D., Zhao, Z., Kuhn, A., Ferrari, A.C., Ford, C.J.B., Baumberg, J.J. (). Electrically Controlled Nano and Micro Actuation in Memristive Switching Devices with On-Chip Gas Encapsulation. In Small (Vol. 14, Issue 34, p. 1801599).
Di Trocchio, L., Lachaud, J.L., Dejous, C., Kuhn, A., Hemour, S. (). High-q implantable resonator for wireless power delivery. In IMBioc 2018 - 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (p. 46-48).
Di Trocchio, L., Lachaud, J.L., Chassande, O., Dejous, C., Kuhn, A., Hemour, S. (). Wireless Power Transfer Link for RFID Telemetry System Applied to Laboratory Rodent Monitoring. In 2018 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, WPTC 2018 (p. 8639431).
Gupta, B., Goudeau, B., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Bipolar Conducting Polymer Crawlers Based on Triple Symmetry Breaking. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 28, Issue 25, p. 1705825).
Bouffier, L., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Current hot-spots and some more exotic topics. In Current Opinion in Electrochemistry (Vol. 7, p. A1-A4).
Wattanakit, C., Yutthalekha, T., Asssavapanumat, S., Lapeyre, V., Kuhn, A. (). Pulsed electroconversion for highly selective enantiomer synthesis. In Nature Communications (Vol. 8, Issue 1, p. 2087).
Fattah, Z.A., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Indirect bipolar electrodeposition of polymers for the controlled design of zinc microswimmers. In Applied Materials Today (Vol. 9, p. 259-265).
Gupta, B., Goudeau, B., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless Electrochemical Actuation of Conducting Polymers. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 56, Issue 45, p. 14183-14186).
Bouffier, L., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Capillary-assisted bipolar electrochemistry: A focused mini review. In Electrophoresis (Vol. 38, Issue 21, p. 2687-2694).
Bouffier, L., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Modulation of Wetting Gradients by Tuning the Interplay between Surface Structuration and Anisotropic Molecular Layers with Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 18, Issue 19, p. 2557).
Bouffier, L., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Modulation of Wetting Gradients by Tuning the Interplay between Surface Structuration and Anisotropic Molecular Layers with Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 18, Issue 19, p. 2637-2642).
Eßmann, V., Voci, S., Loget, G., Sojic, N., Schuhmann, W., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless light-emitting electrochemical rotors. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 8, Issue 19, p. 4930-4934).
Tiewcharoen, S., Warakulwit, C., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Fourier, L., Elissalde, C., Buffière, S., Legros, P., Gayot, M., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Anisotropic Metal Deposition on TiO2 Particles by Electric-Field-Induced Charge Separation. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 56, Issue 38, p. 11431-11435).
Dabrowski, M., Cieplak, M., Sharma, P.S., Borowicz, P., Noworyta, K., Lisowski, W., D'Souza, F., Kuhn, A., Kutner, W. (). Hierarchical templating in deposition of semi-covalently imprinted inverse opal polythiophene film for femtomolar determination of human serum albumin. In Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Vol. 94, p. 155-161).
Di Martino, G., Turek, V.A., Lombardi, A., Szabó, I., De Nijs, B., Kuhn, A., Rosta, E., Baumberg, J.J. (). Tracking Nanoelectrochemistry Using Individual Plasmonic Nanocavities. In Nano Letters (Vol. 17, Issue 8, p. 4840-4845).
Malytska, I., Mézière, C., Kielar, M., Hirsch, L., Wantz, G., Avarvari, N., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Bipolar Electrochemistry with Organic Single Crystals for Wireless Synthesis of Metal-Organic Janus Objects and Asymmetric Photovoltage Generation. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 121, Issue 23, p. 12921-12927).
Mark, A.G., Suraniti, E., Roche, J., Richter, H., Kuhn, A., Mano, N., Fischer, P. (). On-chip enzymatic microbiofuel cell-powered integrated circuits. In Lab on a Chip (Vol. 17, Issue 10, p. 1761-1768).
Li, H., Bouffier, L., Arbault, S., Kuhn, A., Hogan, C.F., Sojic, N. (). Spatially-resolved multicolor bipolar electrochemiluminescence. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 77, p. 10-13).
Jain, D., Karajic, A., Murawska, M., Goudeau, B., Bichon, S., Gounel, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A., Barthélémy, P. (). Low-Molecular-Weight Hydrogels as New Supramolecular Materials for Bioelectrochemical Interfaces. In ACS applied materials & interfaces (Vol. 9, Issue 1, p. 1093-1098).
Kuhn, A., Heim, M. (). Highly ordered macroporous electrodes. In Springer Handbooks (p. 143-206).
