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Groupe de recherche Spectroscopie Moléculaire
Statut Permanent
Batiment A12
Etage 4° Ouest


Huang, Y., Cooney, G.S., Talaga, D., Vallée, R.A.L., Quinzi, R., Bouffier, L., Lecomte, S., Bonhommeau, S. (). Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of Amyloid Fibrils in Water Using Total-Internal-Reflection Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 15, Issue 40, p. 10190-10197).
Poupart, R., Invernizzi, R., Deleuze, H., Guerlou-Demourgues, L., Olchowka, J., Talaga, D., Servant, L., Penin, N., Bobet, J.L., Backov, R. (). Carbon black structural effect within kraft black liquor-based poly(HIPE): enhanced hydrogen storage and electro-capacitive properties. In Journal of Materials Chemistry A (Vol. 12, Issue 34, p. 22703-22714).
Sobanska, S., Bonhommeau, S., Desmedt, A., Talaga, D. (). Raman Microspectroscopy of Particles. In Microanalysis of Atmospheric Particles: Techniques and Applications (p. 127-149).
Huang, Y., Talaga, D., Salinas, G., Garrigue, P., Cooney, G.S., Reculusa, S., Kuhn, A., Bonhommeau, S., Bouffier, L. (). Contactless manufacturing of TERS-active AFM tips by bipolar electrodeposition. In Nanoscale.
Cooney, G.S., Talaga, D., Ury-Thiery, V., Fichou, Y., Huang, Y., Lecomte, S., Bonhommeau, S. (). Chemical Imaging of RNA-Tau Amyloid Fibrils at the Nanoscale Using Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 62, Issue 50, p. e202314369).
Huang, Y., Talaga, D., Garrigue, P., Salinas, G., Cooney, G.S., Reculusa, S., Kuhn, A., Bouffier, L., Bonhommeau, S. (). Nanostructured gold-coated AFM tips generated by potentiostatic electrodeposition for tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 832, p. 140893).
Pranee, P., Scalabre, A., Labrugere, C., Ryu, N., Yano, A., Hano, N., Talaga, D., Okazaki, Y., Pouget, E., Nlate, S., Bonhommeau, S., Takafuji, M., Wada, T., Ihara, H., Buffeteau, T., Bassani, D.M., Oda, R. (). Sequential chiral induction between organic and inorganic supramolecular helical assemblies for the in situ formation of chiral carbon dots. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 59, Issue 64, p. 9762-9765).
Talaga, D., Cooney, G.S., Ury-Thiery, V., Fichou, Y., Huang, Y., Lecomte, S., Bonhommeau, S. (). Total Internal Reflection Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Tau Fibrils. In Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Vol. 126, Issue 27, p. 5024-5032).
Grégoire, A.C., Sobanska, S., Tornabene, C., Talaga, D., Mamede, A.S., Morin, S., Cantrel, L. (). Influence of SIC control rod material on the iodine release in case of nuclear severe accident – Chemical reactivity with fission products in thermal conditions of RCS. In Annals of Nuclear Energy (Vol. 168, p. 108900).
Wang, Y., Brigante, M., Mailhot, G., Talaga, D., Wu, Y., Dong, W., Sobanska, S. (). Toward a better understanding of ferric-oxalate complex photolysis: The role of the aqueous/air interface of droplet. In Chemosphere (Vol. 289, p. 133127).
Zikic, B., Bremner, A., Talaga, D., Lecomte, S., Bonhommeau, S. (). Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of Aβ(1-42) fibrils. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 768, p. 138400).
Keppetipola, N.M., Dissanayake, M., Dissanayake, P., Karunarathne, B., Dourges, M.A., Talaga, D., Servant, L., Olivier, C., Toupance, T., Uchida, S., Tennakone, K., Kumara, G.R.A., Cojocaru, L. (). Graphite-type activated carbon from coconut shell: a natural source for eco-friendly non-volatile storage devices. In RSC Advances (Vol. 11, Issue 5, p. 2854-2865).
Nguyen, T.T., Pétuya, C., Talaga, D., Desmedt, A. (). Promoting the Insertion of Molecular Hydrogen in Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate With the Help of Acidic Additives. In Frontiers in Chemistry (Vol. 8, p. 550862).
