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Groupe de recherche Chimie Moléculaire et Matériaux
Statut Permanent
Poste Enseignant-chercheur
Batiment A12


Buffeteau, G., Hornedo-Ortega, R., Gabaston, J., Daugey, N., Palos-Pinto, A., Thienpont, A., Brotin, T., Mérillon, J.M., Buffeteau, T., Waffo-Teguo, P. (). Chiroptical and potential in vitro anti-inflammatory properties of viniferin stereoisomers from grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). In Food Chemistry (Vol. 393, p. 133359).
Al Bacha, S., Thienpont, A., Zakhour, M., Nakhl, M., Bobet, J.L. (). Clean hydrogen production by the hydrolysis of magnesium-based material: Effect of the hydrolysis solution. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 282, p. 124498).
Pinsolle, A., Roy, P., Buré, C., Thienpont, A., Cansell, M. (). Enzymatic synthesis of phosphatidylserine using bile salt mixed micelles. In Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (Vol. 106, p. 191-197).
Voisin, A., Thienpont, A., Héroguez, V. (). Separation study of organic bases on new polymeric stationary phases under basic conditions. In European Polymer Journal (Vol. 48, Issue 1, p. 228-234).
Perrier-Cornet, R., Héroguez, V., Thienpont, A., Babot, O., Toupance, T. (). Functional crosslinked polymer particles synthesized by precipitation polymerization for liquid chromatography. In Journal of Chromatography A (Vol. 1179, Issue 1, p. 2-8).
Ben-Ali, S., Cook, D.A., Evans, S.A.G., Thienpont, A., Bartlett, P.N., Kuhn, A. (). Electrocatalysis with monolayer modified highly organized macroporous electrodes. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 5, Issue 9, p. 747-751).
Mano, N., Thienpont, A., Kuhn, A. (). Adsorption and catalytic activity of trinitro-fluorenone derivatives towards NADH oxidation on different electrode materials. In Electrochemistry Communications (Vol. 3, Issue 10, p. 585-589).
Bordelanne, O., Delville, M.H., Félix, G., Labrugère, C., Thienpont, A., Vidal, C. (). Synthesis and characterization of new organometallic complexes bonded stationary phases for high-performance liquid chromatography. In Chromatographia (Vol. 52, Issue 1-2, p. 51-57).
Dorthe, A.M., Ramberti, J.L., Thienpont, A. (). Experimental design optimization of chromatographic separation for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils. In Analusis (Vol. 28, Issue 7, p. 587-591).
Thienpont, A., Gal, J., Aeschlimann, C., Félix, G. (). Studies on stereoselective separations of the 'azole' antifungal drugs ketoconazole and itraconazole using HPLC and SFC on silica-based polysaccharides. In Analusis (Vol. 27, Issue 8, p. 713-718).
Chassaing, C., Thienpont, A., Soulard, M.H., Felix, G. (). Regioselectively carbamoylated polysaccharides for the separation of enantiomers in high-performance liquid chromatography. In Journal of Chromatography A (Vol. 786, Issue 1, p. 13-21).
Cachau, C., Thienpont, A., Soulard, M.H., Félix, G. (). Chromatographic properties in nornal-mode HPLC of chiral stationary phases based on substituted β-cyclodextrins. In Chromatographia (Vol. 44, Issue 7-8, p. 411-416).
Chassaing, C., Thienpont, A., Félix, G. (). Regioselective carbamoylated and benzoylated cellulose for the separation of enantiomers in high-performance liquid chromatography. In Journal of Chromatography A (Vol. 738, Issue 2, p. 157-167).
Félix, G., Cachau, C., Thienpont, A., Soulard, M.H. (). Synthesis and chromatographic properties of HPLC chiral stationary phases based upon β-cyclodextrins. In Chromatographia (Vol. 42, Issue 9-10, p. 583-590).
Liu, M., Thienpont, A., Delville, M.H., Félix, G., Netter, C. (). Rapid separations of fullerenes by donor – acceptor liquid and supercritical fluid chromatography. In Journal of High Resolution Chromatography (Vol. 17, Issue 2, p. 104-106).
Thienpont, A., Félix, G. (). Preparation of chemically bonded stationary phases for HPLC by an in situ process. In Chromatographia (Vol. 37, Issue 9-10, p. 505-510).
Pyell, U., Garrigues, P., Félix, G., Rayez, M.T., Thienpont, A., Dentraygues, P. (). Separation of tetrachloro-p-dioxin isomers by high-performance liquid chromatography with electron-acceptor and electron-donor stationary phases. In Journal of Chromatography A (Vol. 634, Issue 2, p. 169-181).
Félix, G., Thienpont, A., Dentraygues, P. (). Synthesis of acceptor bonded phases for donor-acceptor liquid chromatography. In Chromatographia (Vol. 34, Issue 3-4, p. 177-181).
Félix, G., Thienpont, A., Emmelin, M., Faure, A. (). Hydrocarbon group type analysis of petroleum products by high-performance liquid chromatography on organo-metallic donor/acceptor-bonded silica. In Journal of Chromatography A (Vol. 461, Issue C, p. 347-352).
Félix, G., Thienpont, A., Bertrand, C. (). HPLC on pentalfuoroanilinopropyl silica gel. In Chromatographia (Vol. 23, Issue 9, p. 684-685).