Le, T.D., Lasseux, D., Nguyen, X.P., Vignoles, G., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Multi-scale modeling of diffusion and electrochemical reactions in porous micro-electrodes. In Chemical Engineering Science (Vol. 173, p. 153-167).
Di Martino, G., Turek, V.A., Tserkezis, C., Lombardi, A., Kuhn, A., Baumberg, J.J. (). Plasmonic response and SERS modulation in electrochemical applied potentials. In Faraday Discussions (Vol. 205, p. 537-545).
Dabrowski, M., Cieplak, M., Noworyta, K., Heim, M., Adamkiewicz, W., Kuhn, A., Sharma, P.S., Kutner, W. (). Surface enhancement of a molecularly imprinted polymer film using sacrificial silica beads for increasing l-arabitol chemosensor sensitivity and detectability. In Journal of Materials Chemistry B (Vol. 5, Issue 31, p. 6292-6299).
Bouffier, L., Zigah, D., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Recent advances in bipolar electrochemistry. In Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances, Volume 27 (p. 27-117).
Phuakkong, O., Sentic, M., Li, H., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A., Ravaine, V., Zigah, D. (). Wireless Synthesis and Activation of Electrochemiluminescent Thermoresponsive Janus Objects Using Bipolar Electrochemistry. In Langmuir (Vol. 32, Issue 49, p. 12995-13002).
Karajić, A., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Miniaturized Electrochemical Device from Assembled Cylindrical Macroporous Gold Electrodes. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 3, Issue 12, p. 2031-2035).
Peters, K., Lokupitiya, H.N., Sarauli, D., Labs, M., Pribil, M., Rathouský, J., Kuhn, A., Leister, D., Stefik, M., Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D. (). Porous Transparent Conductors: Nanostructured Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Layers with Tunable Pore Architectures as Versatile Transparent Current Collectors for Biophotovoltaics (Adv. Funct. Mater. 37/2016). In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 26, Issue 37, p. 6673).
Peters, K., Lokupitiya, H.N., Sarauli, D., Labs, M., Pribil, M., Rathouský, J., Kuhn, A., Leister, D., Stefik, M., Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D. (). Nanostructured Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Layers with Tunable Pore Architectures as Versatile Transparent Current Collectors for Biophotovoltaics. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 26, Issue 37, p. 6682-6692).
Bouffier, L., Arbault, S., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Generation of electrochemiluminescence at bipolar electrodes: concepts and applications. In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 408, Issue 25, p. 7003-7011).
Yutthalekha, T., Wattanakit, C., Lapeyre, V., Nokbin, S., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Asymmetric synthesis using chiral-encoded metal. In Nature Communications (Vol. 7, p. 12678).
Li, H., Garrigue, P., Bouffier, L., Arbault, S., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Double remote electrochemical addressing and optical readout of electrochemiluminescence at the tip of an optical fiber. In Analyst (Vol. 141, Issue 14, p. 4299-4304).
De Poulpiquet, A., Diez-Buitrago, B., Dumont Milutinovic, M., Sentic, M., Arbault, S., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Dual Enzymatic Detection by Bulk Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 88, Issue 12, p. 6585-6592).
Dabrowski, M., Sharma, P.S., Iskierko, Z., Noworyta, K., Cieplak, M., Lisowski, W., Oborska, S., Kuhn, A., Kutner, W. (). Early diagnosis of fungal infections using piezomicrogravimetric and electric chemosensors based on polymers molecularly imprinted with D-arabitol. In Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Vol. 79, p. 627-635).
Kuhn, A., Crooks, R.M., Inagi, S. (). A Compelling Case for Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 3, Issue 3, p. 351-352).
dePoulpiquet, A., Diez-Buitrago, B., Milutinovic, M., Goudeau, B., Bouffier, L., Arbault, S., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Dual-Color Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence from Dispersions of Conductive Microbeads Addressed by Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 3, Issue 3, p. 404-409).
Kumsapaya, C., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A., Zigah, D., Warakulwit, C. (). Bipolar Electrografting on the Inner Wall of Carbon Nanotubes. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 3, Issue 3, p. 410-414).
Zuccaro, L., Kuhn, A., Konuma, M., Yu, H.K., Kern, K., Balasubramanian, K. (). Selective Functionalization of Graphene Peripheries by using Bipolar Electrochemistry. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 3, Issue 3, p. 372-377).
Tisserant, G., Gillion, J., Lannelongue, J., Fattah, Z., Garrigue, P., Roche, J., Zigah, D., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Single-Step Screening of the Potential Dependence of Metal Layer Morphologies along Bipolar Electrodes. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 3, Issue 3, p. 387-391).
Bouffier, L., Ravaine, V., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Electric fields for generating unconventional motion of small objects. In Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 21, p. 57-64).