Talaga, D., Bremner, A., Buffeteau, T., Vallée, R.A.L., Lecomte, S., Bonhommeau, S. (). Total Internal Reflection Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Cytochrome c. In Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Vol. 11, Issue 10, p. 3835-3840).
Bombail, T., Garrigue, P., Goudeau, B., Talaga, D., Bouffier, L., Bonhommeau, S., Servant, L., Zigah, D., Arbault, S., Sojic, N. (). Dual microelectrodes decorated with nanotip arrays: Fabrication, characterization and spectroelectrochemical sensing. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 328, p. 135105).
Attoui, M., Pouget, E., Oda, R., Talaga, D., Buffeteau, T., Nlate, S. (). Silica twisted and helical nanoribbons as chiral inducers for peroxophosphotungstate anions. In Inorganica Chimica Acta (Vol. 498, p. 119127).
Plissonneau, M., Madeira, A., Talaga, D., Bonhommeau, S., Servant, L., Vallée, R.A.L., Labrugère, C., Goldthorpe, I.A., Pautrot-D'Alencon, L., Le Mercier, T., Treguer-Delapierre, M. (). Efficient Passivation of Ag Nanowires with 11-Mercaptoundecanoic Acid Probed Using In Situ Total-Internal-Reflection Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy. In ChemNanoMat (Vol. 5, Issue 8, p. 1044-1049).
Talaga, D., Smeralda, W., Lescos, L., Hunel, J., Lepejova-Caudy, N., Cullin, C., Bonhommeau, S., Lecomte, S. (). PIP2 Phospholipid-Induced Aggregation of Tau Filaments Probed by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 57, Issue 48, p. 15738-15742).
Ivaskovic, P., Yamada, A., Elezgaray, J., Talaga, D., Bonhommeau, S., Blanchard-Desce, M., Vallée, R.A.L., Ravaine, S. (). Spectral dependence of plasmon-enhanced fluorescence in a hollow nanotriangle assembled by DNA origami: Towards plasmon assisted energy transfer. In Nanoscale (Vol. 10, Issue 35, p. 16568-16573).
Attoui, M., Pouget, E., Oda, R., Talaga, D., Bourdon, G.L.L., Buffeteau, T., Nlate, S. (). Optically active polyoxometalate-based silica nanohelices: Induced chirality from inorganic nanohelices to achiral POM clusters. In Chemistry - A European Journal (Vol. 24, Issue 44, p. 11344-11353).
Petuya, C., Damay, F., Desplanche, S., Talaga, D., Desmedt, A. (). Selective trapping of CO2 gas and cage occupancy in CO2-N2 and CO2-CO mixed gas hydrates. In Chemical Communications (Vol. 54, Issue 34, p. 4290-4293).
Pereira, A., Bonhommeau, S., Sirotkin, S., Desplanche, S., Kaba, M., Constantinescu, C., Diallo, A.K., Talaga, D., Penuelas, J., Videlot-Ackermann, C., Alloncle, A.P., Delaporte, P., Rodriguez, V. (). Morphological and crystalline characterization of pulsed laser deposited pentacene thin films for organic transistor applications. In Applied Surface Science (Vol. 418, p. 446-451).
Petuya, C., Damay, F., Talaga, D., Desmedt, A. (). Guest Partitioning in Carbon Monoxide Hydrate by Raman Spectroscopy. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 121, Issue 25, p. 13798-13802).
Nikolaou, I., Hallil, H., Conédéra, V., Plano, B., Tamarin, O., Lachaud, J.L., Talaga, D., Bonhommeau, S., Dejous, C., Rebière, D. (). Electro-mechanical properties of inkjet-printed graphene oxide nanosheets. In Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science (Vol. 214, Issue 3, p. 1600492).
Bonhommeau, S., Talaga, D., Hunel, J., Cullin, C., Lecomte, S. (). Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy to Distinguish Toxic Oligomers from Aβ1–42Fibrils at the Nanometer Scale. In Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (Vol. 56, Issue 7, p. 1771-1774).
Okazaki, Y., Buffeteau, T., Siurdyban, E., Talaga, D., Ryu, N., Yagi, R., Pouget, E., Takafuji, M., Ihara, H., Oda, R. (). Direct Observation of Siloxane Chirality on Twisted and Helical Nanometric Amorphous Silica. In Nano Letters (Vol. 16, Issue 10, p. 6411-6415).
