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Baehr, J., Koyamparambath, A., Dos Reis, E., Weyand, S., Binnig, C., Schebek, L., Sonnemann, G. (). Predicting product life cycle environmental impacts with machine learning: Uncertainties and implications for future reporting requirements. In Sustainable Production and Consumption (Vol. 52, p. 511-526). CyVi
Istrate, R., Mas-Fons, A., Beylot, A., Northey, S., Vaidya, K., Sonnemann, G., Kleijn, R., Steubing, B. (). Decarbonizing lithium-ion battery primary raw materials supply chain. In Joule (Vol. 8, Issue 11, p. 2992-3016). CyVi
Koyamparambath, A., Loubet, P., Young, S.B., Sonnemann, G. (). Spatially and temporally differentiated characterization factors for supply risk of abiotic resources in life cycle assessment. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Vol. 209, p. 107801). CyVi
Kamali, A.K., Keppetipola, N.M., Yoshihara, Y., Jena, A.K., Uchida, S., Segawa, H., Sonnemann, G., Toupance, T., Cojocaru, L. (). Validating the “greenness” of chemicals via life cycle assessment: the case of anisole as an anti-solvent in perovskite solar cells. In RSC Sustainability (Vol. 2, Issue 10, p. 3036-3046). CyVi
Chitaka, T.Y., Anaïs, D., Mignard, E., Etienne, G., Sonnemann, G., Bobet, J.L. (). Utilizing life cycle assessment to support the environmentally friendly design of hydrogen generation from magnesium alloys: Offering a second life to waste. In International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Vol. 77, p. 265-271). CyVi
Viere, T., Lehmann, J., Miao, Z.C., Harding, K., Strothmann, P., Weyand, S., Wright, L., Chitaka, T.Y., Sonnemann, G. (). Global state of the art of teaching life cycle assessment in higher education. In International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Vol. 29, Issue 7, p. 1290-1302). CyVi
Godinaud, J., Loubet, P., Gombert-Courvoisier, S., Pryet, A., Dupuy, A., Larroque, F. (). Life Cycle Assessment of an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System: Influence of design parameters and comparison with conventional systems. In Geothermics (Vol. 120, p. 102996). CyVi
Hayagan, N., Gaalich, I., Loubet, P., Croguennec, L., Aymonier, C., Philippot, G., Olchowka, J. (). Challenges and Perspectives for Direct Recycling of Electrode Scraps and End-of-Life Lithium-ion Batteries. In Batteries and Supercaps (Vol. 7, Issue 6, p. e202400120). CyVi
Mas-Fons, A., Horta Arduin, R., Loubet, P., Pereira, T., Parvez, A.M., Sonnemann, G. (). Carbon and water footprint of battery-grade lithium from brine and spodumene: A simulation-based LCA. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 452, p. 142108). CyVi
Baehr, J., Zenglein, F., Sonnemann, G., Lederer, M., Schebek, L. (). Back in the Driver’s Seat: How New EU Greenhouse-Gas Reporting Schemes Challenge Corporate Accounting. In Sustainability (Switzerland) (Vol. 16, Issue 9, p. 3693). CyVi
Leroy-Parmentier, N., Wiche, P., Sonnemann, G. (). Life cycle assessment. In Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (p. 60-76). CyVi
Sonnemann, G., Valdivia, S., Neuhaus, E. (). Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: Take-aways and outlook. In Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (p. 409-415). CyVi
Valdivia, S., Sonnemann, G. (). Handbook on life cycle sustainability assessment. In Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (p. 1-460). CyVi
Leroy-Parmentier, N., Valdivia, S., Sonnemann, G. (). Defining the goal and scope for life cycle sustainability assessment. In Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (p. 136-143). CyVi
Cilleruelo Palomero, J., Freboeuf, L., Ciroth, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Integrating circularity into Life Cycle Assessment: Circularity with a life cycle perspective. In Cleaner Environmental Systems (Vol. 12, p. 100175). CyVi
Ceballos-Santos, S., Entrena-Barbero, E., Laso, J., Margallo, M., González-García, S., Moreira, M.T., Almeida, C., Marques, A., Quinteiro, P., Dias, A.C., Villanueva-Rey, P., Loubet, P., Erradhouani, B., Cooney, R., Clifford, E., Baptista de Sousa, D.A., Feijoo, G., Aldaco, R. (). Applying a water-energy-food nexus approach to seafood products from the European Atlantic area. In Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 442, p. 140804). CyVi
Kamali, A.K., Lee, D., Futsch, R., Glogic, E., Rougier, A., Sonnemann, G. (). Steering Innovation toward Sustainable Electrochromic Displays: A Prospective Life Cycle Assessment Study. In ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Vol. 12, Issue 4, p. 1501-1513). CyVi