Warakulwit, C., Yadnum, S., Boonyuen, C., Wattanakit, C., Karajic, A., Garrigue, P., Mano, N., Bradshaw, D., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Elaboration of metal organic framework hybrid materials with hierarchical porosity by electrochemical deposition-dissolution. In CrystEngComm (Vol. 18, Issue 27, p. 5095-5100).
Sojic, N., Arbault, S., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Applications of electrogenerated chemiluminescence in analytical chemistry. In Luminescence in Electrochemistry: Applications in Analytical Chemistry, Physics and Biology (p. 257-291).
Koefoed, L., Shimizu, K., Pedersen, S.U., Daasbjerg, K., Kuhn, A., Zigah, D. (). One-step preparation of bifunctionalized surfaces by bipolar electrografting. In RSC Advances (Vol. 6, Issue 5, p. 3882-3887).
Tisserant, G., Fattah, Z., Ayela, C., Roche, J., Plano, B., Zigah, D., Goudeau, B., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Generation of metal composition gradients by means of bipolar electrodeposition. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 179, p. 276-281).
Yutthalekha, T., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Enantioselective Recognition of DOPA by Mesoporous Platinum Imprinted with Mandelic Acid. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 27, Issue 9, p. 2209-2213).
Pedraza, E., Karajić, A., Raoux, M., Perrier, R., Pirog, A., Lebreton, F., Arbault, S., Gaitan, J., Renaud, S., Kuhn, A., Lang, J. (). Guiding pancreatic beta cells to target electrodes in a whole-cell biosensor for diabetes. In Lab on a Chip (Vol. 15, Issue 19, p. 3880-3890).
Karajic, A., Reculusa, S., Heim, M., Garrigue, P., Ravaine, S., Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Bottom-up Generation of Miniaturized Coaxial Double Electrodes with Tunable Porosity. In Advanced Materials Interfaces (Vol. 2, Issue 12, p. 1500192).
Sentic, M., Arbault, S., Bouffier, L., Manojlovic, D., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). 3D electrogenerated chemiluminescence: from surface-confined reactions to bulk emission. In Chemical Science (Vol. 6, Issue 8, p. 4433-4437).
Srinivasan, A., Roche, J., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Synthesis of conducting asymmetric hydrogel particles showing autonomous motion. In Soft Matter (Vol. 11, Issue 20, p. 3958-3962).
Eßmann, V., Jambrec, D., Kuhn, A., Schuhmann, W. (). Linking glucose oxidation to luminol-based electrochemiluminescence using bipolar electrochemistry. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 50, p. 77-80).
Ongaro, M., Roche, J., Kuhn, A., Ugo, P. (). Asymmetric Modification of TiO2 Nanofibers with Gold by Electric-Field-Assisted Photochemistry. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 1, Issue 12, p. 2048-2051).
Sopha, H., Roche, J., Švancara, I., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless electrosampling of heavy metals for stripping analysis with bismuth-based janus particles. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 86, Issue 21, p. 10515-10519).
Roche, J., Carrara, S., Sanchez, J., Lannelongue, J., Loget, G., Bouffier, L., Fischer, P., Kuhn, A. (). Wireless powering of e-swimmers. In Scientific Reports (Vol. 4, p. 6705).
Roche, J., Gianessi, E., Kuhn, A. (). Physico-chemical milling for controlled size reduction of metal beads. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 16, Issue 39, p. 21234-21236).
Loget, G., Kuhn, A. (). Electrochemical Motors. In Discovering the Future of Molecular Sciences (Vol. 9783527335442, p. 349-378).
Sentic, M., Arbault, S., Goudeau, B., Manojlovic, D., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L., Sojic, N. (). Electrochemiluminescent swimmers for dynamic enzymatic sensing. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 50, Issue 71, p. 10202-10205).
Roche, J., Loget, G., Zigah, D., Fattah, Z., Goudeau, B., Arbault, S., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Straight-forward synthesis of ringed particles. In Chemical Science (Vol. 5, Issue 5, p. 1961-1966).
Bouffier, L., Doneux, T., Goudeau, B., Kuhn, A. (). Imaging redox activity at bipolar electrodes by indirect fluorescence modulation. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 86, Issue 8, p. 3708-3711).
Yadnum, S., Roche, J., Lebraud, E., Négrier, P., Garrigue, P., Bradshaw, D., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Site-selective synthesis of Janus-type metal-organic framework composites. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 53, Issue 15, p. 4001-4005).
Kong, S., Fontaine, O., Roche, J., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A., Zigah, D. (). Electropolymerization of polypyrrole by bipolar electrochemistry in an ionic liquid. In Langmuir (Vol. 30, Issue 11, p. 2973-2976).