Couzi, M., Bruneel, J.L., Talaga, D., Bokobza, L. (). A multi wavelength Raman scattering study of defective graphitic carbon materials: The first order Raman spectra revisited. In Carbon (Vol. 107, p. 388-394).
Siurdyban, E., Brotin, T., Talaga, D., Heuzé, K., Vellutini, L., Buffeteau, T. (). Immobilization of Cryptophane Derivatives onto γ-Fe2O3 Core-Shell Magnetic Nanoparticles. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 120, Issue 12, p. 6583-6590).
Vilar-Vidal, N., Bonhommeau, S., Talaga, D., Ravaine, S. (). One-pot synthesis of gold nanodimers and their use as surface-enhanced Raman scattering tags. In New Journal of Chemistry (Vol. 40, Issue 9, p. 7299-7302).
Talaga, D., Comesaña-Hermo, M., Ravaine, S., Vallée, R.A.L., Bonhommeau, S. (). Colocalized dark-field scattering, atomic force and surface-enhanced Raman scattering microscopic imaging of single gold nanoparticles. In Journal of Optics (United Kingdom) (Vol. 17, Issue 11, p. 114006).
Talaga, D., Bonhommeau, S. (). Bare and protected sputtered-noble-metal films for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 615, p. 89-93).
Cremoux, T., Dussauze, M., Fargin, E., Cardinal, T., Talaga, D., Adamietz, F., Rodriguez, V. (). Trapped molecular and ionic species in poled borosilicate glasses: Toward a rationalized description of thermal poling in glasses. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 118, Issue 7, p. 3716-3723).
Najjar, S., Talaga, D., Schué, L., Coffinier, Y., Szunerits, S., Boukherroub, R., Servant, L., Rodriguez, V., Bonhommeau, S. (). Tip-enhanced raman spectroscopy of combed double-stranded DNA bundles. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 118, Issue 2, p. 1174-1181).
Bonhommeau, S., Deria, P., Glesner, M.G., Talaga, D., Najjar, S., Belin, C., Auneau, L., Trainini, S., Therien, M.J., Rodriguez, V. (). Raman spectroscopic investigation of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes helically wrapped by Ionic, semiconducting polymers. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 117, Issue 28, p. 14840-14849).
Fournier, J., Grua, P., Néauport, J., Fargin, E., Jubera, V., Talaga, D., Del Guerzo, A., Raffy, G., Jouannigot, S. (). Temperature dependence of luminescence for different surface flaws in high purity silica glass. In Optical Materials Express (Vol. 3, Issue 1, p. 1-10).
Bonhommeau, S., Lacroix, P.G., Talaga, D., Bousseksou, A., Seredyuk, M., Fritsky, I.O., Rodriguez, V. (). Magnetism and molecular nonlinear optical second-order response meet in a spin crossover complex. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 116, Issue 20, p. 11251-11255).
Fournier, J., Neauport, J., Grua, P., Fargin, E., Jubera, V., Talaga, D., Jouannigot, S. (). Green luminescence in silica glass: A possible indicator of subsurface fracture. In Applied Physics Letters (Vol. 100, Issue 11, p. 114103).
Delhaye, C., Bruneel, J.L., Talaga, D., Guirardel, M., Lecomte, S., Servant, L. (). Tailoring surface-enhanced Raman scattering effect using microfluidics. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 116, Issue 9, p. 5327-5332).
Fournier, J., Néauport, J., Grua, P., Jubera, V., Fargin, E., Talaga, D., Jouannigot, S. (). Luminescence of different surface flaws in high purity silica glass under UV excitation. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Vol. 8190, p. 819021).
Najjar, S., Talaga, D., Coffinier, Y., Szunerits, S., Boukherroub, R., Servant, L., Couzi, M., Bonhommeau, S. (). Characterization of single transition metal oxide nanorods by combining atomic force microscopy and polarized micro-Raman spectroscopy. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 514, Issue 1-3, p. 128-133).
Mornet, S., Teule-Gay, L., Talaga, D., Ravaine, S., Vallée, R.A.L. (). Optical cavity modes in semicurved Fabry-Ṕrot resonators. In Journal of Applied Physics (Vol. 108, Issue 8, p. 086109).
Fournier, J., Néauport, J., Grua, P., Fargin, E., Jubera, V., Talaga, D., Jouannigot, S. (). Evidence of a green luminescence band related to surface flaws in high purity silica glass. In Optics Express (Vol. 18, Issue 21, p. 21557-21566).