Wattanakit, C., Côme, Y.B.S., Lapeyre, V., Bopp, P.A., Heim, M., Yadnum, S., Nokbin, S., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Enantioselective recognition at mesoporous chiral metal surfaces. In Nature Communications (Vol. 5, p. 3325).
Ongaro, M., Gambirasi, A., Favaro, M., Kuhn, A., Ugo, P. (). Asymmetrical modification of carbon microfibers by bipolar electrochemistry in acetonitrile. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 116, p. 421-428).
Bouffier, L., Zigah, D., Adam, C., Sentic, M., Fattah, Z., Manojlovic, D., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Lighting up redox propulsion with luminol electrogenerated chemiluminescence. In ChemElectroChem (Vol. 1, Issue 1, p. CELC201300042).
Hüsken, N., Taylor, R.W., Zigah, D., Taveau, J.C., Lambert, O., Scherman, O.A., Baumberg, J.J., Kuhn, A. (). Electrokinetic assembly of one-dimensional nanoparticle chains with cucurbit[7]uril controlled subnanometer junctions. In Nano Letters (Vol. 13, Issue 12, p. 6016-6022).
Loget, G., Zigah, D., Bouffier, L., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). Bipolar electrochemistry: from materials science to motion and beyond. In Accounts of Chemical Research (Vol. 46, Issue 11, p. 2513-2523).
Fattah, Z., Roche, J., Garrigue, P., Zigah, D., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Chemiluminescence from asymmetric inorganic surface layers generated by bipolar electrochemistry. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 14, Issue 10, p. 2089-2093).
Mokrushina, A.V., Heim, M., Karyakina, E.E., Kuhn, A., Karyakin, A.A. (). Enhanced hydrogen peroxide sensing based on Prussian Blue modified macroporous microelectrodes. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 29, p. 78-80).
Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Design of a wireless electrochemical valve. In Nanoscale (Vol. 5, Issue 4, p. 1305-1309).
Ayela, C., Lalo, H., Kuhn, A. (). Introducing a well-ordered volume porosity in 3-dimensional gold microcantilevers. In Applied Physics Letters (Vol. 102, Issue 5, p. 053501).
Kumsapaya, C., Bakaï, M.F., Loget, G., Goudeau, B., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A., Zigah, D. (). Wireless electrografting of molecular layers for janus particle synthesis. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 19, Issue 5, p. 1577-1580).
Côme, Y.B.S., Lalo, H., Wang, Z., Kohring, G.W., Hempelmann, R., Etienne, M., Walcarius, A., Kuhn, A. (). Interest of the Sol-Gel Approach for Multiscale Tailoring of Porous Bioelectrode Surfaces. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 25, Issue 3, p. 621-629).
Loget, G., Kuhn, A. (). Bipolar electrochemistry in the nanosciences. In SPR Electrochemistry (Vol. 11, p. 71-103).
Cosnier, S., Kuhn, A. (). Guest Editorial: Bioelectrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry in France. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 25, Issue 3, p. 585).
Fattah, Z., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Lapeyre, V., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Capillary electrophoresis as a production tool for asymmetric microhybrids. In Electrophoresis (Vol. 34, Issue 14, p. 1985-1990).
Heim, M., Wattanakit, C., Reculusa, S., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Ravaine, S., Kuhn, A. (). Hierarchical macro-mesoporous pt deposits on gold microwires for efficient methanol oxidation. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 25, Issue 4, p. 888-894).
Loget, G., Roche, J., Gianessi, E., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Indirect bipolar electrodeposition. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 134, Issue 49, p. 20033-20036).
Sentic, M., Loget, G., Manojlovic, D., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Light-emitting electrochemical "swimmers". In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 51, Issue 45, p. 11284-11288).
Fattah, Z., Garrigue, P., Lapeyre, V., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L. (). Controlled orientation of asymmetric copper deposits on carbon microobjects by bipolar electrochemistry. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 116, Issue 41, p. 22021-22027).
Loget, G., Roche, J., Kuhn, A. (). True bulk synthesis of Janus objects by bipolar electrochemistry. In Advanced Materials (Vol. 24, Issue 37, p. 5111-5116).
Heim, M., Rousseau, L., Reculusa, S., Urbanova, V., Mazzocco, C., Joucla, S., Bouffier, L., Vytras, K., Bartlett, P., Kuhn, A., Yvert, B. (). Combined macro-/mesoporous microelectrode arrays for low-noise extracellular recording of neural networks. In Journal of Neurophysiology (Vol. 108, Issue 6, p. 1793-1803).
Loget, G., Lee, T.C., Taylor, R.W., Mahajan, S., Nicoletti, O., Jones, S.T., Coulston, R.J., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Midgley, P.A., Scherman, O.A., Baumberg, J.J., Kuhn, A. (). Direct visualization of symmetry breaking during janus nanoparticle formation. In Small (Vol. 8, Issue 17, p. 2698-2703).
Loget, G., Kuhn, A. (). Bulk synthesis of Janus objects and asymmetric patchy particles. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 22, Issue 31, p. 15457-15474).
Loget, G., Kuhn, A. (). Bipolar electrochemistry for cargo-lifting in fluid channels. In Lab on a Chip (Vol. 12, Issue 11, p. 1967-1971).
Heim, M., Yvert, B., Kuhn, A. (). Nanostructuration strategies to enhance microelectrode array (MEA) performance for neuronal recording and stimulation. In Journal of Physiology Paris (Vol. 106, Issue 3-4, p. 137-145).
Heim, M., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, S., Kuhn, A. (). Engineering of complex macroporous materials through controlled electrodeposition in colloidal superstructures. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 22, Issue 3, p. 538-545).
Lalo, H., Bon-Saint-Côme, Y., Plano, B., Etienne, M., Walcarius, A., Kuhn, A. (). Site selective generation of sol-gel deposits in layered bimetallic macroporous electrode architectures. In Langmuir (Vol. 28, Issue 5, p. 2323-2326).
Loget, G., Kuhn, A. (). Electric field-induced chemical locomotion of conducting objects. In Nature Communications (Vol. 2, Issue 1, p. 535).
Fattah, Z., Loget, G., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Bouffier, L., Kuhn, A. (). Straightforward single-step generation of microswimmers by bipolar electrochemistry. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 56, Issue 28, p. 10562-10566).
Wang, Z., Etienne, M., Kohring, G.W., Bon-Saint-Côme, Y., Kuhn, A., Walcarius, A. (). Electrochemically assisted deposition of sol-gel bio-composite with co-immobilized dehydrogenase and diaphorase. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 56, Issue 25, p. 9032-9040).
Bon Saint Côme, Y., Lalo, H., Wang, Z., Etienne, M., Gajdzik, J., Kohring, G.W., Walcarius, A., Hempelmann, R., Kuhn, A. (). Multiscale-tailored bioelectrode surfaces for optimized catalytic conversion efficiency. In Langmuir (Vol. 27, Issue 20, p. 12737-12744).
Urbanová, V., Li, Y., Vytřas, K., Yvert, B., Kuhn, A. (). Macroporous microelectrode arrays for measurements with reduced noise. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 656, Issue 1-2, p. 91-95).
Loget, G., Kuhn, A. (). Shaping and exploring the micro- and nanoworld using bipolar electrochemistry. In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 400, Issue 6, p. 1691-1704).
Loget, G., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Delville, M.H., Kuhn, A. (). Versatile procedure for synthesis of janus-type carbon tubes. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 23, Issue 10, p. 2595-2599).
Reculusa, S., Heim, M., Gao, F., Mano, N., Ravaine, S., Kuhn, A. (). Design of catalytically active cylindrical and macroporous gold microelectrodes. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 21, Issue 4, p. 691-698).
Qu, F., Nasraoui, R., Etienne, M., Côme, Y.B.S., Kuhn, A., Lenz, J., Gajdzik, J., Hempelmann, R., Walcarius, A. (). Electrogeneration of ultra-thin silica films for the functionalization of macroporous electrodes. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 13, Issue 2, p. 138-142).
Lenz, J., Trieu, V., Hempelmann, R., Kuhn, A. (). Ordered macroporous ruthenium oxide electrodes for potentiometric and amperometric sensing applications. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 23, Issue 5, p. 1186-1192).
Loget, G., Larcade, G., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Warakulwit, C., Limtrakul, J., Delville, M.H., Ravaine, V., Kuhn, A. (). Single point electrodeposition of nickel for the dissymmetric decoration of carbon tubes. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 55, Issue 27, p. 8116-8120).
Loget, G., Kuhn, A. (). Propulsion of microobjects by dynamic bipolar self-regeneration. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 132, Issue 45, p. 15918-15919).
Viry, L., Mercader, C., Miaudet, P., Zakri, C., Derré, A., Kuhn, A., Maugey, M., Poulin, P. (). Nanotube fibers for electromechanical and shape memory actuators. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 20, Issue 17, p. 3487-3495).
Urbanová, V., Bartoŝ, M., Vytřas, K., Kuhn, A. (). Porous bismuth film electrodes for signal increase in anodic stripping voltammetry. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 22, Issue 13, p. 1524-1530).
Lenz, J., Trieu, V., Kuhn, A., Hempelmann, R. (). Macroporous ruthenium oxide electrodes for electrochemical applications. In ECS Transactions (Vol. 33, Issue 32, p. 19-25).