Bourhis, K., Royon, A., Bellec, M., Choi, J., Fargues, A., Treguer, M., Videau, J.J., Talaga, D., Richardson, M., Cardinal, T., Canioni, L. (). Femtosecond laser structuring and optical properties of a silver and zinc phosphate glass. In Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (Vol. 356, Issue 44-49, p. 2658-2665).
Cardinal, T., Bourhis, K., Treguer, M., Videau, J.J., Royon, A., Canioni, L., Talaga, D., Rodriguez, V., Dussauze, M., Caurant, D., Binet, L., Choi, J., Richardson, M. (). Tailoring of the luminescence properties of a silver and zinc phosphate glass at the nanoscale. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Talaga, D., Lagugné-Labarthet, F. (). Raman spectroscopy of single semiconductor nanowires: From confocal microscopy to TERS. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1267, p. 126-127).
Cardinal, T., Bourhis, K., Treguer, M., Vinatier, P., Videau, J.J., Royon, A., Canioni, L., Talaga, D., Rodriguez, V., Dussauze, M., Caurant, D., Binet, L., Choi, J., Richardson, M. (). Development of photosensitive glasses for direct laser writing. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Fournier, J., Néauport, J., Grua, P., Jubera, V., Fargin, E., Talaga, D., Jouannigot, S. (). Luminescence study of defects in silica glasses under near-UV excitation.. In Physics Procedia (Vol. 8, p. 39-43).
Guieu, V., Garrigue, P., Lagugné-Labarthet, F., Servant, L., Sojic, N., Talaga, D. (). Remote surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy imaging via a nanostructured optical fiber bundle. In Optics Express (Vol. 17, Issue 26, p. 24030-24035).
Zamuner, M., Talaga, D., Deiss, F., Guieu, V., Kuhn, A., Ugo, P., Sojic, N. (). Fabrication of a macroporous microwell array for surface-enhanced raman scattering. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 19, Issue 19, p. 3129-3135).
Valérie Guieu, , Talaga, D., Servant, L., Sojic, N., Lagugné-Labarthet, F. (). Multitip-Localized Enhanced Raman Scattering from a Nanostructured Optical Fiber Array. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 113, Issue 3, p. 874-881).
Marquestaut, N., Talaga, D., Servant, L., Yang, P., Pauzauskie, P., Lagugné-Labarthet, F. (). Imaging of single GaN nanowires by tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. In Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (Vol. 40, Issue 10, p. 1441-1445).
Guimbretière, G., Bouchet, A., Rodriguez, V., Couzi, M., Talaga, D., Buffeteau, T., Canioni, L. (). Structural and dynamical insights from vibrational multipolar analyses of isotropic media: Application to molecular liquid CCl4 and silica glass SiO2. In Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 112, Issue 46, p. 17906-17915).
Marquestaut, N., Martin, A., Talaga, D., Servant, L., Ravaine, S., Reculusa, S., Bassani, D.M., Gillies, E., Lagugné-Labarthet, F. (). Raman enhancement of azobenzene monolayers on substrates prepared by Angmuir-Blodgett deposition and electron-beam lithography techniques. In Langmuir (Vol. 24, Issue 19, p. 11313-11321).
Sarrazin, F., Salmon, J.B., Talaga, D., Servant, L. (). Chemical reaction imaging within microfluidic devices using confocal raman spectroscopy: The case of water and deuterium oxide as a model system. In Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 80, Issue 5, p. 1689-1695).
Guillaume, F., Huang, S., Harris, K.D.M., Couzi, M., Talaga, D. (). Optical phonons in millerite (NiS) from single-crystal polarized Raman spectroscopy. In Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (Vol. 39, Issue 10, p. 1419-1422).
Elaboudi, I., Lazare, S., Belin, C., Talaga, D., Labrugère, C. (). Underwater excimer laser ablation of polymers. In Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing (Vol. 92, Issue 4, p. 743-748).
Besnard, M., Caba̧o, M.I., Talaga, D., Danten, Y. (). Raman spectroscopy and ab initio investigations of transient complex formation in CO2-benzene mixtures. In Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 129, Issue 22, p. 224511).