Urbanová, V., Vytřas, K., Kuhn, A. (). Macroporous antimony film electrodes for stripping analysis of trace heavy metals. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 12, Issue 1, p. 114-117).
Viry, L., Derré, A., Poulin, P., Kuhn, A. (). Discrimination of dopamine and ascorbic acid using carbon nanotube fiber microelectrodes. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 12, Issue 34, p. 9993-9995).
Zamuner, M., Talaga, D., Deiss, F., Guieu, V., Kuhn, A., Ugo, P., Sojic, N. (). Fabrication of a macroporous microwell array for surface-enhanced raman scattering. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 19, Issue 19, p. 3129-3135).
Kuhn, A., Fischer, P. (). Absolute asymmetric Reduction Based. on the relative orientation of achiral reactants. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 48, Issue 37, p. 6857-6860).
Szamocki, R., Massé, P., Ravaine, S., Ravaine, V., Hempelmann, R., Kuhn, A. (). Multicomponent macroporous materials with a controlled architecture. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 19, Issue 3, p. 409-414).
Li, Z., Lapeyre, V., Ravaine, V., Ravaine, S., Kuhn, A. (). Single-crystalline gold nanoplates from a commercial gold plating solution. In Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 2045-2050).
Warakulwit, C., Majimel, J., Delville, M.H., Garrigue, P., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Controlled purification, solubilisation and cutting of carbon nanotubes using phosphomolybdic acid. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 18, Issue 34, p. 4056-4061).
Walcarius, A., Kuhn, A. (). Ordered porous thin films in electrochemical analysis. In TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 27, Issue 7, p. 593-603).
Warakulwit, C., Nguyen, T., Majimel, J., Delville, M.H., Lapeyre, V., Garrigue, P., Ravaine, V., Limtrakul, J., Kuhn, A. (). Dissymmetric carbon nanotubes by bipolar electrochemistry. In Nano Letters (Vol. 8, Issue 2, p. 500-504).
Viry, L., Derré, A., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Poulin, P., Kuhn, A. (). Carbon nanotube fiber microelectrodes: Design, characterization, and optimization. In Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Vol. 7, Issue 10, p. 3373-3377).
Viry, L., Derré, A., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Poulin, P., Kuhn, A. (). Optimized carbon nanotube fiber microelectrodes as potential analytical tools. In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 389, Issue 2, p. 499-505).
Szamocki, R., Velichko, A., Mücklich, F., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, S., Neugebauer, S., Schuhmann, W., Hempelmann, R., Kuhn, A. (). Improved enzyme immobilization for enhanced bioelectrocatalytic activity of porous electrodes. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 9, Issue 8, p. 2121-2127).
Li, Z., Ravaine, V., Ravaine, S., Garrigue, P., Kuhn, A. (). Raspberry-like gold microspheres: Preparation and electrochemical characterization. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 17, Issue 4, p. 618-622).
Szamocki, R., Velichko, A., Holzapfel, C., Mücklich, F., Ravaine, S., Garrigue, P., Sojic, N., Hempelmann, R., Kuhn, A. (). Macroporous ultramicroelectrodes for improved electroanalytical measurements. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 79, Issue 2, p. 533-539).
Kuhn, A. (). The 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC 2006. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 19, Issue 2-3, p. 117-119).
Rohlfing, D.F., Kuhn, A. (). Scanning tunneling microscopy of electrode surfaces using carbon composite tips. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 19, Issue 2-3, p. 121-128).
De Leo, M., Kuhn, A., Ugo, P. (). 3D-ensembles of gold nanowires: Preparation, characterization and electroanalytical peculiarities. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 19, Issue 2-3, p. 227-236).
Rohlfing, D.F., Kuhn, A. (). Preparation and characterization of polyoxometalate-modified carbon nanosheets. In Carbon (Vol. 44, Issue 10, p. 1942-1948).
Skunik, M., Baranowska, B., Fattakhova, D., Miecznikowski, K., Chojak, M., Kuhn, A., Kulesza, P.J. (). Electrochemical charging and electrocatalysis at hybrid films of polymer-interconnected polyoxometallate-stabilized carbon submicroparticles. In Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Vol. 10, Issue 3, p. 168-175).
Huang, C.H., McClenaghan, N.D., Kuhn, A., Bravic, G., Bassani, D.M. (). Hierarchical self-assembly of all-organic photovoltaic devices. In Tetrahedron (Vol. 62, Issue 9, p. 2050-2059).