Guieu, V., Lagugné-Labarthet, F., Servant, L., Talaga, D., Sojic, N. (). Ultrasharp optical-fiber nanoprobe array for raman local-enhancement imaging. In Small (Vol. 4, Issue 1, p. 96-99).
Elaboudi, I., Lazare, S., Belin, C., Talaga, D., Labrugère, C. (). From polymer films to organic nanoparticles suspensions by means of excimer laser ablation in water. In Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing (Vol. 93, Issue 4, p. 827-831).
Saint, J., Morcrette, M., Larcher, D., Laffont, L., Beattie, S., Pérès, J.P., Talaga, D., Couzi, M., Tarascon, J.M. (). Towards a fundamental understanding of the improved electrochemical performance of silicon-carbon composites. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 17, Issue 11, p. 1765-1774).
Desmedt, A., Talaga, D., Bruneel, J.L. (). Enhancement of the Raman scattering signal due to a nanolens effect. In Applied Spectroscopy (Vol. 61, Issue 6, p. 621-623).
Grondin, J., Talaga, D., Lassègues, J.C., Johansson, P., Henderson, W.A. (). Spectroscopic and ab initio characterization of the conformational states of the bis(perflouroethanesulfonyl)imide anion (BETI-). In Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (Vol. 38, Issue 1, p. 53-60).
Sourisseau, C., Talaga, D. (). Orientation-independent spectra for biaxial systems in polarized Raman microspectrometry. In Applied Spectroscopy (Vol. 60, Issue 12, p. 1368-1376).
Rodriguez, V., Talaga, D., Adamietz, F., Bruneel, J.L., Couzi, M. (). Hyper-Raman macro- and micro-spectroscopy in materials: Towards high quality signals and good spatial resolution. In Chemical Physics Letters (Vol. 431, Issue 1-3, p. 190-194).
Herstedt, M., Henderson, W.A., Smirnov, M., Ducasse, L., Servant, L., Talaga, D., Lassègues, J.C. (). Conformational isomerism and phase transitions in tetraethylammonium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide Et4NTFSI. In Journal of Molecular Structure (Vol. 783, Issue 1-3, p. 145-156).
Salmon, J.B., Ajdari, A., Tabeling, P., Servant, L., Talaga, D., Joanicot, M. (). Raman confocal imaging of reaction-diffusion processes in microchannels. In Houille Blanche (Issue 4, p. 37-39).
Cristobal, G., Arbouet, L., Sarrazin, F., Talaga, D., Bruneel, J.L., Joanicot, M., Servant, L. (). On-line laser Raman spectroscopic probing of droplets engineered in microfluidic devices. In Lab on a Chip (Vol. 6, Issue 9, p. 1140-1146).
Lassègues, J.C., Grondin, J., Talaga, D. (). Lithium solvation in bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (p. 5629-5632).
Pauzauskie, P.J., Talaga, D., Seo, K., Yang, P., Lagugné-Labarthet, F. (). Polarized Raman confocal microscopy of single gallium nitride nanowires. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 127, Issue 49, p. 17146-17147).
Rivero, C., Stegeman, R., Couzi, M., Talaga, D., Cardinal, T., Richardson, K., Stegeman, G. (). Resolved discrepancies between visible spontaneous Raman cross-section and direct near-infrared Raman gain measurements in TeO2-based glasses. In Optics Express (Vol. 13, Issue 12, p. 4759-4769).
Salmon, J.B., Ajdań, A., Tabeling, P., Servant, L., Talaga, D., Joanicot, M. (). In situ Raman imaging of interdiffusion in a microchannel. In Applied Physics Letters (Vol. 86, Issue 9, p. 1-3).
Palmier, S., Tovena, I., Courchinoux, R., Josse, M., Rullier, J.L., Bertussi, B., Natoli, J.Y., Servant, L., Talaga, D. (). Laser damage to optical components induced by surface chromium particles. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Vol. 5647, p. 156-164).
Grondin, J., Lassègues, J.C., Chami, M., Servant, L., Talaga, D., Henderson, W.A. (). Raman study of tetraglyme-LiClO4 solvate structures. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 6, Issue 17, p. 4260-4267).
Grondin, J., Talaga, D., Lassègues, J.C., Henderson, W.A. (). Raman study of crystalline solvates between glymes CH3(OCH2CH2)nOCH3(n = 1, 2 and 3) and LiClO4. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (p. 938-944).