Kulesza, P.J., Skunik, M., Baranowska, B., Miecznikowski, K., Chojak, M., Karnicka, K., Frackowiak, E., Béguin, F., Kuhn, A., Delville, M.H., Starobrzynska, B., Ernst, A. (). Fabrication of network films of conducting polymer-linked polyoxometallate-stabilized carbon nanostructures. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 51, Issue 11, p. 2373-2379).
Szamocki, R., Reculusa, S., Ravaine, S., Bartlett, P.N., Kuhn, A., Hempelmann, R. (). Tailored mesostructuring and biofunctionalization of gold for increased electroactivity. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 45, Issue 8, p. 1317-1321).
Huang, C.H., McClenaghan, N.D., Kuhn, A., Hofstraat, J.W., Bassani, D.M. (). Enhanced photovoltaic response in hydrogen-bonded all-organic devices. In Organic Letters (Vol. 7, Issue 16, p. 3409-3412).
Ben-Ali, S., Cook, D.A., Bartlett, P.N., Kuhn, A. (). Bioelectrocatalysis with modified highly ordered macroporous electrodes. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 579, Issue 2, p. 181-187).
Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Molecular lego for the assembly of biosensing layers. In Talanta (Vol. 66, Issue 1, p. 21-27).
Garrigue, P., Delville, M.H., Labrugère, C., Cloutet, E., Kulesza, P.J., Morand, J.P., Kuhn, A. (). Top-down approach for the preparation of colloidal carbon nanoparticles. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 16, Issue 16, p. 2984-2986).
Munteanu, F.D., Mano, N., Kuhn, A., Gorton, L. (). NADH electrooxidation using carbon paste electrodes modified with nitro-fluorenone derivatives immobilized on zirconium phosphate. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 564, Issue 1-2, p. 167-178).
Bruce, D., Kuhn, A., Sojic, N. (). Electrochemical Removal of Metal Cations from Wastewater Monitored by Differential Pulse Polarography. In Journal of Chemical Education (Vol. 81, Issue 2, p. 255-258).
Ben-Ali, S., Cook, D.A., Evans, S.A.G., Thienpont, A., Bartlett, P.N., Kuhn, A. (). Electrocatalysis with monolayer modified highly organized macroporous electrodes. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 5, Issue 9, p. 747-751).
Mano, N., Kuhn, A., Menu, S., Dufourc, E.J. (). Ca2+ enhanced catalytic nadh oxidation: A coupled 31p-nmr and electrochemistry study. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 5, Issue 10, p. 2082-2088).
Siné, G., Hui, C.C., Kuhn, A., Kulesza, P.J., Miecznikowski, K., Chojak, M., Paderewska, A., Lewera, A. (). Spatial control of polyaniline electrodeposition by patterned polyoxometalate monolayers. In Journal of the Electrochemical Society (Vol. 150, Issue 5).
Toh, C.S., Bartlett, P.N., Mano, N., Aussenac, F., Kuhn, A., Dufourc, E.J. (). The effect of calcium ions on the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH by poly(aniline)-poly(vinylsulfonate) and poly(aniline)-poly(styrenesulfonate) modified electrodes. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 5, Issue 3, p. 588-593).
Bernard, J., Schappacher, M., Ammannati, E., Kuhn, A., Deffieux, A. (). Comb and dendrigraft polystyrenes with ferrocenyl units at the periphery: Synthesis and electrochemical properties. In Macromolecules (Vol. 35, Issue 24, p. 8994-9000).
Kulesza, P.J., Chojak, M., Miecznikowski, K., Lewera, A., Malik, M.A., Kuhn, A. (). Polyoxometallates as inorganic templates for monolayers and multilayers of ultrathin polyaniline. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 4, Issue 6, p. 510-515).
Munteanu, F.D., Mano, N., Kuhn, A., Gorton, L. (). Mediator-modified electrodes for catalytic NADH oxidation: High rate constants at interesting overpotentials. In Bioelectrochemistry (Vol. 56, Issue 1-2, p. 67-72).
Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Affinity assembled multilayers for new dehydrogenase biosensors. In Bioelectrochemistry (Vol. 56, Issue 1-2, p. 123-126).
Martel, D., Sojic, N., Kuhn, A. (). A simple student experiment for teaching surface electrochemistry: Adsorption of polyoxometalate on graphite electrodes. In Journal of Chemical Education (Vol. 79, Issue 3, p. 349-382).
Kuhn, A. (). Research à la mode Française: Facts and fiction. In Nachrichten aus der Chemie (Vol. 50, Issue 5, p. 597-600).
Kuhn, A., Martel, D. (). Localized electrodeposition by patterned redox-active monolayers. In ChemPhysChem (Vol. 2, Issue 11, p. 688-691).<688::AID-CPHC688>3.0.CO;2-4
Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Electrodes modified with nitrofluorenone derivatives as a basis for new biosensors. In Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Vol. 16, Issue 9-12, p. 653-660).
Martel, D., Kuhn, A., Kulesza, P.J., Galkowski, M.T., Malik, M.A. (). The effect of modification of carbon electrodes with hybrid inorganic/organic monolayers on morphology and electrocatalytic activity of platinum deposits. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 46, Issue 26-27, p. 4197-4204).
Mano, N., Thienpont, A., Kuhn, A. (). Adsorption and catalytic activity of trinitro-fluorenone derivatives towards NADH oxidation on different electrode materials. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 3, Issue 10, p. 585-589).
Mano, N., Peyrou, P., Kuhn, A. (). Effect of Ca2+ on the amperometric determination of dehydrogenase substrates with nitro-fluorenone modified electrodes. In Electroanalysis (Vol. 13, Issue 8-9, p. 770-774).<770::AID-ELAN770>3.0.CO;2-J
Martel, D., Kuhn, A. (). Electrocatalytic reduction of H2O2 at P2Mo18O626- modified glassy carbon. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 45, Issue 11, p. 1829-1836).
Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Immobilized nitro-fluorenone derivatives as electrocatalysts for NADH oxidation. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 477, Issue 1, p. 79-88).
Mano, N., Kuhn, A. (). Ca2+ enhanced electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH by immobilized nitro-fluorenones. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 1, Issue 10, p. 497-501).
Kuhn, A., Mano, N., Vidal, C. (). Polyoxometalate modified electrodes: From a monolayer to multilayer structures. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 462, Issue 2, p. 187-194).
Argoul, F., Arneodo, A., Elezgaray, J., Kuhn, A. (). Dynamical characterization of electroless deposition in the diffusion-limited regime. In Fractals (Vol. 5, Issue 1, p. 75-86).
Kuhn, A., Anson, F.C. (). Adsorption of monolayers of P2Mo18O626- and deposition of multiple layers of Os(bpy)32+-P2Mo18O626- on electrode surfaces. In Langmuir (Vol. 12, Issue 22, p. 5481-5488).
Kuhn, A., Anson, F.C. (). Effects of chirality during electrochemical oxidation of 2,3 butanediol stereoisomers. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 410, Issue 2, p. 243-246).
Argoul, F., Freysz, E., Kuhn, A., Léger, C., Potin, L. (). Interferometric characterization of growth dynamics during dendritic electrodeposition of zinc. In Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics (Vol. 53, Issue 2, p. 1777-1788).
Huth, J.M., Swinney, H.L., McCormick, W.D., Kuhn, A., Argoul, F. (). Role of convection in thin-layer electrodeposition. In Physical Review E (Vol. 51, Issue 4, p. 3444-3458).
Argoul, F., Kuhn, A. (). The influence of transport and reaction processes on the morphology of a metal electrodeposit in thin gap geometry. In Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (Vol. 213, Issue 1-2, p. 209-231).
Kuhn, A., Argoul, F. (). Diffusion-limited kinetics in thin-gap electroless deposition. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 397, Issue 1-2, p. 93-104).
Kuhn, A., Argoul, F. (). Revisited experimental analysis of morphological changes in thin-layer electrodeposition. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 371, Issue 1-2, p. 93-100).
Kuhn, A., Argoul, F. (). The modern student laboratory: Determination of ionic mobilities by thin-layer electrodeposition. In Journal of Chemical Education (Vol. 71, Issue 11).
Kuhn, A., Argoul, F., Muzy, J.F., Arneodo, A. (). Structural Analysis of Electroless Deposits in the Diffusion-Limited Regime. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 73, Issue 22, p. 2998-3001).
Kuhn, A., Argoul, F. (). Spatiotemporal morphological transitions in thin-layer electrodeposition: The Hecker effect. In Physical Review E (Vol. 49, Issue 5, p. 4298-4305).
Argoul, F., Kuhn, A. (). Experimental demonstration of the origin of interfacial rhythmicity in electrodeposition of zinc dendrites. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 359, Issue 1-2, p. 81-96).
Lapouyade, R., Kuhn, A., Letard, J.F., Rettig, W. (). Multiple relaxation pathways in photoexcited dimethylaminonitro- and dimethylaminocyano-stilbenes. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 208, Issue 1-2, p. 48-58).
Fritz, H.P., Kuhn, A. (). Comparative determination of effective transport numbers in solid lithium electrolytes. In Journal of Power Sources (Vol. 41, Issue 3, p. 253-261).
O'Hare, D., Lewis, R., Kuhn, A., Kurmoo, M. (). Synthesis and characterisation of the charge transfer salt [Fe(η5-C9Me7)2+[TCNE]·-. In Synthetic Metals (Vol. 42, Issue 1-2, p. 1695-1698).